Dr. Anjali J. Joshi
Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Email id,
Cell No
Extension No
PhD (Machine Design) RTM, Nagpur University
Teaching experience- 20 Years
Research experience- 6 Years
Research Areas
Kinematics of Machines
1.Deep learning model to detect deceptive generative adversarial network generated images using multimedia forensic.
2.Optimizing energy and latency trade-offs in mobile ultra-dense IoT networks within futuristic smart vertical networks
3.Fusion-Based Representation Learning Model for Multimode User-Generated Social Network Content
4.Spatio–temporal attention based real‐time environmental monitoring systems for landslide monitoring and prediction
5. Anjali J. Joshi, Mr. Pulkit Sone , Mr. Suyash Udare Graduate Student, “Force Analysis of 2- Wheeler Swingarm Using Ansys Workbench”, Journal of Automobile Engineering and Applications STM Journals ISSN: 2455-3360 Vol. 6 Issue 01, June-2019
6.Anjali J. Joshi, Mr. Pulkit Sone , Mr. Shreyas Bhadane Graduate Student, “Design & Development of Car Door Hinge and Disassemble System”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 6 Issue 04, April- 2017
7.Anjali J. Joshi, “Formulation and Optimization of Mathematical Model of Fabrication Time of A Stone Crushing Plant-Based on Dimensional Analysis And Multiple Regression Analysis Including Sensitivity Analysis”, International Conference on “Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications” Organized by College of Engineering Pandharpur. Dec 2016
8.Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, “Design and Development of a small capacity stone crusher mechanism”, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume: 3, Issue: 2 February 2013, ISSN - 2249-555X
9.Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, “A Generalized Approach for Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Alternate Mechanism for Stone Crusher Using Relative Velocity Method”,International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Volume 3,Issue 2 March– April 2013 p.p189-194,ISSN-2248-962
10.Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, “Kinematic Synthesis and Analysis of Alternate Mechanism for Stone Crusher Using Relative Velocity Method,” International journal of Scientific Research, Volume 2 ,Issue 3:March 2013,ISSN-2277-8179
11.Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, “Design and development of a Alternate Mechanism for Stone Crusher Using Relative Velocity Method”, International Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 2231 –5950, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2013
12.Anjali J. Joshi, Dr. Jayant P. Modak, “ Formulation of Mathematical Model for Maintenance Cost of a Stone Crushing Plant Based on Dimensional Analysis and Multiple Regression”,International Journal of Mechanical &industrial Engineering, ISSN No. 2231 –6477, Volume-3, Issue-2, 2013
1. AICTE Sponsored ATAL Academy Online FDP on “Emotional Intelligence” from 2020-9-13 to 2020-9-17 at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad.
2.One Day Online Webinar Sponsored by NBA on to Webinar Date : 27th November 2020, Time: 9.00am-2.00PmAwareness Webinar on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation
3.AICTE Sponsored Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Design Thinking" from 2020-10-19 to 2020-10-23 at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology
Awards & Recognitions
1. Ph.D Reviewer of RTM Nagpur University
2. Recognised in Panel member of Interview committee under SPPU for the post of Associate Professor
3. SUCR Cutting Machine -Smart Underground Crop root Cutter Machine – Application Number:201921009961 Filing Date:14/03/2019 Status: Published
4. II Parking System – Intelligent Independent Parking System – Application Number:201921016528 Filing Date:17/05/2019 Status: Published
5. ICM-Cleaning :Intelligent car cleaning- Application Number:202021003508 Filing Date:27/01/2020 Status: Published
6. Solar Energy Based Purification of Sea Water Using Distillation and UV Process-Application Number:10/02/2020 Status:Published
7.AAA Auditor for Ayinkya D.Y.Patil Lohagaon Pune.
Industry Connect
ELCA Quality Systems and Calibrations Pvt.Ltd.,
Technowings Automation India Pvt.Ltd
Funded Projects
Professional Affiliations
ISTE Professional Membership
Responsibilities @MMIT
IQAC Coordinator
Dr. Girish L. Allampallewar
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Mechanical)
Teaching experience-
Academic Experience- 13.5 yrs.
Industry Experience- 6.5 yrs.
Research experience- 0.5 years
Solar Cells, FEA, Automobiles
1. Vijay W. Bhatkar, Girish L. Allampallewar, and Vivek N. Deshmukh , “Thermal and Mechanical Design of Superheater for Process Industries”, Energy Environ. Focus 2023, Vol. 7, No. xx, 1555-130X/2023/7/001/005
2. Prof. Ritesh G.Mahajan, Dr. Girish Allampallewar, Mr. Sudarshan Dhage, Mr.Rohit Patil, Ms.Shivani Shinde , “Development of Electropneumatic Stamping Machine”, Mukt Shabd Journal, Volume XII, Issue IX, SEPTEMBER/2023, Page 191-199, ISSN NO : 2347-3150
3. Mane Sudarshan Rajendra, Shimpi Akshay Rajesh, Adagale Akash Malhari, Belhekar Akshay Baban, Dr. Girish Allampallewar, “Solar Powered Hybrid Vehicle”, International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Sciences (ICETEMS-21), July 2021, ISBN: 979-8-5412-2027-8
4. Sumitra Athare,. Aniket barotkar, Bhushan Bhingare,. Devraj Kale, Dr. G. L. Allampallewar, “Design and Manufacturing of Loop Wheel Bicycle with Damper”, International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Sciences (ICETEMS-21), July 2021, ISBN: 979-8-5412-2027-8
5. Sukte Sandip Prakash, Yadav Ajay Jagannath, Pillay Sushil Govardhan, Kardile Rishabh Madhukar, Dr. Girish Allampallewar, “Design of Automatic Contactless Sanitization Unit”, International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Sciences (ICETEMS-21), July 2021, ISBN: 979-8-5412-2027-8
6. Mr. G. L. Allampallewar, Dr S. B. Thakre, “Experimental investigation of SiO2 coating on the performance of Solar Panel”, Test Journal (Mattingley Publishing Co Inc.), Feb. 2020, Vol. 82, 8389-8394
7. Mr. G. L. Allampallewar, Dr S. B. Thakre, “A Review on ways to improve performance of solar panels”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, June 2016
8. Girish L. Allampallewar, Pushkar Pawar, Pooja Gade , “Cell Phone Operated Stair Climbing SPY Robot”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology , E- ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161
9. G. L. Allampallewar, Martand Pandagale, Saurabh Bhand, Sumesh Pillai, Vikas Shinde, Shubham Baviskar , “Static Analysis of ATV Roll Cage”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161
10. Abhijeet Jagtap, Swati Kulkarni, YashNaik, AbhijeetJadhav and Prof. G. L. Allampallewar, “Design and development of a two stage gear box for an All-Terrain Vehicle” IJMPRE ISSN 2349-3534,Vol VII, Issue VI, June 2018
11. G.L. Allampallewar, Divyal P. Bagul, Abhiraj S. Galande, Amol M. Rathod, Ketan R. Behere, “Improvement in Heat Transfer Rate and Dynamics of Shrouded Fanned Radiator System”, International Conference on Ideas, Impact and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering (ICIIIME 2017), Volume: 5 Issue: 6, ISSN: 2321-8169; 1213 – 1219
12. Girish L. Allampallewar, Vishal S. Shitole, “Comparative Finite Element Analysis Of Gas Turbine Blade For Super Alloy And Composite Material”, International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics ICDMM2015, ICDMM2015-073, February 2015, Page no. 277-282
1. Attended one day workshop on ‘Implementation and Scope of Turbo machinery’ organized by SITS, Lonavala on 22/11/2010
2. Attended Workshop on Syllabus Implementation of CAD/CAM & Automation (BE 2008 Pattern)
3. Attended Workshop on Syllabus Implementation of Engineering Graphics-I (FE 2012 Pattern)
4. Attended Workshop on Syllabus Implementation of Basic Mechanical Engineering (FE 2012 Pattern)
5. 3 Days orientation program on CATIA-V6 organized by 3D-PLM in association with University of Pune during 26-28 Dec 2011
6. Attended two day workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics at MAE, Alandi during 30-31 March 2012
7. Attended Workshop on MasterCAM organized by MIT CoE, Pune during 02-03 Aug 2012
8. Attended Orientation program on MATLAB R-13 organized by MMIT, Pune
9. Attended workshop on Revised Syllabus Implementation of Computer Aided Machine Drawing (SE-2012 Pat.) on 25/06/2013
10. Attended Workshop on ‘Research Methodology ’ organized by MMIT, Pune during 29-30th April 2014
11. Organized and Attended 5 Day workshop on ‘Vehicle and Automobile Dynamics’ in association with Elite Techno Groups during 24th to 28th August 2014
12. Attended one day workshop on Syllabus restructuring for Reliability Engineering (BE-2012 Pat.) 08/04/2015
13. Attended Faculty Development Program organized by SAEINDIA at DIEMS, Aurangabad on 27/06/2015
14. Attended two day workshop on Industrial Projects held on 3-4 may 2017 at MMCOE
15. Organized 3 days workshop on CATIA V6 in association with EDS Technologies 5th to 7 th July 2021
16. Co-convenor for Two Days Quality Improvement Programme in Implementation of National Education Policy 2020, 7th to 8th Feb 2023
1. Awarded as Best Faculty Advisor by ATVC 2023 held at Talegaon during May 2023
2. Achieved Guru Mentor Award in Nirman Gokart Championship-2016
3. Appointed as Member of Advisory Committee for Auto India Racing Chanmpionship-2018
1. Sude Engineering
2. Bellatore Engineers Pvt Ltd
Active member of SESI
· Lifetime Member, International Society for Research and Development (ISRD).
· Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
Dean Administration,
NIRF Nodal Officer,
CAD Lab In charge,
Chief Faculty Advisor (MMIT Automotive Club),
NAAC Cr1 Coordinator,
NBA Departmental Coordinator,
Functional Head (Scholarship and Fees, Permanent Affiliation, Add ON Course),
Departmental File In charge (15,26,47,48)
Dr. Sachin V Mutalikdesai
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Mechanical
Teaching experience: - 14 Yrs.
Research experience- 2 Yrs.
Industrial experience- 2 Yrs.
Investigation of Thermal Performance and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Flat Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon.
1. “Effects of Machining Parameters on Dry Turning Operation of Nickel 200 Alloy”, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, August 2023.
2. “Performance Investigation of Elliptical Thermosyphon with Different Working Fluid and Fill Volume at Vertical Position”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Volume 52 (4) April: 2023.
3. “Experimental Investigation of an Aluminium Thermosyphon at Normal Operating Conditions”, Journal of Thermal Engineering, 6 (5), October, 2020 724-735.
4. “Effect of Mixture of Ethanol-Methanol as a Working Fluid on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Thermosyphon”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol. (5) June 2016.
5. “Performance Investigation of Inclined Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon by Using Binary Mixture”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 3 (9), September 2016.
6. “A Review of Hydroflorocarbons (HFC’S) Refrigerants as an Alternative to R134a Refrigerant”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6 (5) Oct 2016.
7. “Performance Evaluation of Evacuated Glass Tube Solar Collector with Latent Heat Storage Material”, International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, Volume 4 (3) 2016.
8. “Determination of Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient During Quenching of Medium Carbon Steel”, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, Volume 03 (08) August– 2016.
9. “Optimization of Transesterification Process Using Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts for Madhuca Indica Biodiesel Derived from Triglycerides of Madhuca Indica Kernel Oil”, SAE International 2016.
10. “Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Operated On Madhuca Indica Biodiesel Using Multi-Objective Optimization By Applying Taguchi Grey Relational Analysis”, SAE International 2015.
· AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Blended/Hybrid FDP on "Advances in Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration", College of Engineering, Pune, 13th - 24th February 2023.
· FDP on "Materials & Advanced Manufacturing:, Yashoda Technical Campus, Satara, Maharashtra in association with ISTE, New Delhi, 22th - 28th August 2022.
· One Week Short Term Training Program on “Emerging Refrigerants, Trends in Refrigeration Systems Design and Development, College of Engineering”, Pune, 26th- 30th December 2017.
· Patent Lifecycle Management, Trinity College of Engineering and Research, Pune, 13th September 2014.
· NPTEL Certification Course (Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) 92 % Gold Medal (Aug 2018). Listed in top 2 % candidate.
· Qualified GATE Examination – February 2013
Life Time Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 93319)
Examination Coordinator, Mini Project Coordinator
Mr. Eknath Dnyandeo Kurhe
M.E. (Heat Power) PhD*
Academic Experience : 16.0 Years
Industrial Experience : 2.5 Years
Research Experience : 00
Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Solar Energy, Energy Engineering.
1. ‘Thermal Performance Analysis of A Circular Tube Using Vortex Rings at Various Angle and Pitch Ratio’ in International journal for research in applied science and engineering technology (IJRASET). Vol. 2 Issue VIII, August 2014ISSN: 2321-9653.
2. ‘Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Using Inclined Vortex Rings in a Circular Tube With Varying Inclination’
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume 1, Issue 12, August-2014. ISSN
(Online) : 2347 – 4718.
3. ‘Heat Enhancement using TiO2-Nano fluid in Automotive Cooling System’ International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161 ©2016 INPRESSCO.
· Completed 45 hours’ workshop on ADVANCED AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING at Marathwada Mitramandal’s CIII in association with TATA Technologies.
· Attended two days workshop on ‘Industry Sponsored Project’ at MMCOE, Karvenagar, Pune.
· Attended ‘Syllabus Revision of BE Mechanical (2015 Course) on 29 Jan 2018.
· Two days online workshop on "CAE Tools and It's Application for Automotive Development" on 20th & 21st May 2020 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering,Ahmednagar.
· Participated in One day Online Workshop On “ELECTRIC
VEHICLE–CAREER AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY” organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering & Research,Pune on 5/26/2020.
· Attended one week online Faculty Development Program on “OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION: A STEP TOWARDS EXCELLENCE” from 11-15 May 2020 under Margdarshan Scheme of AICTE, New Delhi.
· Participated in National Level Webinar on “Opportunities, Innovation in Renewable Energy and Sustainability” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune on 25th May,2020.
· attended a webinar on Fluid Power Applications and Mechatronics on 5/19/2020 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune-18 in association with Indiasoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Pune.
· Attended Online International Faculty Awareness Program organized by Mechanical Engineering Department, JSPM’s COE, Hadapsar Pune -028, during 11 May to 15 May 2020
Cybernetics India Pvt. Ltd, Unique Tooling Solutions Pvt. Ltd, etc.
§ ISTE Life-time Membership
§ Member, SAE India
§ Lifetime Member, International Society for Research and Development (ISRD).
§ Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG).
Dean, Student Affairs
NAAC Criteria In-charge,
NBA Criteria 5 In-charge,
Functional Head – Anti-ragging Squad Committee, etc.
Department Portfolios: ISHARE, TG Coordinator, COE.
Dayanand Pandurang Yesane
Ph.D (Pursuing), M.E. (Design Engineering)
Academic Experience:13
Industrial Experience: 04
Research Experience: 00
Fatigue and Fracture, Automotive and Composite Materials, FEA
Total No. of National: 02
Total No. of International: 10
1. D.P.Yesane, K. Shinde, 2021: Investigation on Effects of Roll FormingParameters on Quality of Final Roll FormedProduct, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
2. D. P. Yesane, R. Jagdale, A. Kale, 2021: Effects of Roll Diameter on aRoll Forming Product, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology
3. D.P.Yesane, Dr.R.S.Hingole 2021: Numerical Investigation of Residual Stresses in Roll Forming of Metal Sheets, International Conference on Intelligent Mechanical Systems for Industry 4.0, (ICIMSI 2021)
4. D.P.Yesane, Dr.R.S.Hingole 2016: The investigation of effects of roll forming parameters on shape defects of channel section, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN2277-4106, P-ISSN 2347-5161: 244-247
5. Sanket Khuley, Ashish Powar, Hrishikesh Joshi and D.P. Yesane 2016: International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN2277-4106, P-ISSN 2347-5161: 275-280
6. Hrishikesh Joshi, Ashish Powar, Sanket Khuley and D.P.Yesane 2016: Analysis and Topological Optimization of Motorcycle Front Wheel, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN2277-4106, P-ISSN 2347-5161: 265-269
7. Ashish Powar, Hrishikesh Joshi, Sanket Khuley and D.P. Yesane 2016: Analysis and Topological Optimization of Swing-arm, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN2277-4106, P-ISSN 2347-5161: 270-274
8. Daya Yesane, Dr.R.S.Hingole 2015: Computational and experimental studies in roll forming research
9. Daya Yesane, Nilima Patil 2013: Optimization of 6-cylinder Engine Crankshaft subjected to Dynamic Loading, Vol - 1 (ISBN: 978-81-920561-2-8).
10. S.R.Valvi, V.D.Jadhav, D.P.Yesane 2014: Assessment of bioactive compounds from five wild edible fruits, Ficus racemosa, Elaegnus conferta, Grewia tillifolia, Scleichera oleosa and antidesma ghasembilla. 3(1):549-555.
11. Sujata Valvi, V. S. Rathod and D. P. Yesane 2011: Screening of three wild edible fruits for their antioxidant potential. Curr.Science.2 (1): 48-52.
12. Sujata Valvi, D. P. Yesane and V. S. Rathod 2011: Isolation of antioxidant enzymes from wild edible fruits at mature and ripened stage Curr. Science. 2(1):53-55.
1. One-week online Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education: A Step Towards Excellence from 11-15 May 2020 under Margdarshan Scheme of AICTE, New Delhi
2. One Week Online Faculty Development Program on "Innovation in Teaching & Learning organized by Department of Computer Engineering from 27.04.2020 to 02.05.2020.
3. Two Week Online Refreshers Course on Advancement in Mechanical, Production and Civil Engineering and ICT in Teaching Learning Process organized by Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai from 13th -26th May 2020.
4. One Week Faculty Development Program on Funding Opportunities for Engineering Teachers and Technical Paper Writing scheduled from 15th - 19th June 2020 organized by RIT Islampur.
5. Three days online workshop on "Education 4.0 organised by IQAC, Atharva College of Engineering held on 28th - 30th April 2020.
6. Design, Simulation and Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and applications in various Engineering Sectors organized by NAFEMS in association with RIT Islampur from 30th April -4th MAy 2020.
7. Two days online workshop on "CAE Tools and It's Application for Automotive Development on 20th& 21st May 2020 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar.
8. Online Training Program on Material Characterization - Tools and Techniques conducted on 23th April to 25th April 2020 by Entuple Technologies
9. Online Webinar on Problem Based Learning organized by MMIT Pune on 20th May 2020.
10. One Day Faculty Development Workshop on “Intellectual property Rights: Issues, Challenges and New Trends” at Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Commerce on 27th February 2018
11. A Joint Faculty Development Programme at MMCOE, Pune, 10th -13th December 2014
12. Attended National level faculty programme on “Advances in Product Design and Surface Engineering” Organized by Indian Institute of Metals, Pune Chapter on 18th to 22nd November 2013.
13. Completed 2-days short course on “Introduction to Noise and Vibration Control” organized by University of Southampton on 16th, 17th September 2013.
14. Attended Syllabus revision workshop for Design of Machine Elements-1, 2 organized by Pune University on 19th March 2014
15. Attended faculty Orientation Workshop on Syllabus Implementation for Design of Machine Elements-1 organized by Pune University on 7-8th July 2014.
16. Attended workshop on Syllabus Implementation for Mechanical System Design organized by Pune University on 21st December, 2015.
17. Attended 2-days workshop on Intellectual Property Rights organized by MSME Development Institute, Mumbai on 25-26th August 2016.
18. Attended workshop Syllabus Implementation for Design of Machine Elements-1 organized by Pune University on 4th January 2018.
19. Attended 3 days National Teacher’s Congress, organized by MIT on 10-12th January 2018.
Winner of Best paper award in “National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology - 2013” on 29th January 2013 organized by D.Y.Patil college of Engineering & Technology, Kolhapur.
Membership of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), MCCIA
· Lifetime Member, The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Mr. Sudhir S. More
M. Tech. (Manufacturing) IIT Bombay
Teaching experience- 12 years
Industry :- 03 year
Six Sigma, Quality Improvement
· P Kumar, S More, R Singh, SS Joshi ,Experimental characterization of plane and conformal hydrodynamic polishing of machined single crystal sapphire, , Manufacturing Letters 1 (2-4), 70-73
· M Joshi, S More, RK Singh, SS Joshi, R Balasubramaniam, VK Suri , Experimental characterization of hydrodynamic nanopolishing of flat steel plates, Precision engineering 36 (3), 424-434
· Chinmay Dhande, Amol Bhanage, Sudhir More ,Analysis for Optimum Design of Automotive Flywheel, IJTE, Volume 46 l Special Issue l July 2023
· S More, Sachin Amte, Vishal Athawale, Suraj Jayabhaye , Design and Performance Analysis of Solar Still, , International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 205-208
· S More, M Darkunde, K Pawar, S Dake ,Experimental Analysis of Hydrodynamic Polishing Process, Speical issue 6, inpressco, PP141-143, 2016
· Process Optimization on EDM machines to increase Productivity, Quality and Reduced Cost, Bhanage Amol, Sudhir More, International Journal of Engineering Sciences, vol. 2, issue 2, 112-116
· Attendende FDP on “ Google -Android ” Eduskill AICTE FDP, Dec. 2023
· Completed Course on “Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)”, University of Michigan , Couresra, Aug 2021
· Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel ,“Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel”, Rice University, Couresra,, Sept 2021
· Attended FDP on Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality(VR) organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy from 17-08-2020 to 21-08-2020
· Attended FDP on “Design Thinking : AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy from 07-09-2020 to 11-09-2020
· Attended Online Training program on “Effective Educational Content Development” organized by PCCOE, Pune from 02-09-2020 to 08-09-2020
· Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored FDP on “Smart Robots” from 7 to 11 Dec 2019
· Completed 45 HrsShort term course on " Advance Manufacturing" at MCIII, Karve Nagar from Aug to Sept 2019
· Attended FDP on Product Development - Concept to Production from 7th April to 14th April 2019
· Attended STTP on NBA Accreditation from 22-04-2019 to 26-04-2019
· Attended FDP on Entrepreneurship from 17th Sept. 2018 to 25th September 2018 organized by Science and Technology Park,SPPU, Pune
· Two Days Workshop On “Student Centered Teaching – Learning Practices” on 9 and 10 October , 2017 at Sinhgad COE , Lonawala, Pune
Active member of QCFI
Academic Monitoring Coordinator, Department Time Table Coordinator, Grievance Redressal Cell Member
Mr. Naresh B. Dhamane
M.E. Heat Power Engg.
14 Years
Thermal Engg.
1. Prof. Mathew V Karvinkoppa,Prof. Murtuza S Dholkhwala,Prof.Naresh B Dhamane,"Heat transfer enhancement using coiled wire inserts in horizontal concentric tubes", International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research, ISSN 2278 - 6082, July 2012, Pg. 1-19
2. Prof. Naresh B. Dhamane, Prof. Mathew V. Karvinkoppa, Prof. Murtuza S. Dholkhwala, "Heat transfer analysis of helical strip insert with regularly spaced cut sections placed inside a circular pipe", International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, ISSN: 2249-6645, Oct 2012, Pg. 3711-3716
3. N. B. Dhamane, Chaitanya Sanghavi, Sachin Margaje, Kasutubh Pimplay,"Optimization, stress analysis and manufacturing hard-facing machine fixture design", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, ISSN: 2278-0181, Nov 2013, Pg. 3640- 3645
4. N. B. Dhamane, D. B. Nalawade, M. M. Dange "Experimental study of heat transfer for wavy twisted tape insert of various pitches placed in a circular tube", International Journal of Innovative Research and Development,ISSN 2278 – 0211, Feb-2014, Pg. 141- 146
5. N. B. Dhamane, D. B. Nalawade, M. M. Dange, "Performance analysis of wavy twisted tape insert for heat transfer in a circular tube", International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering, ISSN 2347 - 4718, Feb-2014, Pg. 367-371
6. Mr. Paramveer Patil, Prof. Lalit S. Pawar, Prof. N.B. Dhamane,"Analyzing effect of varying pitch of cut corrugated twisted tape insert on augmentation of heat transfer",International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering, ISSN: 2347 - 4718, Mar-2015, Pg. 664-669
7. Prof. Murtuza S Dholkawala, Prof Mathew V.Karvinkoppa, Prof. Naresh .B.Dhamane,"Improved Triple Effect Absorption Refrigeration",International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research, ISSN 2278 - 6082, Sept 2012, Pg. 1-12
8. Naresh Dhamane, Manoj Sonawane,Yogesh Nikam, Vishal Muley, "Performance of Corrugated Copper Inserts in Heat Exchanger", International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277 – 4106,Oct 2016, Pg. 78-81
9. Naresh Dhamane, Sachin B. Labade, Dharam S. Maradiya,"Modification and Testing on Major Loss Apparatus by considering various Effecting Parameters", International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277, Oct-2016, Pg. 100-103
10. Naresh Dhamane, Mayur Jadhav, Rushikesh Jejurkar,"Augmentation of Heat Transfer using Drilled Hole & Cut Twisted Tape Inserts",International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, Oct-2016, Pg. 104-108
1. One day workshop on " FEM& CFD" at M.M.I.T.
2. One day seminar on "Energy Conservation & Auditing" at M.I.T., Kothrud
3.Syllabus Implementation Workshop On BE Mech Examiner Guidelines
4. One day workshop on "Syllabus Revision of subject design of Pumps, Blowers and Compressors" at J.S.P.M., Wagholi
5. Two Days National Level workshop on "Research Methodology" at M.M.I.T.
6. Syllabus Implementation Workshop for the subject Energy Engineering of BE Mech 2015, at Modern C.O.E., Pune
7. STTP on “NBA Accreditation”, at M.M.I.T. through NITTR
8. FDP on Intellectual Property Rights: Issues, Challenges, New Trends & Research Methodology , at M.M.I.T.
9. FDP and Course on IC Engines & Gas Turbines under NPTEL
10. Training of “LibreOffice Suite Calc”, through online mode
11. Workshop on “Introduction To Finite Element Analysis Using FEA Tool”, through online mode, conducted by AnantraoPawar College of Engineering & Research, Pune
12. FDP on “Outcome based education: a step towards Excellence”, organized by Govt. College of Engg., Karad
13. STTP on “Problem Based Learning” through Online mode
14. Seminar on “MOOCS and MOODLE, challenges opportunities in Higher Education”, organized by D.Y. Patil S.O.E., Lohgaon
15. Guest lecture series on “Quality academic research under FDP” organized by MM ShankarraoChavan Law College, Pune
16.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) AcademyOnline FDP on "Postharvest and Processing (Food Technology)" from 2-11-2020 to 6-11-2020 at National Institute of FoodTechnology Entrepreneurship and Management.
17. Webinar on“How to Publish Papers in High Ranking Journals?”19thSeptember 2020
18. Masterclass on “Patent Drafting” 28th November, 2020
19. Webinar on Thermodynamics using Flownex Simulation Software, 24th July, 2020
20. Awareness Webinar on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation, 27th November, 2020
21. A STTP on Advanced Applications in Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning
22. International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg and Mgmt Sciences with paper on "Design and fabrication of Sugarcane Cutting Machine"
23. International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engg and Mgmt Sciences with paper on "Design of 360 degree Air Cooler"
24. Virtual National Level Faculty Development Program on “NBA Accreditation Process”
25. “One Week Online STTP/Refresher Program on Project Based Learning”
26. Entrepreneurship Program 2021
27. FDP on Zero Based Costing in Mechanical Engg
28. TE Mechanical Syllabus Implementation Workshop, Subject- Machining Science and Technology
29. “Syllabus Implementation Workshop cum faculty development program” for the subject of “Energy Audit and Management”
30. Course on Inventory Module by VM Edulife
31. 3 Days Workshop on "Stepping towards Project Based & Problem Based Learning "
32. 2 Days QIP on National Education Policy
Got Elite certificate for completing Course on I.C. Engines and Gas Turbine” through N.P.T.E.L.
1. Rudra Motors, A TATA Service center, Wagholi (Industrial Visit for Applied Thermodynamics subject)
2. Katraj Dairy, Katraj(Industrial Visit for subject Thermodynamics)
3. Ashok Tyres, Kharadi (Internship)
4. Technowings India Automation Pvt Ltd (Placements)
5. Yaan Engg. Solutions (Placements)
6. Sancheti Cold Storages, Sanaswadi (Visit of HVAC)
7. Sai Wheels and Tyres, Charholi (Visit of Skill Development)
8. PDB Engineers (Training)
9. Swami Motors, Lohgaon (Internships)
- Lifetime Member of Member of SESI,
- Lifetime Member of “International Society for Research and Development”
- Member of Institute for Engg Research & Publication
· NACC files: Students’ Association, Department Library, Development program for supporting staff, MOOCS, Mini Projects
· Audit Course coordinator for SE
· PBL Coordinator
· Department Newsletter coordinator
· MESA- Faculty Coordinator
· Dept. Library coordinator
· NAAC-Criteria-6 Incharge
· NBA-Point 10 Incharge
· Functional Head-Purchase Committee
· Functional Head-Stock Verification and Furniture Committee
· Functional Head - Students’ Progression Committee
· Member- Newsletter, Magazine, Brochure committee
· Member- QIP/AICTE/ BCUD grant committee
· Member- PBL committee
· Member- Minority Cell
· Member- MOOCS committee
· Engg Thermodynamics and Applied Thermodynamics lab in- charge
Mr. Dhananjay Manohar Bhoge
M.E. (Design Engineering)
Academic Experience : 12.10 yrs
Industrial Experience : 02 yrs
1. “Comparison of flexural joints used in precision scanning mechanism using FEA tool”, International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering, 2015
2. “Development of ‘XY’ Flexural Mechanism”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2016 “Dynamic Analysis of XY Flexural Mechanism”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2016
1. Two days FDP on ‘Pedagogy driven Accreditation’ at Rajarambapu Insitute of Technology, Pune, 26-28 sept.2019
2. One week online FDP on “Outcome Based Education”, Govt. College of Engineering Karad, 11-15 May 2020
3. Two days online workshop on FEA, Anantrao Pawar College of Enginering,16-17 May 2020
4. Two days online workshop on ‘CAE tool its applications for Automotive Design’ Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, 20-21 May 2020
5. One day ‘FDP on learning Management System’ MMM institute of Management & Training, 16 May 2020
6. One Day University level workshop on "Changing Dimensions of Accreditation A Paradigm Shift", H.V. Desai College, Pune, 6/10/2017
7. Two days FDP on ‘MasterCAM’ MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
8. 3 Days Workshop on "CO-PO Mapping, Justification & Attainment" 14th to 16th December 2023 MMIT Lohgaon
9. Two Days Quality Improvement Programme for Implementation of NEP on Establishment of R & D Cell in Institutions" 7h & 8h February 2023 MMIT Lohgaon
10. Three days Workshop on 'Stepping Towards Problem and Project Based Learning 20h & 22nd February 2023 MMIT Lohgaon
11. FDP on “Recent Advancement in Material, Micro-Manufacturing and Characterization (RAMMC-23)” 13th to 17th March 2023 DR. D. Y. PATIL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, PIMPRI
12. One week Faculty Development Program on, “Zero Based Costing In Mechanical Engineering” 18th to 24th January 2022 MMIT Lohgaon
· Elite Topper: NPTEL Course on ‘Kinematics of Mechanisms and Machines’: 2019
· NA
§ Member Institue of Engineers (I)
§ Lifetime Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
§ Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
· Lifetime Member International Society for Research and Development
· Functional Head: Lab Maintenance & write-off
· Member SDO cell
· NBA criteria 1 Incharge
· Faculty Advisor : IEI Students Chapter
Mr. Rohit P. Polas
M. Tech (Thermal Engineering) College of Engineering, Pune
Academic Experience : 8 years 5 Months
Industrial Experience : 9 months
Research Experience : Nil
Thermal Energy, Fluid Science
1. Rohit Polas, Nikhilesh kamane, Pradyumna Dhamangaonkar, “Concentrating Volumetric Air Receiver Materials: Experimental determination of heat transfer coefficient”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Volume-5, Issue-5, pp 6717-6733, May 2016
2. Nikhilesh kamane, Rohit Polas, Pradyumna Dhamangaonkar, “Heat and flow analysis for air through porous receiver of parabolic dish collector ”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), Volume-4, Issue-4, pp 98-101, April 2016
3. Sumeet Shah, Nikhil Wadgane, ChaitanyaPatil, Mr. R.P.Polas, “Design and Fabrication of Zero Turn Vehicle”, Journal of Gujarat Research Society, Volume 21, Issue-9,pp 286-290, November 2019
· ANSYS FLUENT 15.0: Participated in one week workshop in College of Engineering Pune.
· FMEA (FAILURE MODE EFFECT ANALYSIS) by TATA AUTOCOMP SYSTEMS PVT LTD: Participated in full day workshop to learn the application methodology of the technique in COE, Pune.
· AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TRENDS ARRANGED BY ISHRAE PUNE CHAPTER: Attended the conference for two days as a member of ISHRAE, covering use of energy efficient technologies in air conditioning & refrigeration field.
· STTP TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION BY IIT BOMBAY: Attended one week workshop to learn scientific communication skills at remote center IMCC, pune
· MASERCAM SOFTWARE: Attended two day workshop to learn basics of mastercam software at AISSMS COE
· SYLLABUS IMPLEMENTATION OF REFTIGERATION & AC: Attended One day workshop at MIT, Kothrud, PuneforRefrigeration & AC subject.
· FDP on Pedagogy Driven Accreditation: Attended 3 Days FDP Organized by RIT Polytechnic, Pune
· Two Days National Seminar : Attended MOOCs & Moodle : Opportunities & Challenges National Level Seminar at D Y Patil Lohgaon Pune
· STTP by NIITTR: Attended One Week STTP on NBA Accreditation
· STTP by NIITTR: Attended One Week STTP on Laboratory Manual &Instructions
· FDP on OBE : Attended One week FDP on Outcome Based Education organised by Govt. College of Engineering Karad
· FDP on R Language: Attended One week FDP on R Programming Language organized by AISSMS & IIT B Spoken tutorials
· FDP on Latex:Attended One week FDP on Latex Programming language organized by AISSMS & IIT B Spoken tutorials
· FDP on Openfoam : Attended One week FDP on Openfoam organized by IIT B Spoken tutorials
· FDP on Moodle : Attended One week FDP on Openfoam organized by AVCOE & IIT B Spoken tutorials
· FDP on Innovative Teaching Learning Methods: Attended FDP organised by MVPS’s College of Engg.
· FDP on ADVANCES IN HVAC & R TECHNOLOGY: Attended 5 Day FDP organised by D Y Pimpri, Pune
· 3 DAY workshop on " Stepping Towards Problem and Project Based Learning: Introductory Workshop"
· Received Participation Certificate for Guinness World Record of SPPU for Largest Distribution of Neem Saplings at SPPU
· Received appreciation certificate for NSS Special Camp by Mr. Ashok Deshmane, Founder Snehwan organization
· Received Appreciation from BoS, Mechanical for contributing Syllabus Implementation of Turbo machinery Subject.
· LG India, Pune
· Alpha Dies & Tools Pvt Ltd
· Lashkar Water Pumping station, Pune
· Life Member of Solar Energy Society of India (SESI)
· Lifetime Member, Institute for Engineers & Research Publication (IFERP)
· Member, International Association of Engineers(IAENG)
· Associate Member of IRED
· NSS Programme Officer
· Professional Body Membership Coordinator
· Parent Teacher Meet Coordinator
· Departmental Website Coordinator
· Departmental Library Committee Coordinator
· Guardian Faculty Member
· Fluid Mechanics, Turbo Machines Lab In-charge
· NAAC Criteria 7 Member
· NBA Criteria 7 In-charge
Patil Bhuvaneshwar Dnyandeo
Ph.D (Pursuing), ME (Machine Design)
Academic Experience : 14
Industrial Experience : 10
Machine Design & Vibration
Total No. of International Journal :08
Total No. of International Conference: 02
1) Three Day Online faculty Development Programme on “Fault Detection And Diagnosis Using FFT Analyzer” at ZCOER,Pune,21st June-23rd June 2021.
2) One Day Workshop on TE (2015 Course)-DME Syllabus Implementation Meet, D.Y.Patil College of Engineering, Akurdi, 04 January 2018.
3) One Day Workshop on “Syllabus Revision For The Subject Mechanical system Design”, of BE Mechanical (2015 Course),Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology,Pimpri,Pune , 20/03/2018
4) Short Term Course on “ Advanced Tools for Computational Analysis in Engineering and Technology”, Jawaharlal Darda Institute of Engineering and Technology Yavatmal , 24 Dec.2012 to 04 Jan. 2013
5) Short Term Course on “MATLAB FUND AMENTALS & APPLICATIONS”, Shri SantGadge Baba College of Engineering & Technology, Bhusaval , April 22 to 27,2013
6) One day workshop on “National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning” , J.T.Mahajan College of Engineering, Faizpur,23rd September 2013
7) Two days National Level Workshop on “ Mechanical Vibration”,J.T.Mahajan College of Engineering, Faizpur,15-16,2012
8) Two days workshop on “Aeronautical Technology used in Aircraft”,Sandip Institute of Technology & Research Centre,Nashik.,04 & 05 March 2011
9) “Finite Element Analysis and their Engineering Applications“, STTP, SSGB COE,Bhusawal, October 25-30,2010
10) Regional Seminar on “Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Knowledge Era”, J.T.M.College of Engineering,Faizpur, April 12-13,2010
11) One Day Workshop on “Energy Conservation and Fuel Efficiency for Engineers”,J.T.MahajanVollegeog Engineering,Faizpur,Feb.2010
12) One Day Workshop on “Energy Conservation and Fuel Efficiency for Engineers”, J.T.M.College of Engineering,Faizpur, Feb 10,2009
Life Fellow Member of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering wef.06/10/2017
· MCIII Coordinator
Mr. Sandeep Laxman Adsure
Technical Assistant
Diploma in Mechanical Eng.
Academic Experience : 8.0 Yrs
Industrial Experience : 07 Yrs
NAAC Departmental File 63,64,65 & 66 assist in making files
Mr.Rajesh P Dharmale
MEProduction Engg, BE ProductionrEngg, DME
Teaching experience-26
Industrial Experience :.
Research Experience : 00:
Manufacturing and Automation
Total No. of International Journal : 00
Total No. of International Conference: 00
1.Two Days Training on Advance in Welding process organize “by Govt. Polytechnic Pune, on02 Feb to08 Feb 2008.
2Five days Training on Recent Trends in Electrical System of Automobils,organize by Cusrowwadia institute of techonology Pune from 12 Feb to 16 Feb 2007.
3.Two Week Industrial Training on CNC organize by INDO-GERMAN TOOL ROOM and MSBTE atAurangabad,04 Dec to 16 Dec 2006 and 10 Feb to 23 Feb 2013
4.Development of curriculumof MSBTE year 2011-2012 (Machine Desigen) & 2016-17 (Automobile Component Design).
Pune in association with Bharat Soft Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Pune.
· Steeping Towards Problem and Project Based Learning
Kwality Engineering, Bhosari Pune
· Lifetime Member of Institue of Engineers
Head of Workshop
Scrap committee (Functional Head)
Revenue Generation/Consultancy,
Project Lab-In charge
Dept. Labs Monitoring co-ordinator
35 Years
h-index (Scopus)
RG Score (Research Gate)
Campus Maintenance Supervisor
Mr. Pankaj Shivajirao Thombare
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Academic Experience : 11 Yrs
Industrial Experience : 10 Yrs
Anti Ragging committee member
Mr. Rahul Dnyaneshwar Tapkir
Instructor (Carpentery Shop)
Mechanical Engineering (Workshop)
ITI. NCTVT (Carpenter)
Academic Experience : 7.3
Industrial Experience : 01
Mr. Ganesh Bhimashankar Madure
Instructor (Turning Shop)
ITI, NCTVT (Turner)
Academic Experience : 8
Industrial Experience : 20
Mr. Babasaheb Bhagwan Khavale
Instructor (Welding Shop)
I T I (Welder)
Academic Experience : 6
Industrial Experience : 15
Ph.D. (Civil), M.Tech (Structural Engineering), B.E (Civil Engineering), DCE
Teaching – 22 year
Industry - 1 years
Finite Element Analysis, Column Confinement, Retrofitting and Strengthening of structural members
1. A.P. Khatri, G. A. Hinge. “Innovative Confining Reinforcement for RCC Short Columns.” The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, vol. 112, 2021, pp. 137–48.
2. Bhosale, Saeel K., and A. P. Khatri. “New Approach towards Study and Estimation of Cost Escalation in Construction Industry.” International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, vol. 4, no. 7, 2017, pp. 140–46.
3. Chougule GA, A. P. Khatri. “Econo-Speedy-Strength Behaviour of Ferrocement Panel.” Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, vol. 2, no. 07, 2016.
4. Khatri, A. P. “Effect of Confinement on Reinforce Concrete Short Rectangular Column.” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, vol. 2, no. 2, 2018, pp. 1599–601.
5. Khatri, A. P., and G. A. Hinge. “Comparative Study of Confining Reinforcement Used for the Rectangular Concrete Short Column.” Materials Today: Proceedings, vol. 49, Elsevier, 2022, pp. 1844–51.
6. Khatri A P, Hinge G. A. “Finite Element Analysis of Confined Rectangular Concrete Short Column.” Design Engineering, 2021, pp. 10708–21.
7. Khatri AP, Hinge G. A. “Confining Effect of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Short Column with Various Means of Confining Material.” International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, vol. 5, no. 02, 2021, pp. 1224–27.
8. Khatri AP, Hinge G. A. “Study of Diagonal Ties and Metal Plate as a Confining Reinforcement for RCC Short Columns.” Journal of Structural Engineering and Management, vol. 8, no. 03, STM Journals, 2021, pp. 39–46.
9. Khatri, Atul P., and Harshada A. Bhadane. “Analysis of Factors for Site Selection in Rehabilitation of Slum.” International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Research, vol. 2, no. 07, 2016, pp. 606–11.
10. Khumbhar PP, Khatri A. P. “Barrier’s & Factor’s Affecting Building Information Modelling in India.” Tattva-Sindhu, vol. 9, no. 02, 2022, pp. 24–28.
11. KORE SANDHYA S KHATRI ATUL P, ZENDE ABHIJIT M. “Surface Runoff Evaluation For Agrani River Basin Using Geospatial Techniques.” International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology, Novateur Publication, 2016, pp. 1–6.
12. Kumbhar Pankaj P., Dr. Khatr. Atul P. “Barrier’s and Factor’s Affecting Building Information Modelling In India.” Tattava-Sindhu, vol. 2, no. ISSN: 2349-1426, 2023, pp. 24–28.
13. Kumbhar PP, Khatri A. P. “BIM, Lack of Importance for Construction Projects in India.” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol. 10, no. 05, 2022, pp. 950–54.
14. Paygude, P. P., et al. “Review on Effect of Confinement on Rectangular Column.” International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, vol. 4, no. 03, 2017, pp. 69–71.
15. Shaikh, Alfaj N., et al. “Application of Variance Analysis in Construction Cost Monitoring and Controlling.” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, vol. 5, no. 06, 2016, pp. 256–59.
16. Thakore AE, Khatri A. P. “Experimental Investigation of Quality Problems in Concrete.” Tattva-Sindhu, vol. 9, no. 02, 2022, pp. 1–5.
Vijay Dabhade, A. P. Khatri. “Optimized Solution on Curvature Problem in Flyovers.” International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ) , 2016, vol. 2, no. Issue 2, ISSN 2395-1621, 2016, p. Page-643.
1. Khatri, A. P., & Hinge, G. A. (2019). “Comparative Effect of Confinement On Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Short Column Using Ferrocement Wall”. 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 15-16 February 2019, TSSM’s BSCOER, Narhe, Pune. Proceedings, ISBN-978-93-5349-940-5 pages 386-394.
2. Khatri, A. P., & Hinge, G. A. (2020). “Investigation of Confining Effect of Confinement for Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Short Column”. 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 30-31 January 2020, TSSM’s BSCOER, Narhe, Pune. Proceedings, ISBN-978-93-5396-746-6 pages 581-589.
3. Khatri, A. P., & Hinge, G. A. (2021). “Study of Materials Used for Confining RCC Rectangular Short Columns”. International Conference on Energy and Materials Technologies, 20-21 August 2021, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, (An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai), Rajiv Gandhi Salai (OMR), Kalavakkam - 603 110, Tamil Nadu. ICEMT-2021, Springer, Paper ID-020
4. A. P. Khatri, B.M.Dawari, “ Solution of Indeterminate Structural Mechanics Problems using Integrated Force Method”, Student Symposium on Research in Civil Engineering 5-6 March 2009, IIT Madras, Chennai.
5. A. P. Khatri, S.M.Sheikh “Seismic Base Isolation: An overview” Advances in Civil Engineering, Maharastra Institute of Technology, 28th March 2008, Pune.
6. A. P. Khatri, K.T.Balkum, “Earth Reinforcement” Aavishar, A National Level Technical Colloquium 24TH - 25th February 1999.
NAAC Criteria No.7
Book Publications
1) Engineering Mechanics (Nirali Publications)
2) Design of Steel Structures (Technical Publications)
• Member of ISTE
Mrs. Leena. A. Deshmukh
Civil Engineering
M.E. (T&CP)
Industrial Experience : 00
Environmental Engineering
Total No. of International: 02
Ms.Manisha D.Bhise
Engineering Sciences
ME (structure)
Designing & Analysis of structure 511
Total No. of International: 2
1. ” Study of Parameters Which Affect the Strength of Concrete by External Prestressing” International Journal Of Engineering And Science, Vol.2, Issue 9 (April 2013), Pp 31-36.
2.” Analysis of Push back Bridge” International Journal of Pure and Applied research in Engineering and Technology, 2015; Volume 3, 354-361.
1.Sustainable development in Environment in D.Y.Patil,Charoli,on dated 15 june 2015.
Mr. Vaibhav D. Sawant
Industry: 2 Years
Academic: 2.5 Years
Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering. Surveying.
Total No. of International Journal: 01
Total No. of International Conference: 0
"Parameters Comparison of High Rise RCCStructure with Steel Outrigger and Belt trussby Linear and Nonlinear Analysis" International Journal of EngineeringTrends and Technology (IJETT)– Volume 67 Issue 7July,p 15-24 ISSN:2231-5381
1) Online WGCapD Webinar Series on “SAR Data Processing” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, during 7 May to 28 May, 2021
2) Workshop on “Geospatial Technology for Archaeological Studies” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), ISRO, during 17-05-2021 to 21-05-2021
3) FDP on " Recent Concretria for the Structures" organised jointly by Ultratech Cement Limited & Rizvi College of Engineering Dated 04/05/2021 to 08/05/2021
4) Workshop on " "IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION OF THIRD YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING 2019 PATTERN SYLLABUS" organised by Anantrav Pawar College of Engineering Pune " during 7th Sept to 9th Sept 2021.
5) National Webinar on " Qualitative Research Methods & Publications Ethics” organised by Sushant University conducted on 29th April 2021
6) Webinar on topic " Transformation of business operation using industry 4.0 " organised by IFERP on 31st oct 2020
7) Webinar on " Recent Development on in Nano Structured Metals & Alloys Organised by IFERP on 25th oct 2020
8) Webinar on " National Educational Policy" organised by IFERP on 13th oct 2020
TPO Co-Ordinator
Class Teacher (TE Civil)
Time-Table Co-ordinator
Surveying Lab In-charge
Department Files: 57, 71, 27, 16,44, 64, 28, 20, 08
Ms. Punam Bhimrao Kokate
+91 9112173637
M.E (Construction Management)
Academic Experience :3.5
Industrial Experience : 3 years
Project Planning, Project Management
Patent:Development of RCC Short Column with Metal Plate as a Confining Reinforcement (Application No: 202421007233) Published on 01/03/2024
Total No. of International Journal: 03
Total No. of International Conference: 1
● Attended The International Conference on GEO-Disaster and Construction Engineering June 07-08, 2024, Waterloo, Ontario,Canada (Online Session : Plenary and Keynote Lecture)
● Participated in One Day National Level Faculty Development Program Green Audit and Green Energy Audit in HEI's on 4 September 2023
● Two Days Workshop on "Hydrological Extremes: Implications of Climate Change"organized by PPCOE Pune held on 18-19 December 2023
● Participation in Three Days Workshop on “Research Writing – Manuscript, Copyright, Patent & Books”
● attended 3 days workshop on,“CO-PO Mapping, Justification & Attainment”from 14th to 16th December 2023, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, MMIT Lohgaon,
● Participated in National Level Project Presentation (Ajeenkya Tech-Fest 2016) at Dr.D. Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology Lohagaon,Pune
● Participated in the National Level Workshop on Design of Tall Building organized by Civil Simplified at Dr.D. Y. Patil School of Engineering Lohagaon,Pune
● Participated in a Two Days Workshop on Employable Skill Enhancement at D.Y. Patil SOE Lohagaon,Pune
● Life Membership of IFERP-PROF-72053246
● Strong Tech, Pune
● Mitcon
● Civil Engineering IIT
● Jagadguru Developer, Pune
● NA
● Co-Coordinator of Criteria-04
● Departmental Technical Event Coordinator
● Departmental Member of Professional Body Membership
● Member of Institutional Facility Audit
● CESA Coordinator
● Teacher Guardian BE Civil
● Lab-incharge Concrete Technology and Transportation Engineering
Miss.Prajkta Dhananjay Shinde
M.E. (Environmental Engineering)
Academic Experience : 1 Year
Waste water & Solid waste treatment
1)Natural onsite low cost domestic wastewater treatment for reuse IJIRSET 15 Aug 2019 CertificateNo.:V8I8C104
2) Microbiological analysis of water for onsite treatment: A Review IJSRR 3 July 2019 IJSRR/83/82174
3) Study of onsite low cost natural wastewater treatment PGCON 18 June 2019
4 )Microbiological study of waste water for onsite treatment NCTR 12 Feb 2019
Successfully completed project of Bachelor ofEngineering of Civil Engineering “Feasibility study of partial replacement of course aggregate by waste tyer rubber chips”(Sponsored by J.Kumar Infrastructures Ltd)
News letter Coordinator for Civil Department
Lab in charge for Environmental Engineering Lab
NAAC Departmental File:25,26,30,38,39,47,58,59,60,66,67,73
PhD in Civil Engineering, ME (Structures), BE (Civil)
Teaching – 3.5 year
Research – 4.5 years
Upcycling of waste in cementitious mixes; Rheology, and microstructure of mortar, and concrete; Self-healing composites; Geopolymer composites; Sustainability assessment of construction materials
1. A. Singh, S. S. Bhadauria, A. A. Thakare, A. Kumar, M. Mudgal, S. Chaudhary, “Durability assessment of mechanochemically activated geopolymer concrete with a low molarity alkali solution”, Case Studies in Construction Materials (2024) (SCIE; IF: 6.200; Q1)
2. A. Singh#, A. A. Thakare#, and S. Chaudhary, “Investigating the Fresh State Behavior of Self-Compacting Mortar Containing Industrial and Construction Waste”, Case Studies in Construction Materials (2023), #Equal contributions (SCIE; IF: 6.200; Q1)
3. A. A. Thakare, A. Singh, T. Gupta, and S. Chaudhary, “Effect of particle size of waste rubber fibre as fine aggregate in self-compacting concrete”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) (SCIE; IF: 5.190; Q1)
4. A. A. Thakare, S. Siddique, A. Singh, T. Gupta, and S. Chaudhary, “Effect of rubber fibre size fraction on static and impact behaviour of self-compacting concrete”, Advances in Concrete Construction (2022) (SCIE; IF: 2.518; Q2)
5. A. A. Thakare, T. Gupta, R. Deewan, and S. Chaudhary, “Micro and macro-structural properties of waste tyre rubber fibre-reinforced bacterial self-healing mortar”, Construction and Building Materials (2022) (SCIE; IF: 7.693; Q1)
(Received the Best Research Paper Award for AY 2022-2023 at IIT Indore)
6. A. A. Thakare, A. Singh, V. Gupta, S. Siddique, and S. Chaudhary, “Sustainable development of self-compacting cementitious mixes using waste originated fibers: A review”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2021) (SCIE; IF: 13.716; Q1)
7. A. A. Thakare, S. Siddique, S. N. Sarode, R. Deewan, V. Gupta, S. Gupta, S. Chaudhary, “A study on rheological properties of rubber fiber dosed self-compacting mortar”, Construction and Building Materials (2020) (SCIE; IF: 7.693; Q1)
8. S. Siddique, T. Gupta, A. A. Thakare, V. Gupta, S. Chaudhary, “Acid resistance of fine bone China ceramic aggregate concrete”, European Journal of Environmental & Civil Engineering (2019) (SCIE; IF: 2.817; Q2)
1. A. A. Thakare, K. V. Kothavade, P. D. Dhake, P. D. Jadhao, “Comparative experimental study on flexural behaviour of composite slab and RCC slab”, In: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (2016), pp. 291-295.
1. A faculty development program on “Accreditation Awareness” organized from October 16, 2023 to October 20, 2023 by JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune
2. A workshop on Implementation of National Educational Policy-2020 - Accreditation between February 03, 2023 and February 04, 2023 at Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering & Research Centre, Nashik.
3. A workshop on HIGH RISE BUILDING - Building Series (Part I) on December 22, 2022, organized by Nashik’s professional bodies, i.e., CREDAI, IIA, and ACCE(I).
1. Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers (India) - AM17 1075-6
2. Life member of Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India) - ACCE (I) - LM 7798L
1. Received the Best Research Paper Award for AY 2022-2023 at IIT Indore
Publication: A. A. Thakare, T. Gupta, R. Deewan, and S. Chaudhary, “Micro and macro-structural properties of waste tyre rubber fibre-reinforced bacterial self-healing mortar”, Construction and Building Materials (2022) (SCIE; IF: 7.693; Q1)
• Coordinator for Research and Development
• Coordinator for Students’ Chapter of Professional Bodies
• Coordinator for Infrastructural Project Consultancy
+91 8668776828
ME in Geotechnical Engineering, BE (Civil)
Teaching – 8 year
Research – 1 years
Black cotton soil, Stabilization of weak soil, Construction and demolition waste as stabilization material
1. P. Khamkar, M. Dongre, A. Vasudev, S. Landge, G.C. Sherkar,”Review On ‘Analysis Of The Liquefaction Potential Using In-Situ And Laboratory Tests’ (2024) (IRJETS; IF: 7.868)
2. S. Makode, P. Mokle, S. Patil, Y. Badhiye, G.C. Sherkar, “Research on Effects of construction and demolition waste on strength parameter of black cotton soil (2023) (JETIR; IF: 7.95)
Paper Access:
3. S. Makode, P. Mokle, S. Patil, Y. Badhiye, G.C. Sherkar, “Review on effects of construction and demolition waste on strength parameters of black cotton soil (2022), #Equal contributions (JETIR; IF: 7.95)
4. Gayatri C. Sherkar, S. Joshi, Dr. A. Saner, “Stabilize black cotton using waste materials (2021) (IRJET; IF: 7.529)
Paper Access:
1. Gayatri Sherkar, Sarika Thombre, “Replacement of natural sand with foundry sand and iron waste in concrete”, In: Global conference CONFAB360⁰ (2023).
2. Gayatri Sherkar, Vishal Kamble, Sanket Vighe, “Physico-chemical parameters for water-A Review (2021)
1. A 2-day workshop on “Hydrological Extremes: Implications of Climate Change from 18 to 19 December 2023 PCCOE, Nigdi, Pune.
2. A 2 day training programme on Hydraulic and mathematical modelling of spillway and other hydraulic structures 19-20 July 2023 by Central water and power research station, Pune.
1. Received the faculty of the month Award for AY 2023-2024 at Ajeenkya DY Patil School of engineering Lohgaon Pune.
2. Honoured by IGS Pune chapter, as faculty coordinator for opening student chapter of IGS and arranging events for students.
• Coordinator for Student Training coordinator
+91 8888089153
M.Tech (Structures), BE (Civil)
Teaching – 3 year
Industry – 1 Year
1.Kishor Narwade, Prof. J. P. Patankar, “EFFECT OF TUNED MASS DAMPER AND MULTIPLE TUNED MASS DAMPER ON THE VIBRATION OF CHIMNEY SUBJECTED TO SEISMIC LOAD”, In: International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019 Vol. 4, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 266-276
1. National Level Online Training Program (FDP) on BIM Conducted by Council of Architecture
2. Certification Course on Analysis and Design of Building using STAAD Pro.
3. Training Course of 5 days on Bridge Engineering using MIDAS CIVIL.
4. Training Course of 4 weeks on AutoCAD Training
• Coordinator for Civil Work and Maintenance of MMIT Campus.
Dr. Shubhangi Arun Kakade
PhD in (Civil Engineering), ME Structures.
Academic Experience : 9 years
· Up cycling of sugar industry waste in concrete, Design of Reinforced concrete structure & validation on ANSYS.
· Patent Published on “Experimental Study of Sea Sand as a Fine Aggregate and a Partial Replacement of Steel Slag as Coarse Aggregate In Concrete.
· Patent Filing on (ApplicationNo:764582345254)“Improved Process For Preparing Reinforced Cement Concrete By Using Sugarcane Distillery Vinnasse as an Admixture”.
· A Three days Faculty Development Program on “Engineering Mechanics” at Pimpari Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pune | January 2019
· A Seven-day workshop on “Universal Human Values” at Lavasa organised by AICTE | July 2018
· TEQIP Sponsored 1-day Workshop on “Hydraulic Modelling of Water and Wastewater Distribution Network” | April 2016
· Member of PCERF YOUCONS.
· Member of IAENG.
Pune Construction Engg and Research Foundation
Strudcom Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Strong Tech Engineering Services And Research (I) Pvt. Ltd
“Experimental Study of Strength and Setting Time of Concrete by using Vinnasse and Simulation of Flexural Strength By Using ANSYS” Sponsored by VSI Government of Maharashtra.
Departmental Website Coordinator
Virtual Lab
Subject Teacher: Engineering Mechanics
Madan Prabhakar Pawar
M.E(Environmental Engineering)
Academic Experience : 3 Years 08 months
Industrial Experience : 3 years 03 Months
COD Reduction and Discoloration of Distillery Waste Water by Natural Adsorbent
Subject Teacher: Remote Sensing and GIS
Dr. Subhash Gulabrao Rathod
Associate Professor & Head of Department
Computer Engineering,
Academic Experience :13
Industrial Experience : 0.6Months
Cloud Computing, Image Processing, Data Science, IoT
Total No. of National: 04+
Total No. of International: 26+
Paper appears in:
1. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology on“An Authentication and Recovery method for Color Images” E-ISSN 2277-4106, P-ISSN2347-5161. ©2014INPRESSCO
Available at
2. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering on “An Authentication and Recovery method for Color Images”(ISSN2250–2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue6, June 2014).
Available at
3.International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering on “Image Retrieval by Using Sketches” (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014).
Available at
4. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) On “Content Based Image Retrieval Using Spatial Features” Volume 8, Number 6- Feb 2014.
5. International Journal of Rome on “Multilayer Data Embedding Using Reduced Difference Expansion”.
6. International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES) on “NFC Based Android API Healthcare System” ISSN: 2319–9598, Volume-3 Issue-4, March 2015.
7. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications on “SURVEY PAPER ON REVERSIBLE WATERMARK AUTHENTICATION SCHEME FOR WSN” e-ISSN: 2320-8163, Volume 3, Issue 6 (November-December, 2015), PP. 20-22.
8. Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology on “NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION BASED ANDROID API HEALTHCARE SYSTEM” Volume 2, Issue 4, Pg.681-686.
9. International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies on “Proximity Alert Using LBS for Android” ISSN: 2319-9725.
10. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering “An Efficient Resume Extraction Model in MapR educe Forming Clusters”
11. International Journal ofEngineering Science andComputing (IJESC) “A Review on Detection and Prevention of SQL Injection Attack”
12. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, “Authentication Mechanism in WSN “
Available at
16. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology “Advanced Road Signal Tracking System”
17. International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management “IoT Based-Smart Garbage Collection System Using Ultrasonic Sensor”
18. International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology “Randomly Generate Question Paper”
19. Open Access International Journal of Science & Engineering “SMART TRAFFIC SIGNAL MANAGEMENT”
20 International Conferences on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology.
“Virtual Reality Based Immersive Learning System”
22. Studia Rosenthaliana (Journal for the Study of Research) “Blind Assistant”
23.Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) “Blind Assistant Using Machine Leaning Approach”
1. Attended 5 Days workshop on New Technology Awareness at COEP, Pune
2. Attended 5 Days workshop on “Advance Web Technology” at GGSP, Nasik
3.Attended one week MISSION10x training program at AIT , PUNE
4.Attended seminar on “Adobe Reader Utilities By Adobe” By Adobe at Hotel Sun&Sand, Pune
5.Attended seminar on “Research Methodology” MSCOE(Wadia), Pune
6. Attended 2 Days workshop on “Cloud Computing” at Sandip, COE , Nasik.
7.Attended seminar on “Adobe Reader Utilities By Adobe” By Adobe at Hotel Hotel Lee Meridian, Pune
8.Attended seminar on “Research Methodology” at MAE, Alandi, Pune
9.Attended workshop on “Android Apps Development” at MMIT, Pune
10.Attended FDP on “Reach To Teach” MSCOE ( Wadia), Pune
11. Attended workshop on “High Performance Computing & Cloud Computing” at MIT, Kothrud Pune.
12.Attended workshop on “Cloud Computing “ at Persistent System Pvt. Ltd
13.Attended seminar on “C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup” at Persistent System Pvt. Ltd
14. Attended seminar on “ Vmware & Virtulization “ at Vmware, Pune.
15.Attended FDP on “Operating System & Design” at SIT, Pune
16.Attended FDP on “Computer Graphics & Gaming” at VIIT, Pune
17.Attended FDP on “OSAL Lab” at SIT, Pune
18.Attended FDP on “Programming Lab I” , at AIT, Pune
19.Attended FDP on “Database Management System & Application” at MSCOE, Pune
20.Attended FDP on “Programming Lab II” MSCOE, Pune
21.Attended FDP on “Programming Lab II” MSCOE, Pune
22.Attended FDP on “Computer Organization” RSCOE,Pune
23.Attended FDP on “Software Engineering” at VIIT, Pune
24. Attended training cum FDP on Salesforce Essentials for Business Specialists sponsored by ICT in association with MMIT, Pune
25. Attended FDP on “Programming & Problem Solving” At SKNCOE jointly organized by SKN Pune & MMIT Pune
26. Attended FDP on “Pedagogy Driven Accreditation” at RIT, Pune
27. Attended STTP through ICT Mode on “Problem based Learning Sponsored by NITTTR Kolkatta organized by MMI Pune
28. Attended One day workshop on Academic Excellence through NBA Accreditation sponsored NITTTR Kolkatta
29. Attended FDP on Cyber Security Sponsored by RUSA at MMIT Pune
30. Attended A seminar on Interactive Academic Leadership sponsored by ICT Academy
31. Attended RRSPBL 2019 Conference & Workshop, Hubali, Karnataka.
32. Attended Conference Bridge 2020 at Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune
33.Attended FDP on“Learning Management System(LMS): An Introduction to Google Classroom”
34. Attended 5 day workshop on "Advanced Deep Learning
35.Attended Live Webinar for Outcome Based Education
36. Attended One Day Webinar on Problem Based Learning
37. Attended 4 Days Webinar Series by Skycampus on Technology for Futurel
38. Attended 3 Day's Online workshop on Education 4.0
39.Attended One week FDP on R-Language for Analytics & Data Science
40. Attended Data Science and Big Data Analytics
41. Attended One day Workshop on “Key Aspects of Curricula Design and Content Delivery” SPPU Pune
42. Attended One day workshop on “SE (Computer Engg.) Syllabus Revision (2019 Course), SPPU, Pune
43. Attended Workshop on ‘Filling AQAR under New NAAC Process’ at BrijlalBiyani Science College Amaravati
44. Attended Online OBE Seminar
45. Attended FDP Outcome Based Education Software
46. Attended FDP/Workshop sponsored by AICTE & Govt. of India on “Computer Science & Biology”
Delivered (Seminar/Workshop/Guest lecture/Expert Lecture/Expert/FDP)
- Expert Lecture on Cyber Security at Bharati Vidyappeet Kharghar New Mumbai
- Expert Lecture on ICT at JDCOE , Yavatmal
- Expert session on Operating System Fundamental (Linux) at DYP , Pune
- Guest Lecture on Cyber Crime at DYP Pune
- Expert Lecture on “Computing & Informatics” at mahle behr Chakan, Pune
- Expert Lecture on “Computing & Informatics” at Institute of Engineers , Pune, Maharashtra
- Expert Lecture on “Computing & Informatics” at Institute of Engineers , Aurangabad, Maharashtra
- Delivery Session on “NAAC Criteria Assessment” at JDCOE, Yavatmal
- PG Recognize Teacher SPPU, Pune University.
- Mentor for Smart India Hackathon 2018
- Tibco, Vodafone, Amdoc, CDAC, Amazaon, V3 Data Solution, KaryoType Pvt.Ltd, IBM,Syntel.
1. Smart Health Monitoring Jacket (BCUD grant of Rs. 2 lakh) (Ongoing)
2. Remote Farming System (BCUD grant of Rs. 1.9 lakh) (Ongoing)
§ Lifetime Member of Institute of Engineers
§ Lifetime Member of Internet Society , International Association of Engineers(IAENG), International Society for Research and Development(ISRD), AICTSD, ICSES
§ Member of CSI
§ Member of IEEE
Institute Connection
§ SGGS, Nanded, Maharashtra
§ KLE, Huballi, Karnataka
§ SGGBU, Amaravati, Maharashtra
§ IIT Bombay, Maharashtra
§ COEP Pune, Maharashtra
Editor & Reviewer
§ International Journal of Scientific Review and Research in Engineering and Technology (IJSRRET).(
§ Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP)
Responsibilities @
· Head of Computer Engineering Department
· Program Coordinator
· Member of SC/ST Cell
· Member of CDC
· Member of Women grievance
· Member of add on Course
· Member of R&D
Dr. Shweatal K. Patil
M.E. (Computer Engineering)
Academic Experience : 19.2 Years
Industrial Experience : 00 year
Theory of Computation, Design and analysis of algorithm
(INVENTION) Patent Publication Details:
Application No : 202041001188A
Date of filing of Application: 10/01/2020
Publication Date: 17/01/2020 The Patent Office Issue No. /Journal No. 03/2020 Dated 17/01/2020
Abstract: Our Invention IAA-Predictive is Despite pilot training and current advanced safety systems, The aircraft accidents continue to occur. It is recognized herein that existing approaches to preventing aircraft accidents lack capabilities. A predictive aircraft recovery multi control unit can receive flight data from the plurality of internal data nodes. The flight data can be indicative of at least a speed of the aircraft and a position of the aircraft. In some cases, based on the flight data, the predictive aircraft recovery multi control unit can determine that the aircraft will enter a stall condition. Furthermore, based on the flight data, the predictive aircraft recovery multi control unit can determine a time period that will elapse before the aircraft enters the stall condition. In response to determining that the aircraft will enter the stall condition after the time period elapses, the predictive aircraft recovery control until can trigger a recovery data sequence before the aircraft enters the stall condition.
Total No. of International Journal : 07
Total No. of International Conference: 01
1. Prof. S. K. Patil, Detecting Injection Attacks and Vulnerabilities inside the DBMS, IJRTE, Dec-19
2. Prof. S. K. Patil, Brain Tumor Detection and Segmentation, IJRTE, Dec-19
3. Prof. S. K. Patil, Smart ration card using smart card and GSM Techniques , International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education , Mar-18
4. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Android Based Gesture Recognition System for the Specially Abled , International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Innovative Research & Development, Mar-17"
5. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Integration of Heterogeneous social network
, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering, Feb-15"
6. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Digital Image Segmentation for Cardiac medical Images , International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Mar-14"
7. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Heterogeneous Data Transfer and loader
, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology , Feb-14"
8. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Content Search and Query Value search for document annotation , International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering, Nov-14"
9. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Face based online voting system using steganography , International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Oct-13"
10. "Prof. S. K. Patil, Study of Load Balanced Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad hoc Networks , The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), Dec-12"
FDP : 04, Workshop: 05
Professional Bodies Membership
· Website Coordinator
· Exam Coordinator
Dr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari
M.E. (Computer Networks)
Academic Experience : 11.2 Years
Industrial Experience : 1 year
Computer Networks, System Programming, Operating System
Total No. of National: 01
Total No. of International Journal : 12
Total No. of International Conference: 04
1. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, "IOT BASED SOLDIER E-JACKET USING GPS. " Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research,ISSN NO: 0022-1945, Volume XII, Issue III, Page 219, March 2020
2. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, "Factors affecting epidemic diseases spread and prediction of it " Studia Rosenthaliana (Journal for the Study of Research) UGC Web of Science ISSN 1781-7838 Volume XII, Issue III page 98 March 2020
3. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, Mapping of Epidemic Spread., Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, ISSN NO: 0022-1945, Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020, January 2020
4. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “A Parallel System Implementation of Classification and Disease Prediction on Machine Learning from Healthcare Communities" International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1 Feb-19
5. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari,“Contemporary accession for GST using K-means algorithm and data mining” International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education 2395-4396 "Volume 5 Issue 1 2019 DUI: 16.0415/IJARIIE-9487" Feb-19
6. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, "A Research Paper on “New Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm” "International Journal For Research & Development In Technology" ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585 Volume-9,Issue-5(May-18) May-18
7. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari,"A Survey on Methods of Cryptography and Data Encryption" Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) ISSN: 2454-1362 Vol-3, Issue-11, 2017 Nov-17
8. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Smartphone’s Addiction Control Using Priority Based Scheduling” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) "e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072" Volume: 03 Issue: 10 | Oct-2016 Oct-16
9. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Bidirectional Hadoop Kafka Managing Messaging Bus” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 03 | Mar-2016 Mar-16
10. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Digitization Of Police System Using Lbs And Cloud Based Analytics” International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering ISSN: 2249-0558 "Volume 6, Issue 1 Jan 16
11. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, "Survey on Silent Software Installation and LAN control using Android App" International Journal of Computer Techniques ISSN :2394-2231 Volume 2 Issue 1, 2015 Nov-15
12. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Proxy Side Web Prefetching Scheme For Efficient Bandwidth Usage: Data Mining Approach” International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 02 Issue: 09 | Nov-2015 Dec-15
13. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Advanced Online Banking Authentication System Using One Time Passwords Embedded in Q-R Code” (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies ISSN 0975-9646 Vol. 5 (2) , 2014 Aug-14
14. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, "Proxy-Side Web Prefetching Scheme For Efficient Bandwidth Usage: A Probabilistic Method " International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 3 Issue 6, June – 2014 Jun-14
15. Mr. Swapnil S. Chaudhari, “Data Security in Cloud Computing” International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161 Vol.4, No.3 (June 2014) Jun-14
FDP: 05, Workshop: 06
Professional Body Membership
· NAAC Criteria V Incharge
· NBA Criteria 4 Incharge
· OBC Cell Chairmen
· Hostel Committee functional Head
· Departmental PR/OR Coordinator
· Online Exam Coordinator
Dr. Mangesh D. Salunke
PhD. Computer Engineering, M.E[Computer Engineering(Networks)], BE[Computer]
Academic Experience : 12 years
Industrial Experience :00 months
Computer Networks, Cybersecurity, Information and Network Security
Total No. of International Journal:19
1 “Network for Cross-Disease Attention to the Severity of Diabetic Macular Edema and Joint Retinopathy”, IEEE SMARTGENCON 2022.
2 “Streamed Incremental Learning for Cyber Attack Classification using Machine Learning”, 2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Sustainable Computational Technologies (CISCT), IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/CISCT55310.2022, 23-24 Dec. 2022.
3 “A Proposed Methodology to Mitigate the Ransomware Attack”, in Advances in Parallel Computing: Recent Trends in Intensive Computing- 2021
4 “A Proposed Methodology to Prevent a Ransomware Attack” in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-9 Issue-1, May 2020
5 A Proposed Methodology to Detect a Ransomware Attack using Deception Technique” in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 3, (2020), pp. 10532 – 10537
Total No. of International Conference: 11
1 Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on” Block chain” from 2020-9-21 to 2020-9-25 at KCG College of Technology.
2 Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on ”Cyber Security” from 2020-9-7 to 2020-9-11 at BMS Institute of Technology and Management.
3 Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Cyber Security Vulnerabilities & Safeguards” from 2021-05-17 to 2021-05-21 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh
4 Participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Cyber Security Vulnerabilities & Safeguards - Advance level” from 2021-07-12 to 2021-07-16 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research Chandigarh
● Seminar Coordinator
● ADD-ON Coordinator
Dr. Yogendra V. Patil
Ph.D (Computer Science), M.E (Computer Network)
Academic Experience : 15
Research Experience : 02
Total No. of International Journal : 8
1. One week Faculty Development Program On "Amazon Web Services" During the period of 22nd August 2022 to 27th August 2022 Organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Wagholi, Pune in collaboration with BRAINOVISION SOLUTIONS INDIA PVT.LTD & ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION – AICTE
2. Five Days STTP Approved by ISTE On “Emerging Technological Advancements and Practical Applications of Data Science” Organized by Department of Information Technology by SKN Sinhgad Institute Technology & Science, Lonavala
3. One-Day Online Faculty Orientation Program on "Laboratory Practice - VI" (BE Computer Engineering 2019 Course) held on 17th January 2023 organized by the Department of Computer Engineering, International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune
4. 5 Day’s Online International Level Faculty Development Program on Data Science using Machine Learning organized by Pravara Rural Engineering College in Collaboration with ExcelR Date: 2nd January 2023 to 6th January 2023
5. One week Online FDP on Fundamentals of DevOps organized by Department of Information Technology, MarathwadaMitra Mandal's College of Engineering, Karvenagar, Pune
6. One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Biomedical Image Processing using AI" held from 25th October to 30th October 2021 organized by the Department of Information Technology & Computer Engineering, International Institute of Information Technology, Hinjawadi, Pune.
7. Short Term Training Program on “Digital Skill Development For Professionals”from 07/12/2020 to 12/12/2020 BhivarabaiSawant Institute Of Technology And Research, Wagholi Pune-412207
8. one week online “Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends in Technology '' From 7 June 2021 to 13 June 2021 organized by JSPM’s & SBERCT’s Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Barshi.
9. Online Continuing Education Program on IoT& ML for Social Relevant Applications conducted by NIT Warangal from 22-09-2022 to 27-09-2022.
1. Title:Machine Learning Integrated Blockchain Model For Industry 4.0 Smart Applications
Application No: 202221047534
Publication Date: 02/09/2022
1. Talentica Software Pune
2. Veritas Technologies LLC
3. SpadeWorx Software Services
▪ Lifetime Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Dr. Megha V. Kadam
Academic Experience : 14 years
Industrial Experience : 00 months
Security in VANET, Information Security, Computer Network.
Total Publications: -25
1. “Cybersecurity Threats Mitigation in Internet of Vehicles Communication System using Reliable Clustering and Routing” in Microprocessors and Microsystems (2023)
doi: (Elsevier)
2. “Design Paper on Routing protocol for underwater wireless” in European Chemical Bulletin. 2023,12(Special issue 8), 6705-6714(Scopus)
3. “ TACR: Trust Aware Clustering‑Based Routing for secure and Reliable VANET Communications” in Wireless Personal Communications. Published: 30 July 2023 (Springer)
4. “ AI Based Work Out Assistant” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. Vol. 12, Issue x, Month 2023. ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P).2319-5940 DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12xx
5. “Real Time Drowsiness Detection System Using CNN” in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 11 Issue V May 2023
6. “Depression Detection System Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering. ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-5940 Vol. 12, Issue 5, May 2023 DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.125192
7. “ Energy optimization using swarm intelligence for IoT-Authorized underwater wireless sensor networks” in Microprocessors and Microsystems.Volume 93,Sept 2022,104597(Elsevier)
8. “D&D HELPER: A HAND GESTURE RECOGNIZER” in IRJMETS e-ISSN: 2582-5208 Volume: 04/Issue:02/February-2022.
9. “Survey of Clusterd, Trust and Cryptography based approach in VANET security with overview of Cryptography techniques” in National Conference on “Futuristic Directions in Applied Sciences,Education and Research held by JJT University on 31st July 2021 and published in REX Journal ISSN:2321-1067 Volume:09/Issue:07 2021.
10. “Blockchain based object storage system for IOT data” in IJSREM e-ISSN: 2582-3930 Volume: 05/Issue:07/July-2021
11. “Sarcasm detection on social networking sites” in national conference on “ Issues and challenges of the new strain of mutated corona virus in all over India” held by JJT University on 26th March 2021 and published in REX Journal ISSN2321-1067 Volume:09/Issue:03 2021.
12. “Recent Security Solutions For VANET Communications: A Systematic Review” in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No. 7 (2021), 674- 683
13. “ Emotion Music Library With Personal Assistant” in Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) in April 2020 Issue Volume 7 Issue IV, ISSN: 2349-5162
14. “ Pothole Detection and Accident Avoidance System” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering in March 2020 Volume 8 Issue III, ISSN: 2320-9801
15. “Emergency Response Application[ERA]”in International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends. Volume 6,Issue 2,Mar-Apr-2020 ,ISSN(Online):2395-566X
16. “ Review of Software Defined Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Network” in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering. Volume 570,2019, pp 333-340(Springer)
17. “ Weather Data Analytics Using Hadoop with Map-Reduce” in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering Organized by GHRCEM, Pune.Volume 570,2019, pp 189-196(Springer)
18. “ IoT enabled street light automation system” in International Journal of Computer engineering and applications (IJCEA) in Nov 2018 Issue Volume XII Issue XI, ISSN: 2321-3469
19. “ A Improving efficiency of hybrid Intrusion Detection System using k-means and Naïve Bayes” in International Journal of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 03 month March year2015 Page No. 01-02.
20. “ A Review of Hybrid Intrusion Detection System” in International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST) in Jan-Feb 2015 Issue Volume Number 3 Issue 1, ISSN: 2347-8578
21. “Detection and Mitigation of Misbehaving Vehicles from VANET" ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India- Vol I.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 248, 2014,pp 267-276(Springer).
22. “Performance Investigation of DMV (Detecting Malicious Vehicle) and D&PMV (Detection and Prevention of Misbehave/Malicious Vehicles): Future Road Map" Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2013.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 247, 2014, pp 379-387(Springer)
23. “D&PMV: New Approach for Detection and Prevention of Misbehave/Malicious Vehicles from VANET" Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2013.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 247,2014, pp 293-303(Springer)
24. “Security Analysis in VANETs: A Survey” in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181Vol. 1 Issue 8, October – 2012.
25. “Security Against Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks” in International conference ICWET – 2011 held on 25 and 26 feb 2011 at Thakur Engg. College, Mumbai. Proceeding uploaded on ACM digital library, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0449-8
1. Attended 1 day Workshop on BEE F. E. Syllabi (2008 course) held at V.P.C.O.E., on 9th Jan 2009,Baramati,pune.
2. Attended 1 day workshop of Computer Programming syllabi held at Pillai Institute, Panvel.
3. Attended 3 days workshop of NS2 held at GHRCEM,Wagholi, on 16,17,18th Sept 2011,Pune
4. Attended 2 days workshop of LATEX held at GHRCEM, Wagholi, on 26,27th June 2012,Pune
5. Attended 2 days national level workshop on “Cyber security and law” at IOIT,on 11,12th Sept 2012 Pune.
6. Attended 1 day workshop of Fundamentals of programming languages-II subject at MIT COE,on 21stDec 2012,Pune.
7. Attended 2 days state level seminar on “Soft computing and its applications in engineering” at AISSMSCOE, PUNE ,ON 5th and 6thfeb 2014.
8. Attended 3 days State Level Faculty Development Program on “Network Programming and Protocol Analysis in LINUX” 02nd Dec to 04th Dec 2014 Organized by Industry Institute Interaction Cell Department of Computer Engineering(MAE) In collaboration with KAITEC INFOTECH PVT LTD, Pune
9. Attended 2 days national level workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” held at , Dr. D.Y.Patil school of Engineering on 26th, 27th Feb 2019,Pune
10. Successfully completed 20 days training program on “Certificate course in Yoga and Science of Living” organized in JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan from 21 April to 30 April and 18 Oct to 6Nov 2019
11. Completed 6 days “Python Training Program “ from 19 Nov2018 to 24 Nov 2018 at GHRIT
12. Completed Faculty training on Adobe creative cloud under BSS from 20/9/18 to 22/9/18 (3 Days) at GHRCEM.
13. Completed 7 days FDP on “Latex “ from 25 April 2020 to 1May 2020 at S.B.Patil College of Engg,Indapur.
14. Completed 5 days FDP on “Advance CPP “ from 27April 2020 to 1May 2020 at AISSM IOIT, Pune.
15. Completed 12 days FDP on “java “ from 4May 2020 to 15May 2020 at Sinhgad College,Narhe
16. Completed Two Weeks FDP on “ASP.NET 5.0 with Hands-on” organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune from 5th July to 17th July, 2021.
17. Completed 3 days workshop on “Basic of Research”organized by Department of Computer Science,Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya Chndrapur from 22th july to 24 july 2021.
18. Successfully completed 24 hrs online course from Open university on “Introduction to cyber security :stay safe online” on 17th july2021.
19. Attended Two Days International Conference "Emerging Advancement and Challenges in Science , Technology and Management" Organized by ICS college,Khed.Dist.Ratnagiri on 23,24 April 2021.
20. Attended Five Days STTP on “Internet of Things(IOT)" held from 10/05/21 to 15/05/21 organized by the Department of Electronics Engineering at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur.
21. Attended one week Ïnternational FDP on ”Energy and Environmental Science, Technology and Management for Sustainable Development”Organized by Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology, Pune
22. Attended one week National level FDP on “Amazon Web Services” Organized by Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Engg. Management and research, Pune held from 22nd Aug to 27th Aug 2022
23. Attended one week National level FDP on “Cloud infrastructure” Organized by Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology, Pune held from 21st Aug to 25th Aug 2023
1. A Project on “Standalone Home-Banking” was selected for Exhibition in Techno-Trance(Jan 2005) at KIT Collage of Engg.
2. A Project on “Standalone Home-Banking” was selected for Exhibition in Vision-2k5 (March 2005) at Walchand College of Engg. Sangli
3. Appreciated by first prize in Second Post Graduate Symposium cPGCON-2013 held on 29,30th march at PICT,Pune. Presented paper on “D & PMV: New Approach for Detection and Prevention of Misbehave/Malicious Vehicles from VANET”
4. Project “D&PMV: New approach for detection and prevention of malicious vehicle from VANET” selected in AVISHKAR-2013(Zonal level research competition) at Sinhgad Institute of technology & science, Pune, held on 23rd Dec 2013.
5. Completed NPTEL online certification 8 week course in “ Intoduction to programming in C” with consolidated score of 68%.Exam held on 28 Oct 2018.
6. Completed 30hrs Innovation Ambassador training “Foundation level” conducted in Online mode by MoE’s Innovation Cell and AICTE during IIC calendar year 2021-22.
7. Completed 30hrs Innovation Ambassador training “Advanced level” conducted in Online mode by MoE’s Innovation Cell and AICTE during IIC calendar year 2021-22.
8. Subject Expert for Curriculum & Syllabus design for the subject Industrial Internet of Things for Board of Studies (Computer Engineering) – BE (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science)
9. Resource Person on 17'" July, Monday for the BE-( A l& DS) Faculty Orientation Program on " Industrial Internet of Things Laboratory" organized by Progressive Education Society's Modern College of Engineering.Shivajinagar,Pune-05
Total Patents: -04
“Depression Detection System using Machine learning” Registration No: L-30465/2023
Dr. Snehal A. Karad
Ph.D.(CSE), ME(CE), BE(CE)
8 Years
Big data security
Total Publications: 12
1. Snehalata Funde, Gandharba Swain, "Big Data Privacy and Security Using Abundant Data Recovery Techniques and Data Obliviousness Methodologies," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 105458-105484, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3211304. SCIE indexed journal.
2. Snehalata Funde, Gandharba Swain, “Security Aware Information classification in Health Care Big Data”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2021, pp. 4439-4448, indexed in Scopus and listed in Q2.
3. Snehalata Funde, Gandharba Swain, “HORAM: Hybrid Oblivious Random Access Memory Scheme for Secure Path Hiding in Distributed Environment”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 11, 2021, indexed in ESCI and Scopus and listed in Q3.
4. Snehalata Funde, Gandharba Swain, “Data Recovery Approach using Optimized Cauchy Matrix Generator in Distributed Storage System”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 13, No. 06, 2022. Indexed in ESCI and Scopus and listed in Q3.
5. Paper on “Big Data Storage and Access: A Security Analysis” is published in Scopus Indexed Journal
of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems in 2018.
6. Paper on “A Survey on Privacy Preserving Techniques in WSN" is published in International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) Volume 86 - Number 1 Year of Publication: 2014
7. Paper on “Privacy and Integrity Preservation of Equality Tuple Queries using pairing based homomorphic cryptosystem in WSN" in IJARCSSE 2014.
8. S. K. Funde, Crop Production Identification with the help of Data Mining Technique, Jounal of Emerging Technologies and Innovation Research, 2018.
9. S.K.Funde, Survey on privacy reservation of big data via hybrid cloud, International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD), 2016.
10. S.K.Funde, RN-Chatter application for android mobiles, International engineering research journal, 2016.
11. Paper presented in cPGCON-2014 Third Post Graduate Conference for Computer Engineering on “Privacy and Integrity Preserving Tuple Queries Using Homomorphic Cryptosystem in Wireless Sensor Network" at Nashik Matoshri college of Engineering and Research.
12. S.K.Funde, L. M. Bharate, S. B. Karale, “Phase Based Scheduler With Virtual Space To Reduce Job Execution Time And Improve Resource Utilization”, 2016.
· Attended workshop “User Centered Design Process” at BSCOER, Narhe.
· Attended Two-Day FDP on Computer Laboratory – I on 2nd & 3rd July 2015 at GHRIET, Pune.
· Participated in workshop on “Hadoop Technology” at BSCOER Narhe.
· Participated in workshop on “LATEX” at NTC RSSOER.
· Attended Microsoft Power BI workshop at GHRCEM.
· Attended Universal Human Value workshop at GHRCEM.
· Conducted Java programming workshop
· Organized SDMT faculty workshop.
Research Paper Reviewer for MAT journal and ICISML conference
Paper Reviewer
MAT journal, ICISML Conference
Dr Monika Dangore
PhD (CSE), ME (Computer Engineering), BE (Computer Technology)
17 Years
Adhoc Networks, Machine Learning
· V D Talnikar, Monika Dangore, Anita Dapke, “Security & Privacy Preserving in Cloud Computing Using IoT”, International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Machine Learning, Data Science and IOT 2024 (Scopus indexed Springer Book Series)
· Ms Monika Dangore, Dr. Hare Ram Sah, “A Generalized Approach for Detecting and Mitigating Manet Attacks”, 2023; Volume -12 , Special Issue-6, Page 46 – 62, European Chemical Bulletin, Scopus Indexed Journal ISSN: 2063-5346
· Ms Monika Dangore, Dr. Hare Ram Sah, “A Modified AODV Protocol to Mitigate Combined Impact of Multiple Attacks in MANET”, Vol. 05, No. 4 (2023) 693-700, doi: 10.24874/PES05.04.011, Proceeding of Engineering Science, Scopus Indexed Journal E-ISSN 2683-4111
· Komal Kalane, Shivam Ghorpade, Prof. Monika Dangore, " A Random Forest Regression Approach to Predict Flight Fare, IInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp.321-324, May-June-2021.
· Adesh Kolte, Prashant Chaudhari, Prof. Monika Dangore, " Survey on Aid Donation Tracking Using Blockchain, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp.122-125, November-December-2020.
· Rachana Kumari, Deepak Yadav, Prof. Monika Dangore
“An Automated System on Collision Alert for Vehicle Safety on Road”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, DOI :
· Manvendra Kumar Singh, Ramendra Raj Singh, Prof Monika Dangore, “Smart Blind Stick for Obstacle Detection”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, IJSRSET2051031 DOI :
· Shubham Gour, Yogesh Bhosle, Prof. Monika Dangore, " Survey on Botnet and Its Detection Techniques, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp.126-132, November-December-2020.
· Komal Kalane, Shivam Ghorpade, Prof. Monika Dangore, " Flight Ticket Price Prediction Using Machine Learning, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp.260-264, November-December-2020
· Monika Dangore, Shabina Modi, Subhash Nalawade, “REVOLUTIONIZING SPORT EDUCATION WITH AI”, 15th ICCCNT 2024 (15th International IEEE Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies), June 24 - 28, 2024, IIT - Mandi
· Ujwala H. Wanaskar, Monika Dangore, Dipak Raut, “A Method for Re-identifying Subjects in Video Surveillance using Deep Neural Network Fusion”,15th International IEEE Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, June 24 - 28, 2024, IIT - Mandi
· Dr Monika Dangore, Ashwini S R, Yogesh Mali, “Multi-class Investigation of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia using Optimized Deep Convolutional Neural Network on Blood Smear Images”, IEEE Conference 2024 MITADTSoCiCon- MIT Art, Design and Technology School of Computing International Conference
· Anusha Vaidya, Dr Monika Dangore, Vishal Borate, “Deep fake detection for preventing Audio and Video frauds using Advanced Deep Learning Techniques”, 2024 IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems – RAICS
· Ms Monika Dangore, Prof S. S. Sambare, “Detecting and Overcoming Blackhole Attack In Aodv Protocol”, International IEEE Conference on Cloud & Ubiquitious Computing & Emerging Technologies (CUBE -2013), 15th – 16th Nov 2013, Pune, India
· Intro to Statistics & Descriptive Statistics, 20/01/2023,
University of Edinburgh, UK
· Analysing Geospatial Data with R, 24/01/2023,
31/01/2023, University of Edinburgh, UK
· Finding Patterns Across Data, 03/02/2023,
07/02/2023, University of Edinburgh, UK
· Introduction to Machine Learning, 13/02/2023,20/02/2023, 27/02/2023, University of Edinburgh, UK
· Introduction to Text Extraction, 20/11/2023, University of Edinburgh, UK
· One Week Online Industrial Training / FDP on Machine Learning and AI, 12/12/2023 to 16/12/2323, Edulakes Solution in association with NSS-IIT Roorkee
· One Week Online Industrial Training on Deep Learning, 25/12/2023 to 29/12/2023, Edulakes Solution in association with NSS-IIT Roorkee
· One Week Online FDP on “Advancements in AI”,
04/03/2024 to 08/03/2024, VIIT, Pune
· One Week Online STTP “Recent trends in Cyber Security and Cloud Computing”, 05/02/2024 to 10/02/2024, GHRCE, Nagpur
Reviewer for B P International Book Chapters
IEEE Professional Membership (ID : 100060292)
· Silver Elite NPTEL Certification with 84% in “Python for Data Science”, Jan-Feb 2024
· Received an Award of “The Longest Serving Women Employee of the Institution” from DYPSOE in March 2019
In Process
Dr.Pramod B. Dhamdhere
Phd (CSE),ME Computer Engg,BE Computer Engg.
12.11 years
Data Mining.
Total No. of International Journal:06
Total No. of International Conference: 05
03 Documents
Dr. Jayashri Prashant Shinde
18.7 Years
Data Mining,Data Science,IOT
1. A Paper on “Road Accident Prediction Model using Machine Learning” published in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering,Volume 11,Issue 1,Janury 2023.
2. A Paper on “Machine Learning Thyroid model for Prediction System”,published on IEEE explore on 02/05/2023.
3. A Paper on “An Exhaustive survey on various rainfall prediction methods”,published in Gravida Review Journal indexed in Scopus,volume 9,Issue 8, ISSN No.:0363-8057 August 2023.
4. A paper on “Rainfall Forecasting:A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Machine Learning Models with Applications to Environmental Data”, published in International Journal of Intellegemt System and Applications in Engineering indexed in Scopus,Volume 12,issue 12,2024,pp 380-393.
5. A paper on ”A robust classification of brain tumor disease in MRI using twin-attention based dense convolutional auto-encoder”,published in SCIENCE DIRECT ELSEVIER journal of Biomedical Signal Processing & Control indexed in Scopus,Volume 92.
6. A paper on “Futuristic Business Intelligent System for Start-Ups”,Journal of Autunomous Intelligence indexed in Scopus,Volume 7,issue 1.
7. A paper on “Life Changing Time Management Approach to Release and Analyze Work Stress for Computer Screen Users”, TuijinJishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, ISSN:1001-4055
8. “Bioinformatics in agriculture and ecology using few-shots learning from field to conservation”, published as book chapter in Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Bioinformatics: Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Methods, 2024, pp. 27–38
9. “Ethical and legal considerations in machine learning: Promoting responsible data use in bioinformatics”,published as book chapter in Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Bioinformatics: Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Methods, 2024, pp. 62-74.
9. A Paper on “Fuzzy Recognition for user based Hand Gesture Recognition system and Security enhancement using Recognition Accuracy”, published in search digital Library, IJNS, IJIT journals.
10. A Paper on “HAND GEUSTER RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR MAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SECURITY ENHANCEMENT USING FUZZY CLUSTERING.” published in International Journal of Knowledge Engineering “BIO-INFO””, ISSN: 2249–9423 & ISSN: 2249-9431, pages 15-18.
11. A Paper on “Interactive: Quire Collaborative System”, Published in “International Journal of Engineering Research & Development”, on 29th Jan.2016.
12. A Paper on “Interactive Quire Recommendation System”, Published in “International Journal of Trends in Research & Development”, on 27th Dec.2016.
13. A Paper on “Relation mining: A original Information using mining dispute” Published in “ UGC approved journal of NICRJ”, on April 2018.
14. A Paper on “Data Warehouse Of Quality Meta Models And It’s Architecture” Published in “ UGC approved journal :- Review of Research”,impact factor 5.7631(UIF) on August 2018.
15. A Paper on “Data Warehouse Modelling And Quality Issues And Its Applications” Published in “UGC approved journal :-Review of Research”,impact factor 5.7631(UIF) on Feb. 2019.
16. A Paper on “Real Time Object Tracking and Recognition” Published in “ UGC Care Group-I journal :-JuniKhyat”, on July 2020.
17. A Paper on “Indian Currency Identification Using Image Processing”, published in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, in March-2021.
18. A Paper on “Automated Deployment on Multiple instances using Auto Scaling “, published in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(An International Scholarly Open Access,Peer-Reviewd,Reffered Journal)
19. A Paper on “IOT Based Home Automation System”, published in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering on 04/04/2022.
1. A patent on “Cloud computing and Big Data based construction assessment system for android applications” is published in Indian patent.
1. A Copyright published on “Windows Endpoint Security Using Powershell And ADMX “with registration no. L-146809/2024.
2. A Copyright published on “A Decentralized Charity Donation System“ with registration no. L-146809/2024.
3. A Copyright published on “Road Accident Prediction Model “with registration no. L-125032/2023.
4. A Copyright published on “Automated deployment using Auto Scaling “with registration no. L-116432/2022.
5. A Copyright applied on “Data Warehouse of Quality Meta model and Its Architecture “with registration no. 14217/2022-CO/L.
1. A National Conference on “Computing & Advance Computing”, at Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering Ahmednagar on “Network Security Honey pot”, on 9th-10th March 2007.
2. A National Paper Presentation Symposium held on 30th March 2007 in S.V.M.E.C. Chincholi,Nashik on “Network Security Honey pot”.
3. An International Conference on “Emerging Techniques in Computing, Electronics, Embedded System & VLSI Design”, On 20th-21st March 2008, at Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering Ahmednagar.
4. An International Conference on “Emerging Techniques Engineering”, On 20th-22nd Dec.2008,on “Wireless Sensor Network” at Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni.
5. An International Conference on “Emerging Techniques in Engineering”, On 3rd-5th March 2010,at Sandip Foundations College of Engineering Nashik on “Website Personalization: A review”.
6. An International Conference on “Advanced Techniques in Emerging Trends in Engineering”, On 11th-12th Feb.2011, at Sandip Foundations College of Engineering Nashik on “A review: A fuzzy clustering system based on hand gesture recognition system.”.
7. A National Paper Presentation Symposium held on 14th-15th March 2011 in JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Pune “Digital Watermarking”.
8. An National Conference on “Advancement in computational Techniques and Applications”, On 18th June 2011, at Shri Vaishnav Institute of Management, Indore(M.P) on “A fuzzy clustering for Human-Computer Interaction system and Security Enhancement.”.
9. An International Conference on “Advanced Techniques in Emerging Trends in Engineering”, On 25thAugust 2011, at International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering – ACE 2011,is scheduled to be held August 25-26, 2011 at Trivandrum, INDIA on “Fuzzy Recognition for user based Hand Gesture Recognition system and Security enhancement using Recognition Accuracy”, published in search digital Library, IJNS, IJIT journals.
10. An International Conference on “Techfest-2K12”,in JDIET, Yavatmal on 10th March 2012 in association with “International Journal of computing” Res Computeria” & “International Journal of Knowledge Engineering “BIO-INFO”, on “HAND GEUSTER RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR MAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SECURITY ENHANCEMENT USING FUZZY CLUSTERING.”
11. A National Conference on, “Mechatronics”, at SITS, Narhe, Pune on 17th & 18th Feb.2016,”Query Recommendation System for Interactive Database exploration.”
12. A National Conference on, “Advanced Computing Data Processing”, at SVIT, Nashik, on 12th & 13th Feb.2019,” Fuzzy Segmentation for Human-Computer Interaction and Security enhancement using Recognition Accuracy.”
13. A National conference on “Optimization of National Resoursces In Multidisplinary Fields”,on 2nd 2018 at Shri JJT,University,
14. An International Conference on “Research Aspects in Renewable Energy,Green Technology,Engineering and Environmental Science and Its Applications For Development of Rural India ” on 17th November 2018 at Shri JJT,University,Jhunjhunu,Rajastan.
15. An International Conference on “Vibrant India-Multidisplinary Approach” on 23rd March 2019 at Dnyandip Mandal’s St. Joseph College of Arts,Commerce,Satpala,Vari(W).
16. A National multidisiplinary conference on “New Frontiers of Innovation in Management,Social Sciences and Technology and their Impact on Social Development.” On 12th October 2019 at ASM’s Institute of Management and Computer Studies,Thane.
17. A two days Virtual International Conference on, “World of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligance in Digital Era”, organized by SANKARA college of Science and commerce Coimbatore Tamil Nadu,from 29th May 2020 to 30th May 2020.
18. A Two days International Conference organized by KLE INS Belagavi from 8th June to 9th June 2020.
19. A two days Virtual International Conference on “Covid-19 era - Need and Challenges in Healthcare and Pharma Sector” on 11th -12th 2021 at DAYANAND COLLEGE OF PHARMACY DAYANAND INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY Barshi Road, Latur- 413531.
20. Sixth national level conference on “ Post Covid Strategies to Gear up Indian Economy”, on 23rd-24th July 2021 at Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Institute of Management, Research and Technology,Nashik.
Expert Lecture Conducted
1. Two days Expert lecture conducted on “Object Oriented Programming in JAVA”, for SE ETC,SVIT,Nashik on 17th -18th Feb. 2017.
2. Ten days Expert lecture conducted on “Object Oriented Programming in JAVA”,”Computer Organization”,”Software Engineering”,”Distributed System”, for SE,TE & BE Computer students at Shri JJT University,Jhunjhunu,Rajstan,from 04/10/2018 to 15/10/2018.
3. Online Expert lecture and hands on session conducted on “R Programming for Data Science”from 10th Nov. 2021 to 16th Feb. 2022 for Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science and AI at SPPU, Pune.
Workshops Organized
1. Three days Industry Aligned Course on “Android Application Development” from 28th March to 30th March 2022.
2. A Five days Faculty Development Program “Machine Learning(ML)” from 16th to 21th December2018 at SVIT,Nashik.
3. A Five days Faculty Development Program “Data Science” from 17th to 22th December 2019 at SVIT,Nashik.
4. A Five days Faculty Development Program “Recent Advances in Computer Science and Allied Domains (RACSAD-2021)”)” from 5th to 9th July,2021 at SVIT, Nashik.
Workshops/Seminar/Expert Lecture Attended
1. Two-day workshop on “Use of Open Source Technology in Engineering”, in PCCOE, Pune on 19th & 20th Jan 2007.
2. A one-day workshop on “Viruses, Worms, Spy-wares & Vaccines”, in PCCOE, Pune on 17th Feb 2007.
3. A Two-day workshop on “Rational Rose” in PREC, Loni on 13th&14th March 2007.
4. A Three Days Expert Lecturer Series on “Recent Advances in Electronics & Telecommunication Technology” in PREC, Loni on 14th to 16th March 2007.
5. A Three Days Workshop on “Software Testing” on 7th to 9th Oct 2007, in PREC, Loni.
6. A short term training program on “Embedded System Design” on24th to 28th June 2009, in PREC, Loni.
7. A Three Days Workshop on “Wavelet Application is using MATLAB” on 3th to5th Feb 2010, in PREC, Loni.
8. A short term training program on “MATLAB, SIMULINK & TOOL Boxes” on 28th Feb to 5th March,2011, in PREC, Loni.
9. A short term training program on “JAVA AND APPLICATIONS” on 1st to 6th March, 2011in PREC,Loni.
10. A Two days seminar on “Hand loop & Android “, in PREC, Loni on 25th -26th Jan.2012.
11. A one workshop on “Android tools “,in PREC, Loni on
12. A National seminar on “Emerging Trends in Industrial Automation”, In PREC, Loni on 6th-7th Feb.2015
13. A state level two days seminar on “ Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” in PREC, Loni, on 6th & 7th December 2017.
14. Two days National level workshop on “Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking”, in AVCOE, Sangamner on 2nd & 3rd Feb. 2018.
15. A state level Faculty Development Programme on “ Machine Learning & Internet of Things”, in SVIT, Nashik from 17th Dec. to 21st Dec. 2018.
16. A state level two days Workshop “5G Multi-Antenna Technology”, sponsored by SPPU, Pune in SVIT, Nashik from 17thJan 2019 to 18thJan 2019.
17. A state level 5 days online FDP on Python 3.4.3 by IIT Bombay in April 2020
18. A state level one day webinar on “Effective Research Writing Skills”,organized by Rajgad Vidyapeeth’s Shri Chatrapatti College of Engineering,Dhangawadi on 22nd May 2020.
19. A state level One week faculty Development Programme on “JAVA”,Organized by SVIT,Nashik from 10th May to 14th May 2020.
20. A state level One week faculty Development Programme on “Python”,Organized by SVIT,Nashik from 10th May to 14th May 2020.
21. A state level one day webinar on “Health Insurance in times of COVID-19”Organized by Mahatma Education Society Pillai HOC College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Rasayani on 4th May 2020.
22. A state level one day webinar on “NBA Accredation Process”organized by SNJB’s Late Sau.Kantabai Bhavarlalji Jain COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,Chandwad on 18th May 2020.
23. A state level One week faculty Development Programme on“Swift(IoS Programming)”,organized by MET’s Institute of Engineering Bhujbal Knowledge City Nashik-422003 on 12th May to 16th May 2020
24. A state level one day webinar on “Lessons in Leadership:Preparing The Future Leaders of Your Engineering Workforce ”,organized by IEEE,on 13th May 2020.
25. A state level one day webinar on “Try Engineering Live:Engineering Splotlight with Prof. William Oakes”,organized by IEEE,on 19th May 2020.
26. A state level one day webinar on “How to enhance your e-curriculum for distance learners with e-recourses”,organized by IEEE,on 12th May 2020.
27. A state level one day webinar on “HOW TO IMPROVE THE CITATION AND WRITE RESEARCH PAPERS”,organzid by SVIT,Nashik on 1st May 2020.
28. A state level one day IEEE webinar on “Introduction to Embedded Systems and
29. Opportunities”,organized by PCET’s Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering & Research, Ravet on 21 st May 2020.
30. A National level one day webinar on ”ChallengingAvenues of online Teaching & Learning checkmate to COVID-19”S.E.M.T’s M. B.Harris College of Arts & A.E.Kalsekar College of Commerce & Mgmt. on 20th May 2020.
31. A state level one day webinar on “Online Safety & Cyber Crime”,organzid by Sai Shikshan Sanstha’s Nagpur Institute of Technology,Nagpur on 16th May 2020.
32. A state level one day IEEE webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)”,organized by PCET’s Pimpri Chinchwad College Of Engineering & Research, Ravet on 20 st May 2020.
33. A state level one day webinar on “Virtual Tech talk: Students & Child data privacy”,organized by IEEE on 18thMay 2020.
34. A state level one day webinar on “Try Engineering Live:Hands on design Challenge: critical load”, organized by IEEE on 19th May 2020.
35. A state level one week FDP on “MySQL & PHP”,organized by Spoken Tutorial IIT,Bombay ITCMHRD Bombay from 8th May to 13th May 2020.
36. A state level one week FDP on “Aurdino”,organized by Jayhind College of Engineering,Kuran,Tal.Junnar,Dist.Pune from 19th May to 24th May 2020.
37. A National level workshop on “GST with Tally.ERP9-Working on Problems and Solutions”,organized by Seth Ghasiram Gopikishan Badruka Educational Society Badruka College of Commerce & Arts Kachiguda, Hyderabad – 500027, Telangana State on 11th Sept. 2020.
38. A state level online workshop on “Stress Management” organised by Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Nashik on 24 May 2021.
39. A National level 6 days FDP on “National Education Policy:2020 and Higher Education in India”,from 24th May to 29th May 2021.
40. An International level seminar on “Role of English in Higher Education”, organized by SAMBHRAM COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT,KGF ON 16TH June 2021.
41. An International level seminar on “Choice Architecture an Nudging ( Consumer Buying Behaviour)”,organized by SAMBHRAM COLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT,KGF ON 17TH June 2021.
42. One week online short term training Program(STTP) on,” Innovative and Incentive Problem Solving(IIPS-21)-Phase-II”,Organized by production Engineering by AISSM college of Engineering,Pune.
43. Webinar on Quality enhancement Initiative through Innovative practices after covid Era& organized by GHRCEM,Pune on 12th Feb. 2022.
44. One Day Training Programme on Gender Sensitization organised by GHRCACS, Pune on 13th March 2022.
45. National Level Seminar & Quality Assurance in Hybrid mode of Educationorganised by on 26th March 2022.
46. Two Week STTP on & Exploring Latest Trends in Big data & Machine Learning, Organized by P.R.Pote College of Engineering & Management, Amravati from 23rd May 2022 to 03rd June 2022.
47. One day Workshop on “Virtual Labs: Hands on Online Workshop” organized by Nodal Centre 227-Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune associated with Regional Centre 01- PVG‟s College of Engineering and Technology & GKPIOM, Pune under Virtual Labs - IIT Bombay on 2nd Dec. 2022.
48. One week FDP on “Deep Learning it’s Applications” organized by MIT College of Engiineering, Pune from 30th Jan. to 4th Feb. 2023 under IEEE student chapter.
49. One day Workshop on “Adobe Professional Skills” organized by G H Raisoni Colllege of Engineering & Management,Wagholi,Pune on 17th March 2023 sponsored by AICTE,ATAL.
1. Appointed as a Reviewer for “2023 7th International Conference On Computing,Communication, Control And Automation” organized by Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering, Pimpri Chinchwad, Pune.
2. Appointed as a Reviewer in The Hertz Journal of Engineering.
3. Appointed as a Reviewer in Review of Research Journal of Engineering.
4. Appointed as a Reviewer in Scopus journal International journal of electrical and electronics research.
1. Computer Society of India (Nashik Chapter)
2. Indian Society Technical Education(ISTE)
1. On the Occasion of “Teacher’s Day 5th Sept. 2021” received award of “Rajyastariy Gunwant Teacher Gurugaurav ShikshakRatna Award 2021” organized by Manushyabal Vikas Lokseva Academy Regi. Trust.
2. Appointed as Co-guide in Shri JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajstan in Computer Science & Engineering department.
3. A book on “ Programming and Problem Solving with Python” by Alpha International Publication Registered under ministry of SME,Government of India with ISBN No. 978-93-95405-53-9.
4. A book on “ Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners” by River Publication with ISBN No. 978-93-5515-736-2.
5. In Swayam NPTEL Examination Secured Elite grade with 62% in for course “ Enhancing Softskill & Personality” in April 2024.
6. Appointed as PhD Guide for Research Scholar of G H RAISONI UNIVERSITY AMRAVATI
7. Appointed as A SPOC for Kavach-2023 & also appreciated by AICTE
8. Appointed as A Nodal officer for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements(ARIIA)
9. Worked as Coordinator for the Admission Cell Department
10. Worked under the AICTE Team
11. Handled key responsibilities for LIC / NAAC accreditation of the college.
12. Experience as Chairman for Paper of S.Y.(IT),T.Y.(IT),B.Tech (IT) courses of G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Management Wagholi,Pune.
13. Experience as Paper Setter for Paper of S.Y.(IT),T.Y.(IT),B.Tech (IT) courses of G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Management Wagholi,Pune.
Received grant from Kolhapur University to conduct FDP on “Data Science”
Mr. Dinesh Baburao Satre
Academic Experience : 10 Years
Industrial Experience : NIL
Research Experience : NIL
Image Processing
1. Adarsh Saji, Deepanjaya Modak, Aniket Chavan, Aniket Dandade, Dinesh Satre, “Computerized Adaptive Assessment”, JETIR, Vol. 6, Issue 6, Jun 2019
2. Pratik Naik, Mayur Nikam, Omkar Mote, Shubhangi Marathe, Prof. Dinesh Satre, A Survey: Machine Learning Approach for Tracking and Predicting Student Performance in Degree Programs, JETIR February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2019
3. Siddharth Naik, Mandar Dike, Sagar Gadgul and Dinesh Satre, Object Recognition using Machine Learning, Open Access International Journal of Scicence & Engineering, Vol. 2,PP. 89-92, Dec. 2017
4. Ashwini Eknat Khote, Balaji Pandit Kamble, Sumit Sanjayrao Chidrawar, Prof. D. B. Satre, Collaborative Data Analysis Approach for Predictive Dashboard System using BI tool, IJARIIE , Vol. 2, Issue 6, PP. 740-742, 2016
5. Somnath Mali, Tushar Kulkarni, Bharat Nirmal, Prof. Dinesh B. Satre, “Proposed Scheme for Privacy Policy Prediction of User Uploaded Images on Social Sites” JETIR, December 2016, Volume 3, Issue 12
6. Dinesh Satre, Akshaya Morye, Priyanvada Dhamane, Priyanka Khedkar, Suraj Kulkarni, “ Motion Detection and Video Surveillance System”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing , Vol. 6, Issue 5, May 2016
7. Prof. Dinesh Satre, Shubhravrat Deshpande, Sumedh Sodegaonkar, Sakshi Tickoo, Akshay Dalavi, “Regular Expression Based Framework For Web Service Api Design”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2016
8. Suraj Kulkarni, Akshaya Morye, Priyanka Khedkar, Priyanvada Dhamane , Prof.D.B. Satre, “Motion Object and Regional Detection Method Using Block-based Background Difference Video Frames”, IRJET, Volume: 02 Issue: 07 | Oct-2015
9. Dinesh Satre, Devyani Bonde, Subhash Rathod, “Multilayer Data Embedding Using Reduced Difference Expansion”, Advances in Computer Science, pp 202-206, Nov 2015
10. Prof. D. B. Satre, Varad Durugkar, Akshay Ambekar, AmitKumar Yadav, Sudarshan Patil, “Securing Online Shopping System Using Visual Cryptography”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan 2015
11. Ashish Vijay Lakamale, Mohan Dhapodkar, Suraj Jadhav, Sagar Jadhav, Prof. D. B. Satre, “Copyright Protection to Secure Image”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2014
12. Ajit Vedpathk, Bhojraj Sonavane, Sachin Nimbholkar, Mr. D. B. Satre, “Clustering and Cluster Based Routing Protocol For Delay Tolerent Mobile Network”, International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 5, May 2013
13. Aniket Pawar, Swapnil Gavane, Vivek Nikam, Kauthubh Mahajan, Mr. D. B. Satre, “Java Plug-in for Conversion of Java code to Xuml & Vice Versa”, International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Apr 2013
14. Mr. D. B. Satre, Prof. R. V. Pawar, “Preserve Robustness for Image Data Hiding”, Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development, IEEE, pp 707-711, May 2010
·A Five Days Workshop on JAVA, MMCOE, Pune
·The National Symposum on “Emerging Trends in Security in IT”, COEP, Pune
·SE/TE Computer Engineering Syllabus Discussion, PICT, Pune
·A One Day Workshop on “BE Project Guideline”, SITS, Narhe, Pune
·Workshop on Latex, Zeal Education Society, Narhe
·Faculty Development Program on “Research Based Teaching & Learning”, Faculty Development Program on “Research Based Teaching & Learning”
·Faculty Development Program on “Database Management System Application”, MESCOE, Pune
·Faculty Development Program on “Operating System Design”, VIIT, Pune
·FDP on “Network Programming and Protocol Analysis in Linux”, MIT, Alandi, Pune
·Two Day Faculty Development Program on “Computer Laboratory-I”, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Pune
·FDP on Laboratory Practice – I, MIT, Alandi, Pune
·FDP on Introduction to Python Programming, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
·Salesforce Essential for Business Specialist, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
·STTP on Development of Laboratory Instructions and Manual, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
·STTP on NBA Accreditation, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
·FDP on Programming & Problem Solving, SKNCOE
·FDP on Pedagogy Driven Accreditation, RIT(Polytechnic), Lohgaon, Pune
·FDP on Cyber Security, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
·Python for Data Science, NPTEL IIT Bombay
·Interactive Academic Leadership Session, Sumant Moolgaonkar Auditorim, SB Road, Pune Organized by ADYPU
·STTP on Problem Based Learning, MMIT, Lohgaon, Pune
NPTEL Certification for Python for Data Science
·Dean Academic
·NBA Coordinator
Mr. Sanjay Anil Agrawal
Academic Experience :10
Image Processing, Cloud Computing
Total No. of National: 00
Total No. of International: 22
1.” Evaluation of Markov Blanket Algorithms for fMRI Data Analysis” International Conference on Information and Network Technology, IACSIT Press, Singapore,vol.4,pp. 217-222, 2011
2. “fMRI Data Analysis with Dynamic Causal Modeling and Bayesian Networks” Advanced Materials Research Vols. 433-440 pp. 5303-5307,2012
3. “Application of smart phone QR code & fingerprint for anti-counterfeiting” , IJERT,ISSN:2278-0181,vol 2,Issue 4 ,April 2013
4. “Mobile Based Text Detection and Extraction from an Image “, IJETAE, ISSN 2250-2459, Vol 3, Issue 11, November 2013
5. “Efficient Multi-Cloud Storage System”, IJSER, ISSN 2229-5518, Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2014,pp 833-837
6. “EMS: An Android Application for Emergency Patients” IJCSIT, ISSN 0975-9646, Vol 5, Issue 4, June 2014,pp. 5536-5538
7.”Internet Independant Instant Messaging For Android”, IJCITB, ISSN 2278-7593, Vol 2, Issue 3, March 2015
8. “Android Application for FORENSIC Image Identification”, IJETE, ISSN 2348-8050, Vol. 2, Issue 3, March 2015,pp 46-48
9. “Large scale Data Sharing using BestPeer++ Technique” IJECS ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 10 Oct 2015, Page No. 14879-14884 IF: 3.093
10. “Third Party Auditing of Data on Cloud With Fine Grained Updates”, IJECS, ISSN 2319-7242, Vol 4, Issue 11,Nov. 2015, Page No. 14987-14992, IF: 3.093
11.”Group User Revocation in Cloud for Shared Data”,IJARCET, ISSN: 2278 – 1323 ,Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 Page No. 496-500, IF: 3.093
12.“Large Scale Data Sharing Using Bestpeer++ Technique”,IJECS, ISSN: 2321 3361, Volume 6 Issue 4 April 2016, Page No. 4028-4033 IF: 3.093
13. “ Third Party Auditing of Dynamic Data on Cloud with Fine Grained Updates”,IJECS, ISSN: 2321 3361, Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2016, Page No.5526-5530 IF: 3.093
14. Smart Application for Food Donation Using Cloud Computing, IJARIIE, ISSN 2395-4396, Vol 2, Issue 6, Page No. 731-735, IF: 4.06 Nov. 2016
15. Crowd Op: A Query Optimization Technique IJAERD, ISSN 2348-6406, Vol 3, Issue 11, Page No. 310-312, IF: 4.14 Nov. 2016
16. To Precede DDOS Attack Using SDN IJIIRD, ISSN 2456-236X, Vol 1, Issue 3, IF: 2.02 March 2017
17. An Android Application For Food Donation IJIIRD, ISSN 2456-236X, Vol 1, Issue 3, IF: 2.02 March 2017
18. Smart Water Monitoring System Using IT at Home, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 21, Issue 1, Ser. II (Jan - Feb 2019), PP 14-19
19. Review of Blockchain based Forensics Analysis Secure Node Diagnosis Mechanism of Smart Grid E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 IJRAR February 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1pp 233-237
20. Automated Over Speed Detection Using Raspberry-Pi International Journal of Research And Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 Vol 6 Issue 2, IF=5.75 pp. 950-953 June 2019
21. Artificial Intelligence based Automated HTML Code
Generation Tool using Design Mockups Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Reseach ISSN 0022-1945, Vol XII Issue III, IF=3.899 pp. 1398-1401 March 2020 (UGC & Scopus)
22. An Efficient Approach to Control the Over Speeding of Vehicles Studia Rosenthaliyana"-Journal for the study of research (JSR) (Web of Science) ISSN 1781-1738, Vol XII Issue IV, IF=4.5 pp. 287-292, April 2020
1. FDP on “Cloud Computing using Amazon Web Services” at MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi , Pune dated 13-15/12/2012
2. CSI regional conference on “NextGen Computing” at Sandip Polytechnic, Nasik dated 8-9/02/2013
3. National workshop on “hadoop and Big data” at MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi ,Pune dated 04-05/10/2013
4. Workshop on “Mobile Application Development using Android” dated 29th Apr to 03rd May, 2014
5. FDP on “Network Programming & Protocol Analysis in Linux” at MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi ,Pune dated 02-04/12/2014
6. FDP on “Computer Networks” at PCCOE, Nigdi ,Pune dated 02-04/01/2015
7.FDP on “Programming Lab IV” at MIT College of Engineering ,Kothrud,Pune dated 13/01/2015
8. FDP on “Networking & Cyber Security 2015” at MIT Academy of Engineering Alandi ,Pune dated 26-28/06/2015
9. STTP on “Big Data & Cloud Computing” from 23th to 27th October, 2015 at Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center, Nasik.
10. FDP on “Digital Electronics & Logic Design” (2015 course) on 17th & 18th June, 2016 at I2IT, Pune
11. FDP on “Practical Exposure on Software Testing Using Open Source Tools" on 12th & 13th Jan. 2017 at AISSM IOIT, Pune
12. FDP on “Digital Intellectual property Rights: Issues, Challenges and New Trends" on 27th February, 2018 at MMCC,Deccan, Pune
13. FDP on “Teaching Techniques" on 24th & 25th May 2018 at MMIT
14. FDP on “IPR: Issues, Challenges & New Trends & Research Methodology” from 19/10/2018 to 20/10/2018 at MMIT
15. National Level FDP on “Introduction to Python Programming” from 31/01/2019 to 01/02/2019 at MMIT
16. STTP through ICT Mode on “Development of Laboratory Instructions & Manual” from 04 to 08/02/2019
17. Conference BRIDGE 2019 - PUNE (The Largest Industry-Institute Interaction Event of Asia) on 27/03/2019 at Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune
18. STTP through ICT Mode on “NBA Accreditation” from 22 to 26/04/2019 at MMIT
19.FDP on “Salesforce Essentials For Business Specialists” from 03 to 07/06/2019 at MMIT
20. Salesforce Faculty inreraction Meet-2019 on 14/06/2019 at Hotel Novotal, Pune
21. FDP on “Programming & Problem Solving” on 25 & 26/07/2019 at SKNCOE, Vadgaon, Pune
22. FDP on “Pedagogy Driven Accreditation” from 26 to 28/09/2019 at RIT, Lohgaon
23. STTP through ICT Mode on “Problem based Learning” from 2 to 6/12/2019 at MMIT
24. One day workshop on Academic Excellence through NBA Accreditation on 07/12/2019 at Courtyard by Marriott Hotel, Andheri East, Mumbai
25. FDP on Cyber Security during from 09 to 14/12/19 at MMIT
26. FDP on “Digital Electronics and Logic Design on 08/07/2020 at Parikrama Group of Institute, College of Engineering, Kashti
1. Smart Health Monitoring Jacket (BCUD grant of Rs. 2 lakh)
2. Remote Farming System (BCUD grant of Rs. 1.9 lakh)
· Academic Monitoring Committee Head
· Departmental NAAC Coordinator.
· Departmental NBA Coordinator
Mrs. Devyani J.Bonde
Academic Experience : 17
Parallel Computing, Image Processing
Total No. of International: 08
1) Paper Title: Lossless Reversible Visible Watermark at: International Referred Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) November 2012 volume-III
2) Paper Title: Stegowatermark at: International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) April 2013 volume- II
3) Paper Title: - Automated Car Parking System Commanded by Android Application at IEEE explorer.
4) Presented & Publish Title “Improved capacity, Quality & Robustness of Reversible watermarking against Geometric Attack Using New Correction Methods Applied to Proposed IWTCNNPW Technique” at ICRTET2014
Ms. Pranjali Vilasrao Deshmukh
Data Mining, Mobile Application
Total No. of International: 8
· Attended 1 day Workshop on “Computer Organization & Architecture” at SBNBN, Ambegaon Pune on 24th June 2016.
· Attended 1 day Workshop on “Microprocessor” at P.C.C.O.E. ,RAVET,Pune on 13th December 2016.
· Attended 1 day Workshop on “Microprocessor Lab” at MECOE,Wadia, Pune held on 23th December 2016.
· Attended 6 days FDP ON cyber Security on 09/12/2019-14/12/2019
· Attended FDP on Intellectual Property & Rights On 19th & 20th Oct 2018.
· Attended NPTEL Workshop on 29th November 2018.
· Attended STTP of “ Development of Lab rotary Manual Instruction” on 4/2/2019 to 8/2/2019
· Attended STTP of “ Problem Based Learning” on 2/12/2019 to 6/12/2019
· Attended FDP of Program & Problem Solving (PPS-2019) on 25th & 26th July 2019
· Attended FDP of Python on 28th April to 4th M ay 2020.
· Attended FDP of “R Programming” On 4th May to 9th May 2020.
§ Member, Internet Society
§ Member, AICTSD
· Departmental Students Activity In charge.
· Departmental Staff Leave Record Maintenance.
· NAAC Departmental File 26 & 51, 29, 30, 31 In charge.
· Student Association Coordinator
· Department NSS coordinator
· Preparation of Monthly and Weekly report
Mrs.Tejaswini Sunil Bhoye
M.E. (Information Technology)
Academic Experience : 5.5
Wireless Sensor Network, Internet of Things
FDP: 05
Workshop: 02
BE Best Project Award
Ms. Mrunal S. Jagtap
M.E. (Computer Engineering),BE(Computer Engineering)
Academic Experience : 01
Software Engineering, machine Learning, Information Security,
Total No. of International Journal: 02
Conference Publications:
1. “4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Next Generation Networks and Cloud Computing 2019 ” Key Distribution and Trust Based Scheme on Big Data Analysis for Group User on Cloud Service”.
2. “7th Post Graduate Conference of Computer Engineering 2019” entitled as “Key Distribution and Trust Based Scheme on Big Data Analysis for Group User on Cloud
Journal Publication:
3. “International Engineering Research Journal (IERJ)”ISSN No:-2395-1621,”key distribution & trust based scheme on big data analysis for group user on cloud service”.
4. International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development (IJRERD) Volume No. 02 – Issue No. 04, ISSN: 2455-8761, PP. 108-111,”Survey on Privacy Preservation of Big Data via Hybrid Cloud”
· Paper Presemtation in Kasegaon Education Society’s Polytechnic,Lohgaon”KESP FEST13”
· Paper Presentation in “Talentica’13” Sou.Venutai Chavan Polytechnic,pune
· Paper Presentation in “Nirmitee’14” Sou.Venutai Chavan Polytechnic,pune
· Attended Workshop On “Learn how to structure and publish scientific contents”,smt.kashibai navale collage of engineering,pune
· Paper Presentation “CPGCON2019” at Dr.D.Y.Patil institute of technology,Pimpri,pune.
Ms. Uma B. Karanje
Academic Experience : 7 years
Artificial Intelligence
1. Uma Karanje, Rahul Dagade, “Survey on Text Detection, Segmentation and Recognition from a Natural Scene Images”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Vol 108 – No. 13, Dec 2014, DOI : 10.5120/18974-0472, ISBN : 973-93-80884-47-8.
2. Uma Karanje, Rahul Dagade, Sankirti Shiravale, “Maximally Stable Extremal Region Approach for Text Detection in Natural Scene Images”, IJSDR, 2016.
• NA
Ms. Rohini D. Mahale
Assistance Professor
Academic Experience : 02
Data Mining
Total No. of International Journal : 02
1.Itabrics software solutions, Thane
· Assistance Professor at Computer Department
Prof. Yogesh B.Dongare
BE[CSE], M.E [Computer Engineering]
Industrial Experience : 01 Year
Machine Learning, Information Security
1.”Live Hand Gesture Recognition Using Android Device” in International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 2, Issue 6, October-November, 2014,ISSN 2091-2730.
2. “Skin Color Detection and Background Subtraction Fusion For Hand Gesture Recognition” International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 3, Issue 4, Part-2, July-August, 2015 ISSN 2091-2730.
3. “Different Edge Detection Techniques for Processing Digital Images: Canny Algorithm and Gabor Method” in (IJMIE) International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering in Sept 2015.ISSN:2249-0558
1. FDP on “Lab Practice-II” , Organized by Dr. D.Y.Patil Insttute of Engg. Mangement & Research,Akurdi, for three days from 16-18 Jully2018.
2. FDP on”Object Oriented Programming” Organized by M.E.S.College of Engineering,Pune for three days from 15-17 Dec 2016.
3. “CUDA”-Parallel Programming Approach” Organized by Amrutvahini College of Engineering,Sangamner for two days from 25-26 April 2015.
1.Rack InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Ms. Yamini P. Warke
Academic Experience : 04
Data Mining, Data Warehousing
Total No. of International: 04
Mr. Suhas Ramdas Kothavle
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
+91 7774075458
M.Tech(CSE), BE(CE)
Teaching – 14 years
Industry – 10 months
Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Network Security
· Published a paper in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science titled “COVID-19 DESIGNATOR”, IRJMETS-2021.
· Published a paper in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology titled “Application security services for cloud computing”, OAIJSE,-2018.
· Presented a paper in International Conference of 2024 4th International Conference On Emergent Covering Technologies and Biomedical Systems (ETBS 2024) titled “Revolutioning the Tourism Industry: A Review on implementing Blockchain Technology for Secure and Efficient Payment Solutions in Tours and travel”,2024.
· Presented a paper in International IEEE Conference of 2023 7th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA) titled “A Prediction and Classification Process for DDoS Attacks using Machine Learning”,2023.
· Presented a paper in International Conference of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science titled“Recognition of Human activity based on blob detection with an efficient algorithm”, International on ICERAT-2016.
· Presented and published a paper in International Conference titled “Machine Recognition of Human Activities” at YTCEM,Bhivpuri Road ICETTA-2014.
· Presented a paper in International Conference titled “FAULT TOLARANCE APPROACH FOR DATA REPLICATION” held at YTCEM,,Chandhai, ICETTA-2013.
· Presented a paper in International Conference titled “INVESTIGATION USING BRAIN MAPPING” held at YTIET, Chandhai, ICNDCETM-2012.
· Presented a paper in National Conference titled “3D PASSWORD” held at ICEM, PUNE, NC’NACT-2012.
· Organized a Workshop on “Full stack Developement” for computer Engineering held at MMIT, Lohgaon on 29th Feb 2024.
· Organized a Workshop on “Cloud Computing” for computer Engineering and AI&DS held at MMIT, Lohgaon on 4th March 2024.
· Organized a Guest lecture on “Computer Networks and its applications” for computer Engineering held at MMIT, Lohgaon on 19 October 2023.
· Organized Seminar on “Cyber security and Tools” TE computer Engineering held at MMIT, Lohgaon on 17 May 2023.
· Organized Guest Lecture on “Salesforce” TE computer Engineering held at MMIT, Lohgaon on 17 May 2023.
· Attended Workshop ON “EMERGING TRENDS IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS” held at ACROPOLIS 1, Indore on 20 October 2013.
· Attended Workshop on “SPOKEN TUTORIAL” for C, C++ and Java held at YTCEM on 12 Dec 2013.
· Attended one day orientation program for new emerging subject “Human Machine Interaction” held at SPIT College, Andheri on 6 Jan 2016.
· Attended Three Days Workshop on “IBM Software Architect” held at Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Pune in Nov 2017.
· Attended one day Workshop on “Linux” organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, ICT at IIT Bombay held at Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Pune on 23 Aug 2019.
· Attended One day training on “Software testing” held at Kasegaon Education Society’s Polytechnic, Lohgaon, Pune on 19 Nov 2019.
· Attended Two Days State level Workshop on “Blockchain Technology” held at Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Pune on 18 and 19 Dec 2019.
· Attended Two days online Worksop on "Smart Use of Virtual Laboratory for Faculties and Students"held at Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Virtual Laboratory Nodal Center on 28 and 29 April 2020.
· Attended Online COVID 19 Awareness Programme conducted by Anantrao Pawar College of Engineering and Research, Parvati, Pune on 29 April 2020.
· Attended Online COVID 19 Awareness Programme conducted by PG moze college of Engineering, Wagholi on 05 May 2020.
· Attended Webinar on “Adapting in uncertainty lessons and Insights from the Lockdown” conducted by World Association for small and medium enterprises. (WASME-IEF) May 2020.
· Attended Online Quiz on “Principle of Programming Language” conducted by JSPM Narhe Technical Campus Pune on 21 May 2020 and scored 30/30.
· Attended Online Quiz on “Core Java” conducted by JSPM Narhe Technical Campus Pune on
23 May 2020 and scored 95%.
· Attended National Level online Quiz on NAAC conducted by P.V.P.P College of Engineering,
ISTE, IAAC, AICTSD, ISDS,CSTA, IS Professional Bodies
Recognized by LabTech Solutions Pvt Ltd. this author’s ORCID profile
-ARIIA Coordinator.
-Extracurricular Activities
-Admission Committee Member
-NAAC Criteria 1 Member
+91 9730332986
M.Tech (Computer Science Engineering), BE (Computer Technology)
Teaching – 5 years
Image processing, Data Mining
● A Survey on Search Based Web Facial Image Annotation Methods in IJERT (International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology).
● Enhanced Web Facial Image Annotation with Image Based Data Retrieval Technique in IJRITCC(International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication).
● Data Security in Cloud Computing in IJRDT
● FDP on Fundamentals of Machine Learning & Deep Learning
● Workshop on Co-PO Mapping & Justification
● Internship Functional Head
● Internship Activity coordinator of AI & DS Department and IIC
● College Website Updation Member
● Institute Extracurricular Activities Head
Mr. Abhay S. Jadhav
Laboratory Assistant
Diploma In Instrumentation
Academic Experience 6.8
Industrial Experience : 11
Mr. Kotkar Prasad Raghunath
Network Administrator
4 Years
Networking, Firewall, Server, CCTV, WIFI Access Point
NAAC File: - Listing of Core Computing &
Mr. Ganesh D. Shinde.
Diploma Computer
11 Year
Dept. Projector charge
Dept. legal s/w
Dead stock /Lab Register Maintenance
Dept. Cupboard charge
Dept. Mini Laptop charge
Dept. UPS charge
Dept. Mobile stand charge
Printer Maintenance
Dept. Stationary co-ord
Functional Head- Maintenance And Hardware, Software.
Dr. Umesh P. Moharil
Associate Professor (Physics)
Ph.D. (Physics), M.Sc. (Physics)
Academic Experience : 12
Research Experience : 05
CMR Materials
Total No. of National: 03
Total No. of International: 05
1. “Study of low field magnetoresistance in La0.67Aa0.33MnO3 [A≡Ca, Ba, Sr] screen printed films”
Neeraj Khare, U. P. Moharil, B. Singh and A. K. Gupta
[Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 42, 62 (2004), India]
2. “Low field magnetoresistance and conduction noise in La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 film”
[Science Letters, 26 (7&8), 214 (2003), India]
"Temperature dependence of magnetoresistance and nonlinear conductance of bicrystal grain boundary in epitaxial La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 thin films"
Neeraj Khare, U. P. Moharil, A. K. Gupta, A.K. Raychaudhuri, S.S. Pai and R. Pinto [Applied Physics Letters 81, 325 (2002), USA]
4. “Study of magnetoresistance and conductance of bicrystal grain boundary in LBMO thin films”
Neeraj Khare, A. K. Gupta, U. P. Moharil, A. K. Raychaudhuri, S. P. Pai and R. Pinto
[Pramana – Journal of Physics 58, 62 (2002), India]
"Conduction noise in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 film”
Neeraj Khare, U. P. Moharil and A. K. Gupta
[Journal of Applied Physics 90, 2853 (2001), USA]
“Reduction in conduction noise of La-Ca-Mn-O polycrystalline film due to Ag addition”
Neeraj Khare, H .K. Singh, U. P. Moharil, A. K. Gupta and O.N. Srivastava
[Journal of Applied Physics 89, 3532 (2001), USA]
“Improvement in properties of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 polycrystalline film due to silver addition”
Neeraj Khare, H. K. Singh, P. K. Siwach, U. P. Moharil, A. K. Gupta and O. N. Srivastava
[Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34, 673 (2001), UK]
“Generation of higher harmonics in superconducting YNi2B2C”
Neeraj Khare, A. K. Gupta, U. P. Moharil, Z. Hossain, R. Nagarajan and L.C. Gupta
[Superconductor Science and Technology 13, 1306 (2000), Singapore]
Presentations in Conferences
1. “Study of magnetoresistance and conductance of bicrystal grain boundary in LBMO thin film”
Neeraj Khare, A.K. Gupta, U. P. Moharil, A. K. Raychaudhuri, S. P. Pai and R. Pinto
International Symposium on Advances in superconductivity & Magnetism: Materials,
[Mechanisms & Devices at Mangalore University on Sept. 25-28, 2001]
2. “Temperature dependence of conduction noise of bicrystal grain boundary in La0.67Ba0.33MnO3 thin film”
[18th National Symposium of Cryogenics on Nov. 21-23, 2001 at NPL, New Delhi]
“Study of conduction noise in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thick film”
[11th Annual General Meeting of MRSI, Vadodara, 3-5 Feb 2000]
“Harmonic generation in YNi2B2C superconductor”
Neeraj Khare, A.K. Gupta, U.P. Moharil, Z. Hossain, R. Nagarajan and L.C. Gupta
[DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, IGCAR Kalpakkam, 20-24 Dec 1999]
Life Member (ISTE) LM46702
Mrs. Alloli Manjula Anand
M.Sc, B.Ed(Mathematics);Ph.D.(Appli.Maths)
Academic Experience : 17yrs
Fluid Mechanics
Stude first in degree level in the department
Dr. M R Yashwante
ME (Electrical)
9 years
Earthing,renewable energy
Total No. of International: 01
1. “Particle Swarm Optimization based PID controller tuning”, International Research Conference on
Recent Changes, Developments and Consequent Impact on Economy, Pune,Year Dec 2012.
FDP on "ECM subject syllabus revision", DYPatil Akurdi, Pune dated 09-11/06/2016
BCUD project on Earthing(2014-16)
Dr. Amita Pal
Academic Experience : 10
Fixed Point Theorems and Their Applications
Mr. Mukesh Mamraj Sharma
M.Sc. (Mathematics), NET, SET, GATE
2.5 Years
3 days workshop on, “CO-PO Mapping, Justification & Attainment”
· Institute Timetable Coordinator
· Engineering Sciences Department Timetable Coordinator
Dr. Anil Gorakh Darekar
M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, NET/SET-JRF
Academic Experience :10.06
Research Experience : 01
Organic Synthesis , Separation & Quantification of Aflatoxins
Total No. of International Journal :01
1.National level Seminar on “Learning in Teaching, Teaching for Learning”at Dhole Patil COE, Wagholi, Pune.
2.National level Seminar on “Renewable Energy· & its application “at Dhole Patil COE, Wagholi, Pune.
3.State level Seminar on “Engineering Ethics· & Plagiarism”at G.H.Raisoni Institute of Engg., & Technology, Wagholi, Pune.
4.One day state level workshop on NBA Accreditation-An Outcome based approach· organized by Dhole Patil College of Engineering,Pune. Attended AICTE-ISTE approved Orientation/Refresher Programme on “Innovative·
5.Teaching-Learning Methods” organized by Vidya Pratishthan's Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati, Maharashtra.
6.National level Seminar on “Applications of Spectroscopy for Determination of Complex· Drug Molecules.” at M. J. S. College Shrigonda sponsored by U.G.C.
7.State level Seminar on “Application of Spectroscopy for the Determination of Geometry of· Organic Molecules.” at M. J. S. College Shrigonda.
8.International Year of Chemistry-2011 on “Chemical Science: Glorious Past and Exciting· Future” By Prof. C.N.R. Rao, FRS, at NCL, Pune.
9.International Year of Chemistry-2011 on “Organic Synthesis” By Prof. S. Chandrasekaran, at· NCL, Pune. InternationalYear ofChemistry-2011 on “Chemistry to ChemicalInnovation: A Challenging· Journey” By Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, FRS, at NCL, Pune.
· Chemistry Subject Teacher
Mrs. Vidya Nadkarni
Engineering Science
MSc. MPhil
Academic Experience :23Years
Industrial Experience : 0
Research Experience : 0
Indian Society Of Technical Education-
Dr.Pratibha Sachin Desai
M.Sc. Ph.D.
Academic Experience :00
Research Experience: 05
Asymmetric Synthesis and characterization of bioactive molecules and its intermediates, synthesis of specialty chemicals.
Total No. of International : 09
Patents: 03
1. “Concise enantioselective synthesis of naturally active ( S )-3-Hydroxypiperidine” Dey, S.; Karabal, P. U.; Kamble, D. A.; Sudalai, Syn Commun, 2015, 45, 1.
2. “Co(III)(salen)-catalyzed PKR of two stereocentered benzyloxy and azido epoxides: its application in the synthesis of ICI-118,551, an anti-hypertensive agent” Karabal, P. U.; Kamble, D. A.; Sudalai, A. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2014, 12, 2349.
3. “Optically pure γ-butyrolactones and epoxy esters via two stereocentered HKR of 3-substituted epoxy ester” Devalankar, D. A.; Karabal, P. U.; Sudalai, A. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 1280.
4. “NaIO4–NaN3-mediated diazidation of styrenes, alkenes, benzylic alcohols, and aryl ketones” Kamble, D. A.; Karabal, P. U.; Chouthaiwale, P. V.; Sudalai, A. Tetrahedron Lett., 2012, 53, 4195.
5. “A Novel Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium Superoxide and its Application in Organic Oxidative Processes” Reddy, S. R.; Shaikh, T. M.; Rawat, V.; Karabal, P. U.; Dewkar, G.; Suryavanshi, G.; Sudalai, A. Catalysis Survey from Asia, 2010, 14, 21.
6.“Regiospecific Azidoiodination of Alkenes with Sodium Periodate, Potassium Iodide, and Sodium Azide: A High-Yield Synthesis of β-Iodoazides” Chouthaiwale, P. V.; Karabal, P. U.; Suryavanshi, G.; Sudalai, A. Synthesis, 2010, 22, 3879.
7. “NaIO4/LiBr-mediated aziridination of olefins using chloramine-T” Karabal, P. U.; Chouthaiwale, P. V.; Shaikh, T. M. S.; Suryavanshi, G.; Sudalai, A. Tetrahedron Lett., 2010, 51, 6460.
8. Highlights in current synthetic organic chemistry on “Titanium superoxide: a Heterogeneous catalyst for aminobromination of olefins”. Tanveer M Shaikh, P.U. Karabal, S. Gurunath, Sudalai, A. Synfacts 2009, 9, 1009.
9. “Titanium Superoxide: A Heterogeneous Catalyst for anti-Markovnikov aminobromination of olefins” Shaikh, T. M.; Karabal, P. U.; Suryavanshi, G.; Sudalai, A, Tetrahedron Lett. 2009, 50, 2815.
1 “A Process for preparation of alkynyl carboxylic acids” Aher, R.D.; Gade, M. H.; Reddy, S. R.; Karabal, P. U.; Suryavanshi G. M.; Sudalai, A. 2016, US 9,302,970 B2
2.“Phenolic kinetic resolution of azido and alkoxy epoxides” Karabal, P. U.; Kamble, D. A.; Sudalai, 2013, WO 2013093943 A1
3. “Aziridination of Olefins” Karabal, P. U.; Chouthaiwale, P. V.; Shaikh, T. M. S.; Suryavanshi, G.; Sudalai, A. 2012, US 2012/0215011 A1
Research Associate (HEMRL, DRDO, Pune), Research Scientist (Clean Science and technology Kurkhumbh, MIDC, Pune) India.
Chemistry Subject Teacher
Dr. Poonam Milind Nakhate
Asistant Professor,
M.Sc, PhD(Physics),DSM
15 Years
Sensor, metal Polymer Nanocomposites, Waste management
1) Poonam D. Mahapure, S. A. Gangal, R. C. Aiyer, S. W. Gosavi, “Optical humidity sensor based on in situ and ex situ synthesized nAg/0.1%PVP composite coated on self supported PVP substrate” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, August 2018, Volume 29, Issue 15, pp 12543–12552
2) Poonam D. Mahapure, S.A. Gangal, R.C. Aiyer, S. Jagtap and S. W. Gosavi,” Combination of Polymeric Substrates and Metal Polymer Nanocomposites for Optical Humidity Sensors” accepted in Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 135, 47035.
3) Poonam D. Mahapure, S.A. Gangal, R.C. Aiyer and S. W. Gosavi, “Effect of nAg concentration & reaction time on the performance of nAg/0.1%PVP composite based humidity sensor” accepted in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, August 2018, Volume 29, Issue 16, pp 13653–13666
4) Parag Adhyapak, Poonam Mahapure, Rohini Aiyer, Suresh Gosavi, Uttamrao Mulik, Dinesh Amalnerkar “Effect of m-nitroaniline doping on the optical humidity-sensing characteristics of cobalt/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Volume 123, Issue 6, pages 3565–3574, 15 March 2012
5) Poonam D Mahapure, Gangal S. A. , Aiyer R.C. and Gosavi S.W. “Empirical mathematical model based on Moisture Diffusion and its Activation Energy in nAg/PVP nanocomposite” Mahapure in Int. J. of Science & Engineering 2017, Special issue A1:133-142
6) Poonam D. Mahapure, V. L. Math, R. C. Aiyer, P. V. Adhyapak, D. P. Amalnerkar and S.W. Gosavi, “Size Dependent Relative Humidity Sensing of Ag/PVP nanocomposites by Direct Optical Transmission Method”, IEEE, 978-1-4673-1040-6,
7) Poonam D. Mahapure, R.C.Aiyer, P.V.Adhyapak, D. P. Amalnerkar and S.W. Gosavi, “Studies on Self Supported Film of PMMA, PMMA-PVA and PMMA-(PVAAg) nano composite for Highly Linear Response over a Wide Range of Humidity”, IEEE, 978-1-4673-1040-6, 240-243
8) Poonam D. Mahapure, R. C. Aiyer and S.W. Gosavi, “Studies on PVP, PVA and their nAg Composites Based Humidity Sensors”, IEEE 978-1-4673-8081-8/15, 2015
1) Represent paper entitled as “m-NA doped Au-PVA nanocomposite humidity sensor based on optical transmission” in NSPTS14, Gwalior
2) Represent paper entitled as “Study on Size Dependent Humidity Sensing of Ag-PVP nanocomposite” in international conference in Delhi and achieved 2nd Prize,
3) Attended Raman Memorial Conference held on 25-26th Feb. 2011
4) Represent paper entitled as “Size Dependent Humidity Sensing of Ag-PVP and Ag-PVA nanocomposite using Optical Transmission Method” in Optics 11, held in May 23-26, 2011.
5) Represent papers entitled as “Studies on Self Supported Film of PMMA Coated with PVA and (PVA-Ag) nano composite for Highly Linear Response over Wide Range of Humidity” in 1st international Symposium on Physics and technology of sensor held on 7-10th March 2012 and achieved 2nd Prize,
6) Poster presentation of paper entitled as “Size Dependent Relative Humidity Sensing of Ag/PVP nano-composites by Direct Optical Transmission Method” in 1st international Symposium on Physics and technology of sensor held on 7-10th March 2012
7) Poster presentation of paper entitled as “Change in morphology of Ag nanoparticles with molarity of PVP in Ag-PVP nanocomposite” in 10th NANOKOREA 2012 Symposium coex held on 16-18th August 2012
8) Represent paper entitled as “Studies on PVP, PVA and their nAg Composites Based Humidity Sensors” in ISPTS 2, held in March 8-10, 2015.
9) Represent paper entitled as “Substrate Dependent Performance of Ag Doped PVA Optical Humidity Sensor” ISPTS 2, held in March 8-10, 2015
10) Represent paper entitled as “Empirical Mathematical Model Based on Moisture Diffusion and its Activation Energy in nAg/PVP nanocomposite” in ICANN 2017, held in 7-9 th December, 2017.
1. Attended 1 day workshop on “Calibration” in university of Pune, Department of electronic, dated on 17 Dec 2011.
2. Attended one day workshop on “Faculty development programmed ” in MMCOE college
Sr. No
FDP/Workshops List
One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Engineering Education & the Industry: A Post COVID-19 Perspective”
1 June, 2020 to 5 June, 2020
Two week online faculty development program on”Prayog-Experiments on click”- using Virtual labs
18 May to 27 May
Webinar on “Super capacitors, Solar cell devices and solar Thermal Technology”
11-14 May
COVID-19 awareness programme
15 May
One week FDP on Arduino
28 April to 4 May
NAAC awareness Programme for Faculty
8 to 14 May
Online Physics Quiz Competition
18 May
Training on “Systematic Innovation Through TRIZ”
15-17 May
Online Quiz on ““Covid -19 Pandemic Awareness Campaign”
8 May
1. Indian Society Technical Education(ISTE)
1. Received “late prof Dnyaneshwar Kothawale” prize for standing 1st in physics F.Y.B.Sc.
2. Received three prizes in M.Sc. from Nowrosjee wadia College i.e. “jadkar prize”, “Dr H.V. Modak prize” and “1st in M.Sc physics exam”
3. In M.SC my project was on Aerosol Measurements.
5. I developed a humidity sensor on optical based. It very sensitive to humidity and it doesn’t require any power supply. I used new concept for that in optical sensor. I am working on gas sensor also by using electrical method. For sensor fabrication I synthesized materials and sensor in lab.
6. I have knowledge of characterization methods such as FTIR, SEM, TEM, UV-Visible, XRD and Impedance spectroscopy
_Departmental Responsibilities:
1.Collection of reports of departmental activities
2. Annual report of department
3. Wall magazine/departmental magazine/news letter.
Mr.Vishal Vishwas Kulkarni
ME- Design Engineering, BE- Mechanical Engineering
Academic Experience : 4.5 years
Finite Element Analysis, Vibrations
Total No. of International Journal : 2
Total No. of International Conference:
1. Five Days Faculty Development Program on “Product Design Engineering”, jointly organized by DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Lonere, Raigad, Ashokrao Mane Group of Institutions, AUTODESK and TEQIP III between 20th Dec to 24th Dec 2018.
2. One Day Workshop on ‘Examination Reforms’ jointly organized by AICTE at College of Engineering Pune, on 1st February 2020.
3. Online Faculty Development Program on “National Education Policy-2020, in Context of Technology and Higher Education” jointly organized by DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Lonere, Raigad, Shiksha Mandal`s BAJAJ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, WARDHA and TEQIP III on 27th March 2021.
· Broucher/Magazine Coordinator
· Classroom Coordinator
Mr. Harshal Vaidya
Engineering Sciences (Electrical)
M.E (Electrical Drives and Control)
Academic Experience :04 years 05 months
Power Electronics, Electric Vehicles, Renewable Energy, Drives and Control.
Total No. of International Journal :07
1) Harshal Vaidya, Pooja Chandodkar, Bobby Khobragade, R. K. Kharat “Power Generation using Maglev Windmill”, International Journal for Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET),Volume 05, Issue 06, June 2016
2) Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Pierluigi Siano, Viliam Fedák, Harshal Vaidya, Aishwarya Taur “On the Structural Implementation of Magnetic Levitation Windmill” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC/I&CPS Europe), Milan, Italy, 6-7 July 2017, pp.1-5.
3) Harshal D Vaidya, “Transformerless Double Boost Converter for Nonconventional Energy Application”, International Journal for Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Volume 06, Issue 08, August 2017.
4) Harshal Dattatray Vaidya, “DC-DC Switched Inductor Boost Converter for DC Drives Applications”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), Volume 53 Number 2 November 2017
5) Patil Shaila G, P. M. Soni, Vaidya Harshal D., “State-of-the-art of an Induction Furnace: Design, Construction and Control”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018
6) Harshal D Vaidya, Ruchita P Dahad, “Non-isolated Sextuple Output Hybrid Converter Configuration”, International Journal of Power Electronics Controllers and Converters (IJPECC), Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019
7) Harshal D Vaidya, Dr. S. M. Badave, Ruchita P Dahad, “Hardware Implementation of Non-isolated Sextuple Output Hybrid Converter”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), Volume 67, Issue 11, Nov 2019.
8) Harshal D Vaidya, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar, Nikita Gupta, P Sanjeevikumar, Dhafer Almakhles, S Umashankar, Zbigniew Leonowicz, “ Single-Phase Series Compensator Circuit for Mitigating Voltage Sag or Swell in the Power System Networks-Methodology and Modelling”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, Madrid, Spain, 09-12 June 2020, pp.1-5.
9) Pandurang G. Kate, Balaji R. Jadhav, Harshal D. Vaidya, “Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Switchgear and Protection”. Journal of VLSI Design Tools & Technology (JoVDTT); Volume 10(1): pp 7–10, 2020.
10) Shashikant Prasad, Swaraj Kadam, Harshal Vaidya, Dushyant Patil, “Monitoring of Power Lines using Robots”, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” [ICRTEEE 2021]
11) Ashwini Nandusing Jadhao, Swaraj Kadam, Shashikant Prasad, Harshal Vaidya, “Usage of ANN(IOT) in PMBLDC motor controlled by Zeta Converter for Electric Vehicle Application", 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS) April 07-09, 2022, pp. 914-920.
12) Sachin P. Jadhav, Shashikant Prasad, Swaraj S. Kadam, Harshal Vaidya, “A Hardware Implementation of Incremental Conductance MPPT Algorithm in Photovoltaic System using Cuk Converter for Battery Charging” 2023 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT 2023), 22 - 24, February 2023. (Published)
1) ATAL Online FDP on Power Electronic Systems and its Real Time Control Implementation in DSP
2) ATAL Online FDP on Leadership in Academic Excellence
3) ATAL Online FDP on Research Perspectives: Renewable Energy in Electric Vehicle Charging
4) Online FDP workshop on Universal Human Values organized by AICTE
Teaching Electrical Subjects at MMIT
Aishwarya Dattatray Pawar
Director of Physical Education
Physical Education
B.Sc.(Chemistry), B.P.Ed, M.PEd,SET, PhD (Pursuing)
Academic Experience :3
Physical Education & Sports.
Total No. of Publications: 01
Research Paper: 01
· Attended National Webinar on “INSIGHTS INTO KHELO INDIA” organized by MM’s Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physical Education jointly with Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education.
Completed AIFF E-Certificate Course held at Shiv Chatrapati Stadium, Pune.
1. Played & did Captaincy for 4 School Nationals for Maharashtra State.
2. Played 2 All-India Inter-University Savitribai Phule Pune University.
5 West zones Inter University matches for Savitribai Phule Pune University.
· Responsibilities regarding Sports, Indoor hall & Gym.
· Students Participation for Sports at various Inter Collegiate, Inter-Zonal, Inter-University & All-India level under Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Students Participation for Sports at various Invitational Competitions.
Mr Rahul Balaso Mali
Engineering Science(Mathematics)
MSc SET (Mathematics)
07 Years
Mrs Laxmi Pravin Shinde
Assistant to CEO
MSc (physics), MBA (HR)
Academic Experience 10
Industrial Experience : 4
Kulkarni Gayatri Shridhar
Lab Assistant
Bsc (chemistry)
Total No. of International Journal :00
Conduct chemistry practicals
Mr. Pankaj Shyamnarayan Gaur
4 years
Mr. Sanket Ichharam Barde
+91 9673031686
ME (Electrical Power System)
Teaching – 09 Years
Transient analysis
Class Teacher for Division F
Ms. Sandhya Gadge-Sinnarkar
Engineering sciences
M.Sc., M.Phil.,Ph.D.(Thesis submitted) (Physics)
Academic Experience : 3 Years
Industrial Experience : None
Research Experience : 09 Years
Development of semiconducting metal oxides - based catalyst
for hydrogen generation and dye degradation applications
1. Sandhya S. Gadge, Yogesh A. Sethi, Manish Shinde, Ratna Chauhan, C.V. Ramana, Muthupandian Ashokkumar, and Suresh W. Gosavi Catalysing a sustainable future: Harnessing solar energy with novel Co3O4 @VO2 nanocomposites for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen generation and dye degradation. Int. J. of hydrogen energy (2024), 67, 200-215. [Impact Factor = 8.1]
2. Sandhya S. Gadge, Ratna Chauhan, Dattatray J. Late, Indra Jeet Chaudhary, Muthupandian Ashokkumar and Suresh Gosavi. Enhanced sunlight-driven catalysis for hydrogen generation and dye remediation using synergistic p-Co3O4 /n-TiO2 nanocomposites. Nanoscale Adv. 2024, 6, 1661. [Impact Factor = 4.6]
3. Sandhya Gadge, Ashif Tamboli, Manish Shinde, Hassan Fouad, Chiaki Terashima, Ratna Chauhan, and Suresh Gosavi. Sonocatalytic degradation of methylene blue using spindle-shaped cerium oxide nanoparticles. J. Solid State Electrochem. 2023, 27, 2005–2015. [Impact Factor = 2.6]
1. Patent published on “Enhanced photocatalytic performance of hydrothermally synthesized p-Co3O4/n-ZnO nanocomposites: Superior dye degradation and hydrogen generation” by Gosavi S. W., Chauhan, R., Gadge, S. S., Kumar, A., Prakash, O., Ashokkumar, M. 2024, Application number-202421073145 A.
1. Gadge, S. S.; Tamboli, A.; Shinde, M.; Chauhan, R.; Gosavi, S. “Sonocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Spindle Shaped CeO2 Nanoparticles”. International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications (AMSCA -2022), 18th to 20th October 2022, at the Department of Physics, SPPU, PUNE, INDIA.
2. Gadge, S. S.; Tamboli, A.; Shinde, M.; Terashima, C.; Chauhan, R.; Gosavi, S. “Supercapacitor Behaviour of Spindle-Shaped Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles”. 3rd International Symposium on Recent Progress of Energy and Environmental Photocatalysis (Photocatalysis 3) November 29-30, 2019, Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN.
3. Gadge, S. S.; Tamboli, A.; Shinde, M.; Terashima, C.; Chauhan, R.; Gosavi, S. “Sonocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Spindle-Shaped CeO2 Nanoparticles”.3rd International Symposium on Recent Progress of Energy and Environmental Photocatalysis (Photocatalysis 3) November 29-30, 2019, Tokyo University of Science, JAPAN.
4. Gadge, S. S.; Tamboli, A.; Shinde, M.; Chauhan, R.; Gosavi, S. “Synthesis and Characterization of CeO2 Nanostructures and its Key Role in Morphological Behavior for Super-Capacitive Study”. International Conference on Supercapacitors, Energy Storage and Applications (ICSEA-2019) March 8-10, 2019, Organized By C-MET, Thrissur, INDIA.
5. Gadge, S. S.; Tamboli, A.; Shinde, M.; Fouad, H.; Terashima, C.; Chauhan, R.; Gosavi, S. “Kinetic Study of Sonodegradation of Methylene Blue Using Spindle Shaped Cerium Oxide”. Raman Memorial Conference, February 2020, Department of Physics, SPPU, PUNE, INDIA.
1. Best thesis award at the 31st Raman Memorial Conference-2025 at Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
2. Best oral presentation at International Conference on Advanced Materials Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications (AMSCA -2022), 18th to 20th October 2022, at the Department of Physics, SPPU, PUNE, INDIA
h-index (Google scholar)
Qualification:- B.A.,M.Lib.Isc., UGC-NET
Total Experience :7 years
Contact No: - Ext No: 614
Qualification: B.A, M.L.I.Sc
Total Experience : 9 years
Library AttendantMail Id: - jayashree.
Dr. Sonali S. Patil
Assistant Professor, HOD
Mechatronics Engg
B.E.(Mechanical); M.E.(Mech.-Design), PhD (Pursuing)
Academic Experience : 07
Project: “Deep learning based framework for health monitoring
of tipped milling tool considering vibration dataset ”
Total No. of International Conference:0
Learning & Life Long Self
Solving , Innovation and
Meaningful R &
based education : A step towards
virtual kits – An initiative for
innovative teaching Learning
Dr. Mukesh G. Ghogare
Mechatronics Engineering
B. E Instrumentation, M. E. Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Ph. D Instrumentation and Control Engineering
22 Years
Control Systems, Signal and Image Processing
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil and C. Y. Patil, “Experimental validation of optimized fast terminal sliding mode control for level system”, Vol. 126, Pages 486-497, Elsevier ISA Transactions. DOI: E-SCI- Q1
ü S. V. Malge, M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, A. S. Deshpande and S. K. Pandey, "Chatter-free Non-Singular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Interleaved Boost Converter," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3201959. SCI- Q1
ü M. G. Ghogare, A. R. Laware, S. L. Patil and C. Y. Patil, "Design and Analysis of Decentralized Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller for TITO Process", International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 277-296, Apr. 2022. Scopus
ü R. A. Deshpande, M. G. Ghogare and A. R. Laware, “Design of PID Controller for Nonlinear Process”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol XIV, pp. 1-6, June 2020. UGC care list Journal
ü A. R. Laware, V. S. Bandal, M. G. Ghogare, and D. B. Talange, “Design of LMI-based finite-time sliding mode controller: The convex optimization problem”, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 11, Issue 5, May/2020 ISSN NO:0377-9254. UGC care list Journal.
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil and L. R. Chaudhari, “Experimental application of global fast terminal sliding mode controller to TITO system”, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, Vol.21, No.2, June 2023. DOI: 10.37936/ecti-eec.2023212.249727. Scopus- Q4
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Fingerprint Verification Using Wavelet Transform with Edge Detection and Radon Transform”, International Journal of advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences (IJAMTES) (ISSN: 2249- 7455), Volume 1, Issue 6 (VIII) March 2012, pp: 144- 149. UGC care list Journal
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Fingerprint Verification Using Different Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer Science Information and Engineering Technologies (IJCSIET) (ISSN: 2277- 4408), Issue 3, Volume 1, Series 4, April 2013, DOI: 01042013- 008.
ü M. G. Ghogare, B. B. Musmade, C. Y. Patil and B. M. Patre, “Robust control design using sliding mode observer for uncertain systems”, IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON- 2016), pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2016.7839088
ü M. G. Ghogare, B. B. Musmade, S. L. Patil and B. M. Patre, “Robust regulation of time-delay processes using sliding mode control”, SICE International Symposium on Control Systems (SICE ISCS- 2020), pp. 55-60. DOI: 10.23919/SICEISCS48470.2020.9083490
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil, A. R. Laware and L. R. Chaudhari, "Design and experimental validation of non-singular terminal sliding mode control for level control system", IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON- 2021), IIT, Guwahati, Assam, Dec- 19-21, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON52576.2021.9691606.
ü S. C. Rajgade, P. D. Shendge and M. G. Ghogare, "Robust Controller Design Based on Equivalent Input Disturbance for Magnetic Levitation System," 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT54291.2022.9825029.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Fingerprint Verification Using Wavelet Transform with Edge Detection and Radon Transform”, International conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Management, Engineering, computer Application and Technology, (ICCTCMECAT- 2012), held at Deogiri college, Aurangabad, during 23rd, 24th and 25th March 2012.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Bio- metrics: Fingerprint Verification”, International Conference on Science, engineering and Spirituality (ICSES’ 10), held at SES, College of Engineering, Navalnagar during April- 1st 7 2nd, 2010.
C. Book Chapter:
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil and B. B. Musmade, “Sliding mode control design for higher order uncertain system”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 700. Springer, pp. 505-520, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8221-9-45
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, Seema Jadhav and V. S. Rane, “Fingerprint Identification using Radon Transform”, National conference on VLSI and Signal Processing: NCVSP- 11, held at G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Wagholi, Pune during 30th June and 1st July 2011, pp- 36.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Biometrics: Fingerprint Identification”, National Conference on Advances in Engineering and Management: AEM: 2011, held at Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune, During 13th to 15th January, 2011, ISBN No: 978-81-920427-0-1, pp- 12
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, R. S. Vhatkar, S. D. Chavan and S. R. Jog, “A Search for Crash Site, Sunken Ship, or survivors at Sea by Wireless Technique”, National Conference on Wireless Technologies, NCWT- 2008, held at Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pimpri, Pune- 15 during 29th and 31st December 2008, pp- 19.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and N. S. Nehe, “Dynamic Time Wrapping Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification”, National conference on Architectring Future IT Systems, NCAFIS- 08, held at Devi Ahilya University, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Indore, MP, during 17th and 18th October 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Wavelet Based Fingerprint Verification”, National conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management- ETEM- 08, Held at Rajashri Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, during 3rd and 4th March 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Wavelet Based fingerprint Verification”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies- NCET- 08, held at Integral University, Lucknow, U. P during 29th and 30th March, 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Discrete Wavelet Based Fingerprint Verification”, National Conference on Advance Communication, NCAC- 2008, Held at Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad, Gujarat, during 29th and 30th March 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Minutia based Person Identification using Fingerprints”, National conference on Computing, Communication and Electronics- NCCCE- 08, held at College of Engineering and Information Technology, Jalgaon during 8th and 9th February 2008.
Best Wipro Mission10xian Award
Emerson Export Systems, V- Ramp Automation, Instron Technologies Pvt Ltd.
1. Project Coordinator
2. Internship Coordinator
3. Lab development committee member
+91 8308801860
Ph.D.(EEE),M.Tech (ELDT), BE (Instrumentation)
Teaching – 6.5 year
Image processing, Deep Learning, AI/ML
1. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala & Bakalial, Bikramaditya. (2023). Automated Freshwater Fish Species Classification using Deep CNN. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. 104. 10.1007/s40031-023-00883-2.
2. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala & Bakalial, Bikramaditya. (2022). FRESHWATER FISH SPECIES CLASSIFICATION USING DEEP CNN FEATURES. ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing. 12. 2721-2729. 10.21917/ijivp.2022.0386.
3. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala. (2020). Performance Comparison of FOD based Edge Detector and Traditional Edge Detectors on Fish Image Edge Detection. 485-490. 10.1109/ComPE49325.2020.9200022.
4. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala. (2020). Comparative Analysis of FOD based Prewitt, Sobel & Laplacian Operators for Edge Detection on Freshwater Fish images. 65-70. 10.1109/ESCI48226.2020.9167538.
5. Mahadik, Chetan & Mahindrakar, Sumit & Deka, Jayashree. (2014). An Improved and Efficient Power Bicycle system with the Power of Real time Information Sharing.,MJET
6. Deka, Jayashree & Madhukar, Taur & Arun, Tarate. (2014). Speed control of DC motor using PIC 16F877A microcontroller. 1. 223-234..MJET
· Successfully Completed OpenCV Bootcamp from OpenCV University with 85% in 2 nd April 2024.
· Completed a certification course on Python for Machine Learnings from Great Learnings in March 2024.
· Online Workshop on Python Programming with Engineering Applications at Assam Don Bosco University,7-12th Aug’23
· Successfully completed a three-day in-house training in “Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Visualization on GPU” at Maritime Research Centre, Pune, in June 2018.
· Attended two days international workshop on “Information and Communication
· Technology” at KJ College of Engineering, Pune on 11 th – 12 th March ’13.
· a seminar on “Instrumentation, Operation, and Control of Power System” at GIMT, Guwahati, held on 28 th and 29 th April ’11.
· Attended one-week STP on “Optimization Techniques” at NITTTR, Chandigarh held in May ’11.
· Successfully completed a two-week workshop on” Basic Electronics” conducted by IIT Bombay from 28 th June ’11 to 8 th July ’11.
· Attended a one-week STP on “Control System and MATLAB Simulation” at NITTTR, Kolkata extension center held on 5 th September ’11.
Scientific Reports (Springer Nature), IET Image Processing,Journals of Institution of Engineers: Series B(Springer Nature),Indian Journal of Geo-marine Sciences, ADBU Journal of Technology
Gold Medalist in M.Tech,GATE’07 qualified
-University Syllabus,MOM,MOOC,Awards/Recognition received by Faculty, Awards/Recognition received by students,publications by department faculty,patents,publications by students
Dr.Yogita Subhash Pimpale
2 Days
Biomedical signal processing [ Electronics and Communication]
1. Shirsath, S. M., Popalghat, S. R., Tarate, S. D., & Pimpale, Y. S. (2016). Embedded wireless light intensity control using DTMF. International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 4(5), 57-59.
2. Pimpale, Y., & Parvat, B. J. Design of Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Uncertain System.
3. Pimpale, Y., Gupta, S., & Kanday, R. (2022, February). Comparative Analysis of Active Filters for Processing of ECG Signal According to AHA Recommendation. In 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
4. Pimpale, Y., Kanday, R., & Gupta, S. (2021, December). Analysis of Parity- Based Search Algorithms for Execution of Target Node in Relation to Automation Applications. In 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
5. Pimpale, Y. Gupta, S. (2021). A review on ECG signal processing in relation to Ecosystem. Proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Sustainable Energy &Technology (ICFSE, 2021), 19-20 September, 2021
6. Yogita Pimpale and Sachin Gupta, “A cohort data-based perspective on ecological aspects predicaments in human health,” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, Vol.29, No.1, Pp. 144-156, Nov. 2022. (SCI)
7. Pimpale Y., Gupta S., Rana P., and Kumar V., “Recent advances in ecological aspect for prediction model based on ECG beat classification using neural network,” Global NEST Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, Pp. 629-637, Oct 2022. (SCIE)
8. Y Pimpale, S Gupta, and R Kanday, “Cause Effect Analysis of Ecological Pollutants on Internal Physique of Human Subjects Using Radial Recurrent Neural Network Approach,” 4th International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (ICICS-2022), 2327 (2022) 012066,.doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2327/1/012066
1. Paper presented in International Conference on Futuristic Sustainable Energy & Technology 2021.
2. Paper presented in IEEE Delhi Section International Conference (DELCON) 2022.
3. Paper presented in 2nd IEEE international conference.2021
4. Paper presented in International conference on Materials for Emerging Technologies .2021.
5. Paper presented in International conference on recent advances in applied sciences. 2022.
6. Paper presented in 4th International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems (ICICS) 2022.
1. Attended five days workshops on PLC, SCADA, and DCS in college of engineering and research, loni.
2. Attended Workshop on artificial intelligence in action, in lovely professional university, Punjab
3. Workshop on Biosensors for monitoring pollutants in lovely professional university, Punjab.
+91 9689925823
PhD. (Electronics), M.E (VLSI) ,B.E (E&TC)
Teaching – 21 years
Industry – 0
IoT, Robotics, Signal Processing, Digital Twin, Embedded System
International Journal research papers: 40
Indian Govt Patent Granted:12, Published:13
Book Publication: 8
Book Chapter:7
International: 13, National:2
Attended FDP/STTP/Workshop:22
• Reviewer for Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
· Reviewer of Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal
· Reviewer for International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation
· Editorial board member of International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks.
1. Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) LM55179
2. Life Member of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication (IETE) F-502147
1. Recognition as a Ph.D. Research Guide (Ref. No: BOD/Sci. & Tech./97/137 Savitribai Phule Pune University)
2. Session Chair for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing & Informatics on 5th to 7th March 2024
3. Session chair for the 4th International conference on computer vision and Robotics CVR 2024,25th -26th May 2024
4. Received Best Teacher Award, From Savitribai Phule Pune University ,2023
5. Received “Young Scientist Award" 2021(VD Good Technology, Coimbatore)
6. Received “Young Achiever Award” 2020 by Institute of Scholars.
7. Certificate of Appreciation by Tex as Instruments, DST, A ICTE and IIM - Bangalore are honored as member of the prestigious ” Confederation of Elite Academicians of IIC DC” for Best Mentor and outstanding contributions and stellar commitment to inspiring engineering students to innovate and create ground breaking solutions (October 2019).
8. Texas Instruments presented memento in appreciation for fostering an ecosystem bridging Government industry and Academia
9. Best Paper award Yogini D Borole, Dr. C. G. Dethe “Mixed Radix CORDIC FFT algorithm for OFDM WPAN applications” International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication & Robotics Engineering (ICEECR-2018) at Singapore
10. Received BCUD Pune Research Grant (2013-2015) of 1, 70,000/- for Design and VLS I implementation of Modified radix 2^5 FFT processor for WPAN application.
11. Certification of 6 out of 8 modules in NITTT, an initiative by AICTE, has been achieved.
1. Copper Cloud Pvt Ltd
2. Vivova Ventures LLP
3. ApTron Tech Pvt Ltd
1. BCUD Research Grant, SPPU Pune University, Design & VLSI implementation of modified radix 2^5 FFT processor for WPAN application” Feb 2016(Amount: 1,70,000/-)
2. Smart assembly table typically refers to a technologically enhanced worktable or workstation designed to streamline and improve the assembly process, at Esbee Electrotech LLP
E-yantra Coordinator
Ms. Apurva Rajiv Ulhe
B.E (Electrical ) M.E(Power electronics and Drives)
Academic Experience : 03
Power electronics
Total No. of International Conference:00
Registered for 5-day FDP-SI UHV Online - “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)”
Online mode(Zoom) from 2021-11-08 to 2021-11-12.
Mr. Nilesh Chandrakant Dhobale
+91 9673035530
B.E(Mechanical Engg.), MTech (Mechatronics Engg.), PhD Pursuing (Mechatronics Engg.)
Teaching – 4.5 Year
Industry – 00 Year
Mechatronics, Robotics, Condition monitoring using Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Automation & Control systems
1. NC Dhobale,SS Mulik, R Jegdeeshwaran,Supervision of miiling tool inserts using conventional and artificial intelligence approach- A Review,Journal of sound and Vibration,vol 55(2),2021.
2. NC Dhobale,SS Mulik ,SPDeshmukh,Naïve Bayes and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of end milling tool using wavelet analysis – A Comparative study,Journal of Vibration engineering and technologies,vol10,2022
3. Sharad Mulik, Nilesh Dhobale,Kanchan Pujari,Kailash Karande, An Artificial intelligence based approach for Biomedical Application, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, Book Chapter 2022.
4. Nilesh Dhobale, Sharad Mulik,Suhas Deshmukh, Kaustubh Ganer Condition monitoring of multipoint end mill tool using statistical features and J48 algorithm, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021
5. Chandan M N, Sharad Mulik, Nilesh Dhobale,Fault diagnosis of drilling tool using vibration signals and Lazy learning classifier, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
6. Milind Rohokale,Sharad Mulik,Nilesh Dhobale, Condition Monitoring of Broaching tool Using K -Star Algorithm, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
7. Dhananjay Kankal,RL Edlabadkar,Nilesh Dhobale, Wave Energy Convertor Technology: A Review, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
8. Nilesh C Dhobale, Krishagana S Chauhan, Tejas S Gaikwad, Health monitoring of VMC machine tool using Arduino UNO (vibration measurement) and machine learning algorithms AI, Journal of Emerging technologies and innovative research,2023.
9. Nilesh C Dhobale, Krishagana S Chauhan, Tejas S Gaikwad, Health monitoring of vmc machine tool using arduino uno and machine learning algorithms, International Journal of creative research thought,2023.
1. PatangeA.D, R.Jegdeeshwaran, NC Dhobale, Milling cutter condition monitoring using machine learning approach, International conference of mechanical power Transmission,IIT Madras,2020.
2. NC Dhobale, SS Mulik, R. Jegdeeshwaran, Kaustubh Ganer, Multipoint milling tool supervision using artificial neural network approach,materials today procedings,vol 45 part 2,2021
1. One week faculty development program on ‘Use of AI in Mechanical Engineering’ at RMD Sinhgad School of Engg Warje Pune,2021
2. One week faculty development program on ‘Multidisciplinary faculty development program, at ISBM College of Engg. Pune,13-19 Dec 2023.
3. Faculty development program on ‘Machine Learning’ at DYP Akurdi Pune 2023.
Lifetime member of IAENG
1. Elite grade on NPTEL course on ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’ by IIT Madras
2. Keynote speaker on Research: Design, IPR& Publication
IIC Convenor, ERP Coordinator, Member R&D
+91 8149137535
M.E. (Design), BE (Mechanical)
Teaching – 10 years
1. Experimental Investigation and Analyze the Effect of Varying L/D
on Thermal Performance of Vortex Tube, International Journal of
Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering Volume 10 Issue 6 ISSN 2349-2163 June 2023
2. Design and manufacturing of a handy press for bush fitting using
double acting hydraulic cylinder, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 3 Issue 2 ISSN 2395-0072 Feb 2016
3. Various approaches to eliminate MIG welding and defects occurring in DT Cap fitting in a three-wheeler shock absorber, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 3 Issue 2 ISSN 2395-0072 Feb 2016
4. Detection of crack location and depth in a cantilever beam by vibration measurement and its comparative validation in ANN and GA, International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology volume 4
issue 10 ISSN 2321-7308 Oct 2015
1. Staff coordinator for two-day National level conference on Implementation of NEP 2020 organized by DPCOE sponsored by SPPU Pune on 10th & 11th February 2023
1. Attended 6 days FDP on Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances organized by BSIOTR Pune from 17th April to 22nd April 2023
2. Attended Online course on SAR Data processing & its application with special Emphasis on RISAT-1A/EOS-4 by IIRS, Dehradun from 10th April to 14th April 2023
3. Attended 5 days FDP on Computer-aided engineering analysis using ANSYS organized by VIIT Pune from 17th July to 21st July 2023
4. Attended one-week National level FDP on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) organized by DPCOE in association with AICTE & Brainovision Solutions Pvt Ltd from 21st to 25th August 2023
1.Lifetime Member of ISTE Staff Chapter (LM 106360)
2. Member of International Association of Engineers
3.Member of All India Council for Technical Skill development.
Certification of 5 out of 8 modules in NITTT, an initiative by AICTE, has been achieved.
Result Analysis Coordinator, Website Coordinator
Associate Professor, Head of Department
BE[IT], M.E. [Computer Engineering] ,Ph.D CSE
Academic Experience : 15 years
Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Network Security
1) Design of a Blockchain-Based Access Control Model with QoS- Awareness Via Bioinspired Computing Techniques, International Journal of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering.
2) Web3 Chain Authentication and Authorization Security Standard (CAA) , International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
3) Attribute-Based encryption mechanism with privacy-preserving approach in cloud computing , Elsevier.
4) Data Science in Clinical Decision System , Springer Singapore.
5) Data Science in Information, Communication and Technology, Springer Singapore.
6) Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing, Solid State Technology.
7) Attribute-Based Encryption for Preserving Privacy, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering.
8) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of cloud based digital forensic tool, IEEE.
9) Co-author for book “FOUNDATIONS OF DATA SCIENCE FOR ENGINEERING PROBLEM SOLVING by SPRINGER Verlag, Singapore”-Studies in Big Data Series. 2021. (
10) Transfer and Ensemble Approach for Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication.
11) Deep Learning Approach for Measuring the Severity of Depression Using Social Media. In 2023 International Conference on Integration of Computational Intelligent System (ICICIS)
12) Transfer and Ensemble Approach for Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using Deep Learning. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication
13) A Robust Ensemble Learning Approach for Malware Detection and Classification”. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology
14) Gaussian-Based Dilated 1-D CNN for Classifying B-Cell Epitopes in Zika and Dengue Protein Sequences. Journal Electrical Systems
15) Published: Internet at Max (I-MAX). Patent ID: 202121036531. Filled date: 12/08/2021.
16) Published: Intelligent ear pods by voice commands and gestures. Patent ID: 202121039211. Filled date: 30/08/2021.
17) Published: Design And Progress Of Reversible Data Hiding For Improved Security In Data Transmissions. Patent ID: 202321055625 A. Filled date: 19/08/2023.
18) Published and Granted: AI-Based Air Quality Sensing Device. Patent ID: 399323-001. Filled date: 06/11/2023.
19) Published: Method and System For Adaptive Federated Learning In Decentralized AI-Enabled IOT Networks. Patent ID: 2024210007341. Filled date: 02/02/2024.
20) Published: Transaction Flows And Transaction Processing For Bridged Payment Systems Using Machine Learning. Patent ID: 202421008009 A. Filled date: 06/02/2024.
21) Published: Robust anomaly detection system using machine learning for cybersecurity. Patent ID: 202421034814 Filled date: 02/05/2024
Book chapters
22) Book name: Computational Intelligence and Blockchain in Biomedical and Healthcare Informatics. Chapter Name: Leveraging Web 3.0 to Develop Play-to-Earn Apps in Healthcare using Blockchain. (
23) Book name: Medical Image Analysis and Classification for Varicose Veins. Chapter name: Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Multidisciplinary Applications. (
1. Keynote Speaker
A. Topic: “Patent Drafting and Filling” in 3 days workshop on, “Research writing – Manuscript, Copyright, Patent & Books” organized by R&D and IPR Cell, Marathwada Mitramandal’s Institute of Technology, Lohgaon, Pune from 12th – 14th February 2024.
B. Topic: “Machine Learning: Multidisciplinary Approach” in one week FDP on “Advancements in Artificial Intelligence” organized by Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Department of CSE - Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning, CSE - Artificial Intelligence Department from 4th March to 8th March 2024.
2. Reviewer
· Reviewer and Session Chair: 5th International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics.
· Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.
· National level E-conference on “Role of AI, IOT, Machine Learning In healthcare Technologies-2021.
· 2023 7th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation.
· 1st International Conference on Integration of Computational Intelligent System 2023.
· VISHWACON 2023 - 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology.
· 9th International conference for convergence in technology.
· 2024 MIT ADT School of Computing International Conference.
· International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Machine Learning, Data Science and Internet of Things.
· International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Big Data Analytics 2024.
· 2nd International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights.
· 8th International Conference on Computing, Communication, Control and Automation.
· Applied Artificial Intelligence.
· Engineered Science.
· 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Distributed System Security (IEEE ICBDS 2024).
MoU with GSoft Solutions
Head of Department Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,
Functional Head Add on and Value Added courses, MOOCs,
+91 7028020203
Ph.D.(CE),ME(CE),BE(CE) .
Teaching – 10 year
Industry – 2 Year
Cloud Computing, Deep Learning,
1. Shinde Babaso,“ AI-BASED VOICE ASSISTANT USING PYTHON AND CHATGPT APIS”, published by Journal Of Basic Science And Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 1, (2024), Page 301-315, Jan 2024.
2. Shinde Babaso,“ To visualize and find free parking lots designed to alert the driver of obstacles while parking using software tool”, published by Open Acess international journal of science And Research, Volume 7 || Issue 6, Page 110-118, March 2024.
3. Shinde Babaso,“ MUSIC RECOGNITION USING AUDIO FINGERPRINTING”, published by Journal Of Basic Science And Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 1, Page 287-300, March 2024
4. Shinde Babaso,“ Tours And Travels Management System”, published by Journal of Harbin Engineering University, Vol 45 No. 3, Page 220-227, March 2024.
5. Shinde Babaso,“To visualize and find free parking lots designed to alert the driver of obstacles while parking using software tool”, published by Journal of Harbin Engineering University, Volume 44, Issue 12, Page 805-812, Dec 2023.
6. Shinde Babaso Ananda and Dr. Rajeev G. Vishwakarma ‘‘Efficient and Secure Mobile Health SySstem using Cloud”, published by IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Volume 12, Issue 01, Page 221-228, 2023
7. Shinde Babaso Ananda and Dr. Rajeev G. Vishwakarma “‘Design An Efficient Sharable & Reachable Mobile Health System Extended With Division & Replication To Enhance Security”,published by International Journal of Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, Volume 37, Issue 05, Page 1642-1663, 2022.
8. Shinde Babaso Ananda and Dr. SunitaGond “Efficient And Secure Mobile Health System Using Cloud”, published by International Journal of Webology, Volume 18, Issue 05, Page 4154-4170, 2021
1)ShindeBabasoAnanda, “A privacy-preserving attribute based authentication system for extended with division and replication to enhance security,” international virtual conference on “Trends and Innovation in Management, Commerce, Science, Engineering and Humanities” (ICMCSEH-2020) Organized by- Research Foundation of India.
2) ShindeBabasoAnanda, “Nfc based secure mobile healthcare system for extended with division and replication to enhance security,” “Emerging Trends and Technologies in the Area of IT Science, Social Sciences Commerce and Management” (ICET- 2020,) Organized By: St. Paul Institute of Professional Studies.
3) Shinde Babaso Ananda, “Efficient Sharable And Reachable Mobile Health Systems: Current State, Challenges, Solutions And Gaps,”, international virtual conference on “Combating Industrial Challenges During Covid 19”(IC-CICDC-19-2020), Organized Indore Management Institute & Research Centre.
4) Shinde Babaso Ananda, ““Efficient Sharable And Reachable Mobile Health Systems With Connecting Securely Mobile Devices With Distributed Electronic Health Records And Medical Systems,” international virtual conference on “Sustainable Development in Current Scenario: Social Science, Commerce, Management, Education, Medical, Pharmacy, Agriculture, IT & Engineering and Humanities in Global Environment” (SDCS-2021), Organized By-AAFT University Raipur (CG),Christian Eminent Academy of Professional Studies-Indore.
· Attended One Week Faculty Development Program on “On Data Science and Cyber Security” on 08/01/2024 to 13/01/2024. At JSPM'S Bhivarabai Sawant Institute Of Technology & Research.
· Attended One Week Faculty Development Program on “Innovative practices in teaching learning Process” on 18th To 22nd March 2024. At SND College of Engineering And Research Center,Babhulgaon,Yevla.
· Attended Faculty development Program “LABORATORY PRACTICE II”(BE Computer Engineering 2015 Pattern) on 16th July to 18th July 2018 at Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research.
· Attended One Week Faculty Development Program on “Industry 4.0 Technologies and Research Trends” on 16th to 31st December 2022 at PimpriChinchwad College of Engineering and ResearchRavet.
· Attended Five days online Faculty Development Program on “Deep Learning “on 23rd Jan 2023 to 28th Jan 2023 at AJEENKYA DyPatil School of Engineering.
Awarded by “Rajyastariy Gunwant Shikshak Gurugauvra Puraskar 2022”
1. Jalji Technology.
2. Proazure Pvt.Ltd.
+91 9975722009
Ph.D.(CSEE),M.Tech (CSE), BE (IT)
Teaching – 16 Years
Industry – 2.5 Years
Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision
· Presented Paper on “Dimensionality Reduction of Facial Features to Recognize Emotion State” at Springer International Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy, ETAEERE 2016
· Presented Paper on “Dimensionality reduction of extracted feature database for face recognition system using Two-Dimensional Maximum Margin Criteria” at International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN 2010 (Proceedings – 2010), 2010, pp. 415–418, 5702005 (1 Citation)
· Paper presentation on “Security approaches” in National Symposium on Engineering and Research (NSER 2012) at Nasik.
· Paper presentation on “Sequential handwritten word spotting in document based on recurrent neural network” in 1st International Conference (Techno vision 2014) at Pune.
· Organized National Level Paper Presentation Competition Avishkar-2012 in SNDCOE&RC on 26th March 2012.
Best Paper Award ICSCAI 2018 ,GATE’07 qualified
- Consultancy
+91 8888870971
Ph.D.(CSE),M.E (Computer Engineering), BE (Computer Engineering)
Teaching – 15.10 year
Industry – 1.6 Year
Information Security , Database
1. “Robust Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks” in International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies in International Journal of Research in Engineering Science and Technology (IJCSIT), (ISSN-0975-9646), Vol. 5 (4) , 2014, pp.4999-5002.
2. “Robust Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with fixed path and controlled speed mobile sink” in International Journal of Advanced Tcnology in Engineering and Science (IJATES) ISSN: 2348-7550, Volume-4, Issue-12, December 2016, pp. 297-309.
3. “Survey on Different Type of Hashing Algorithm” in International Journal of Advance Scientific Research and Engineering Trends (IJASRET), e-ISSN 2456-0774, Volume: 03 Special Issue: 02, February-2018, pp.14-16.
4. “Survey on Different Type of Encryption Algorithm” in Open Access International Journal of Science& Engineering (OAIJSE) ISSN: 2456-3293, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2018, pp. 21-28.
5. “Modified Apriori Based Data Sanitization for Cloud Data Security: An Optimization Assisted Model”, Cybernetics and Systems journal (ISSN:1087-6553), Jan 2023.
6. “Cloud data security with Deep Maxout assisted Data sanitization and Restoration Process”, High-Confidence Computing Journal (ISSN: 2667 2952), March 2024.
·Attended FDP on ““Project Based Learning II”(SE Course 2019)” at Sinhgad Institute of Technology and SPPU, January 2021
·Attended SE Computer Syllabus Revision (2019 Course), Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Technology and SPPU January 2020
· Completed a certification course on Python from IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial in April 2020.
· Completed a certification course on Java Programing from IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial in April 2020
· Completed a certification course on R Programing from IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial in May 2020.
· Attended BE Computer Syllabus Revision Meet, Anantrao Pawar COE,Pune and SPPU BOS Computer, January 2018
· Attended FDP on “FPL II FDP” at PCCOE ,Nigadi and SPPU BOS Computer, February 2017
· Attended one week FDP on “ESIOT(TE COMP 2015course )” at PCCOE ,Nigadi and SPPU BOS Computer, December 2017
· Successfully Completed Workshop on Android March 2016.
Best Paper Award in International Conference
NBA Coordinator, DAB Coordinator, Dept Alumini Co-ordinator, GFM SE A1, Departmental Add On Course Coordinator, Departmental Purchase Coordinator, Research and Fund, Internship Coordinator
Mr. Nisar S. Shaikh
Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
M.E (Computer Engineering)
Academic Experience: 07 Years
Industrial Experience: 00
Machine Learning and Data Science
Total No. of International Journal: 10
· Two Days Workshop on IoT.
SE Class Teacher
Ms. Rucha Agrawal
B.E (Computer Engineering), M.E (Computer Networks)
Wireless Sensor Network
Total No. of International Conference:01
· One week STTP on “Advanced Applications in AI and ML”
· One week FDP on “ Emerging paradigms in AI and DS”
· ISTE Approved two days workshop on “LATEX”
· One day workshop on “Basic Unix Commands”
· Two days “Faculty Induction Training “ Program
· Faculty development workshop on “Excellence – Journey for Leadership”
· ISTE Approved Workshop - MISSION 10X
· Two Days workshop on “Applied Algorithms”
· Lab incharge in AI & DS department
+91 9730746878
Teaching – 7.1 year
Industrial – 0 months
Data Science, IOT, Cloud Computing
1. Paper Publication in Academic Science “ISSN 2347-8616, Impact Factor 2.65 on Topic “Cryptography Algorithm Visualization System”.
2. Paper Publication in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCH AND INNOVATIVE IDEAS IN EDUCATION “ISSN (O): 2395-4396”, “A Survey on Tag Based Image Search Using Various Aspects”.
3. Paper Publication in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNOLOGY “ISSN (O): - 2349-3585”, “Implementation of Tag Based Technique Using Feedback Session for Image and Url Search Goal Inference”.
Workshops organized and attended
1. Three Days Faculty Development Program on “Networking & Security”
2. Five Days Faculty Development Program on “Website Designing with PHP”
3. One Day Faculty Orientation Program On “Business Intelligence”
4. One week workshop Website Development & Bootstrap
5. One Day Faculty Development Program on “Outcome Based Education Software”
Mrs. Aparna Lahane
M.Tech (CST), BE(CSE)
4.4 Year
· “Technique for Keyword Search using Minimum Distance” Chavan Aparna, S.B. Bangar, International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 4 Issue 4, 2016.
· Review on Keyword search over Relational Database” Chavan Aparna, Suvarna Bangar, Journal, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4 Issue 11, 2014.
· Successfully Completed One week FDP on “Deep Dive into Data Science and Machine Learning from 26th Feb 2024 to 01st March 2024.
· Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Security” on 28th January, 4th & 11th February 2017
· FDP on “Big Data Analytics: Tools, techniques and research directions” on 11th ,12th & 13th January 2017
· Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Opportunities for Funded Research from 05th January 2018 To 06th January 2018
· One Day Faculty Development Program on “Great to Greatness – Knowing Yourself” on 5th February 2018.
· Book chapter “ AI-Powered Vigilance in Neonatal Vital Signs Monitoring for Optimal Health Care” Publication in Modernizing Maternal Care With Digital Technologies, IGI Global
· IS
+91 9604925854
M.Tech (IT), BE (Computer Engineering)
Teaching – 7 year
Data Mining, Machine Learning
● Faculty Development Programme on “PSOOP”organized by BoS of SPPU Pune on 19 August 2013 at VIIT.
● Faculty Development Programme on “Basics of Linux kernel Programming”organized by BoS of University of Pune on 28 th Feb 2015 at AIT.
● Two days State Level Workshop on “Current Research Trends in Computer Networking”at Trinity College of Engineering held on 14 15 october 2013
● Faculty Development Programme on”Research Methodology and Mathematical Modeling ”under TEQIP during 13th to 14th Feb 2015.
● Faculty Development Programme on on “Operating system”organized by BoS of University of Pune on12 th Jan 2015 at PVG college of Engineering.
● One week Faculty Development Programme held at KJs Educational Institutes from 8 th to 13 th Dec 2014.
● Two week ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” conducted by IIT kharagpur from 27 th April to 30 th May 2015.
● Two Days Hands on Faculty Development Program on “Effective use of ICT Tools for efficient online teaching” organised by PICT on 29 th and 30 th May 20.
● Faculty Development Programme on “Swift(IOS)”organized by METs Institute of Engineering from 12 th to 16 th May 2020.
● One day National Level Webinar on “Data Science with Machine Learning” organized by Department Of Computer Engineering, AISSMS College Of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra On 26th May 2020.
● Three Days national Level online workhop on “Python Programming and Applications in ArtificialIntelligence and data science” organized by Department Of Computer Engineering, K.K Wagh Institute of Engineering education, Pune, Maharashtra On 28 th , 29 th and 30 th May 2020.
Mrs. Savitri Prashant Mane
+91 9552285656
M.E (Computer Networks), BE (Computer Science)
Teaching – 8 Year
Networking, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1. Skin Impedance Technique to Detect Hand-Glove Rupture S Modi, YK Mali, V Borate, A Khadke, Savitri Mane, G Patil - 2023 OITS International Conference on Information 2023.
2. Extensive Performance Evaluation of Efficient Method for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Networks International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 131 –No 13, December 2015.
3. Practical Analysis Vertical Handover Decision (VHD) Algorithm for WIMAX and WLAN International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 108 –No 16, December 2014
· Completed a certification course on Python for Data Science from NPTEL with score of 66% duration Jul-Aug 2024.
· Attended One week FDP on “Recent Trends in Computing 4.0” in July 2024.
· Attended online 5 Days FDP on “Generative AI” from 22nd to 26th July 2024
· Attended Online FDP on TensorFlow for Machine Learning in 25th June to 29th June 2024.
,M.Tech (Software Engg), B.Tech (Comp Science and Engg)
Teaching – 4 years
1. “Study on Data Mining Investigation its Methods, Approaches and Applications” in International Journal of advance research in science and Engineering Vol.No.5, Issue of January 2016.
2. “Exploration of Cyber Security Awareness and it’s serious Implications ” in International Journal of Advanced research in science and engineering Vol. No.4, special issue(01), November 2015
Dr. Amol S. Bhanage
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Ph. D (Mechanical Engineering) – VIT Vellore,
M. Tech (CAD/CAM) – VIT Vellore,
B. E. (Production Engineering) – VIT Pune
14 Yrs.
Fatigue and Fracture, Automotive and Composite Materials, Bio composites, Finite Element Analysis
Journal Publications (SCI, Scopus):
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2023): Sub-zero Temperature Flexural and Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Glass Fabric /Epoxy Composite Tubular Anti Roll Bars, Composites Science and Technology, 245, 110324 (SCI, I. F. 9.1)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2023): Quasi-Static and Fatigue Reliability of Glass/Epoxy Composite Automotive Leaf Spring Beams Under Flexural Loads at Sub-Zero Temperatures, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 23(1), 141-156 (ESCI, Scopus)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2023): Sub-zero Quasi-static and Fatigue Behavior of SAE 1040 Automotive Anti-roll Bars in Flexure, SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems, 16(2), 147-165 (ESCI, Scopus)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2022): Quasi-Static and Fatigue Reliability Analysis of C45 Automotive Leaf Spring Beam Under Flexural Loads in Sub-Zero Temperature, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 22(6), 2244-2259 (ESCI, Scopus)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2019): Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Glass/Epoxy Composite and SAE 1040 Steel Tubes for Automotive Applications, SAE Technical Paper 2019-26-0317 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Sundge, R., and Chavan, A. (2016): Finite Element Simulation & Optimization of Steering Gear Sector Shaft Fixture Plate, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8(5), 2076-2084 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2015): Static and Fatigue Simulation of Automotive Anti Roll Bar Before DBTT, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(71), 472-476 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Krishnan, P., and Sundge, R. (2015): Static and Fatigue Simulation of Telescopic Fork Suspension System Used for Motorcycle, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(71), 477-480 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Satonkar, N., Sundge, R., and Nawasagare, K. (2015): Reduction of breakdown time of CO2 Welding machine through Data Analysis, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(5), 9551-9560 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Bedse, S., Devare, K., Batte, V., and Dixit, K. (2015): Design and Development of All Wheel Nut Remover for Automotive, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10(7), 17631-17641 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2014): Design for Fatigue and Simulation of Glass Fibre/Epoxy Composite Automobile Leaf Spring, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 9(3), 196-203 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Satonkar, N., Deshmukh, P., and Sundge, R. (2014): Evaluation of Crashworthiness for SAE Materials under Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature (DBTT), International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(5), 2129-2135 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A. (2014): Development and Automation of Loft Surface for Sheet Metal Components. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 9(19), 5857-5870 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A. (2014): An Overview of Flat Pattern Development (FPD) Methodologies Used in Blank Development of Sheet Metal Components of Aircraft. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 3(2), 33-43 (Scopus)
Patil, V., Bhanage, A., and Patil, R. (2014): Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters of Abrasive Flow Machining Process for Super Finishing of Non-Ferrous Material Nozzle, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 612, 97-104 (Scopus)
Journal Publications (Web of Science/UGC):
Bhanage, A., Sundge, R., and Chavan, A. (2016): Design Simulation Comparison of Mono Leaf Spring Using E-Glass Epoxy, Carbon Epoxy and Kelvar Epoxy Materials for Automotive Performance, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9 S (1), 1-7.
Journal Publications (UGC Approved):
Dhande, C., Bhanage, A., and More, S. (2023): Analysis for Optimum Design of Automotive Flywheel, Indian Journal of Technical Education, Special Issue 46, 214-218.
Journal Publications (Google Scholar):
Bhanage, A. and Krishnan, P. (2017): Fatigue and Crashworthiness of Automobile Materials after DBTT and Hygrothermal Conditioning: A Review, International Journal of ChemTech Research, 10(3), 622-635.
Bhanage, A. (2013): Design Simulation Comparison of Mono Leaf Spring Using SAE 1045 – 450– QT and E- Glass Epoxy materials for Automotive Performance, International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences, 2(1), 29-33.
Book Chapters:
Bhanage, A. and Padmanabhan, K. (2023): A Comparative Study of Sub-Zero Temperature Quasi-Static and Fatigue Reliability Analysis of SAE 1040/C45 Steel and Glass/Epoxy Pipes and Beams Under Flexural Loads, in Polymer Composite Systems in Pipeline Repair: Design, Manufacture, Application, and Environmental Impacts, Gulf Professional Publishing, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-99340-1, 225-248 (Scopus)
Bhanage, A., Bait, S., and Sakhare, R. (2022): Mechanical Behaviour of Sandwich Composites in Automotive Applications, in Repair of Advanced Composites for Aerospace Applications, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN: 9781003200994, 143-163.
Bhanage, A. (2023): Computer Aided Analysis, Tech Knowledge Publications
Bhanage, A. and Jadhav N. (2022): Composite Materials, Tech Knowledge Publications, ISBN :978-93-5563-306-4
Bhanage, A. and Padmanabhan, K. (2019): Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Flexural Fatigue Behaviour of Glass/Epoxy Composite and SAE 1040 Steel Tubes for Automotive Applications, Symposium on International Automotive Technology (SIAT 2019), 16-18 Jan 2019, ARAI, Pune (Proceeding Publication in SAE Technical Papers; 2019-26-0317)
Bhanage, A., Khedkar, P., Motagi, R., More T., and Bhange, A. (2017): Design and Development of Brake Liner for Non-geared Two-wheeler Vehicle, International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence (ICMAX 2017), 3-4 March 2017, K. K. Wagh Institutes, Nashik (Proceeding Publication in ICMAX 2017)
Bhanage, A., Gharti, M., Ture, P., Jawanjal, R., and Bhamer, S. (2017): Theoretical and Analytical Study on Buckling of Hydraulic Cylinder, International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence (ICMAX 2017), 3-4 March 2017, K. K. Wagh Institutes, Nashik (Proceeding Publication in ICMAX 2017)
Bhanage, A. and Bhanage, V. (2016): Design and Modelling of 6 In 1 All-Nut Remover for Automobile Wheels, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2016), 29-30 March 2016, Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Sangamner (Proceeding Publication in International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 33-38)
Bhanage, A., Bhange, A., and More, T. (2016): Design and Development of Blanking and Forming Die for Shock Absorber Mounting Assembly, National Conference on Product Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing (NCPSM 2016); 9-10 Sept 2016, MMIT, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology; Special Issue 6)
Bhanage, A., Jawanjal, R., Bhamer, S., Ture, P., and Gharti, M. (2016): Finite Element Simulation of Oil Canning for Automotive Exterior Panels, National Conference on Product Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing (NCPSM 2016), 9-10 Sept 2016, MMIT, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology; Special Issue 6)
Ture, P., Gharti, M., Jawanjal, R., Bhamer, S., and Bhanage, A. (2016): An Overview of Buckling Analysis of Cylinder Subjected to Axially Compressive Load, National Conference on Product Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing (NCPSM 2016), 9-10 Sept 2016, MMIT, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology; Special Issue 6)
Meher, A., Gawhale, P., Khobare, P., and Bhanage, A. (2016): Failure Prediction of Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Material Single Lap Joint: Finite Element Analysis. National Conference on Product Modeling, Simulation and Manufacturing (NCPSM 2016), 9-10 Sept 2016, MMIT, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology; Special Issue 6)
Bhanage, A., Batte, V., Bedse, S., Devare, K., and Dixit, K. (2015): Design Optimization of Sector Shaft Fixture Plate, National Conference on, Modeling, Optimization and Control, (NCMOC – 2015), 4 -6 March 2015, VIT, Pune
Bhanage, A., Patil, V., and Patil, R. (2014): A Review: Finite Element Simulation of Automotive Drive Shaft Using Composite Materials. International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST-2K14), 21- 22 Feb 2014, S. B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology; Special Issue 3)
Bhanage, A., More, S., Chaitanya S., and Patil, R. (2014): Process Optimization on EDM Machines to increase Material Removal Rate for Increased Productivity, Quality and Reduced Cost. International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology (ICAET- 2014); 1-3 Sept 2014, SKN College of Engineering, Vadgaon, Pune (Proceeding Publication in International Journal of Engineering Sciences; Issue 8)
Workshop Attended - 50+
Workshop Organized - 14
Measurement, ISSN : 0263-2241 (Elsevier) – (Scopus, WoS)
SAE International (Scopus)
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (Scopus, WoS)
SAE International
Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)
Best Innovative Research Work (Degree Level) by Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Maharashtra and Goa Section (November 2023)
Outstanding Dean in Higher Education from Elets Education on Innovation Summit held on 10 December 2022, Pune
Secured First Rank from All Over India as Best Innovative Project at BHAU Institute of Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Leadership, COEP Pune
Hab Biomass Pvt. Ltd., Pune
CPS India Pvt. Ltd., Pune
N. B. Technologies, Pune
Helix Integrated Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Naissance Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Shrreji Marketing Co., Pune
Alfa Advanced Composite Technology, Pune
Indicarbon Composite, Mumbai
ImpactGuru, Delhi
EQUIP9, Pune
Techartisan 3D Solution, Pune
HubCity, Pune
Head of Department – Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
Dean – Research & Industry Relations
President – Institution Innovation Cell
SPPU – Academic and Research Coordinator (ARC)
Functional Head – R&D and IPR Cell
NBA Criteria II In charge
Mr. Nilesh C. Dhobale
Mechanical Engg.
MTech (Mechatronics), PhD Pursuing
04 Year
Mechatronics, Robotics, Condition monitoring using Artificial Intelligence
Assistant to NAAC Work
Mr. Nilesh N. Satonkar
Mechanical Engineering (ROAI)
M.Tech. (CAD/CAM), Ph.D. (Pursuing)
02 years (Teaching), 07 years (Research)
Computer Aided Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
1.Satonkar Nilesh and Venkatachalam Gopalan, "A Review on Electromagnetic Sheet Metal Forming of Continuum Sheet Metals." SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 12(2), (2019), pp.121-134. (Scopus)
2.Satonkar Nilesh and Venkatachalam Gopalan, "Simulation of Electromagnetic Forming Process and Optimization of Geometric Parameters of Perforated Al Sheet Using RSM." Mathematics, 11(9), (2023), pp. 1983. (Scopus, SCI Impact Factor:2.59)
3.Venkatachalam, G., Reddy, D. M., Tiwari, S. K., Satonkar, Nilesh., & Kovalan, S. (2019). Fracture and flexural analysis of sandwich panel with polypropylene honeycomb as core and jute fabric reinforced epoxy matrix composite as skin layer. Materials Research Express, 6(11), 115348. (Scopus; SCI impact factor – 2.3)
4.Gopalan, V., Bhardwaj, P., Satonkar, Nilesh., & Pragasam, V. Determination of fatigue limit of coir/CNT/fly ash reinforced epoxy polymer matrix composite. Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, (2020),64(3), 248-255. (Scopus)
5.Gopalan, V., Sharma, S. K., Jangid, A. K., Pragasam, V., Satonkar, Nilesh., & Chinnaiyan, P. (2020). Investigations on tensile and flexural characteristics of fly ash and banana fiber-reinforced epoxy matrix composites. Engineering Transactions, 68(1), 89-101. (Scopus)
6. Viswanath Shreya, Riya Vasan, Venkatachalam Gopalan and Satonkar Nilesh. "Prediction of drag coefficient of a hybrid body design of aircraft." Mechanics and Advanced Technologies 7, no.3 (2023). (Scopus)
7.Senthilnathan, N., Venkatachalam, G., & Satonkar Nilesh (2014). A two-stage finite element analysis of electromagnetic forming of perforated aluminium sheet metals. Procedia Engineering, 97, 1135-1144. (Scopus)
1.Reviewer for Journal of Manufacturing Processes
2.Reviewer for QEIOS Journal
SAE Member, IEI Member
Involved in assisting for various NAAC criterion
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