Future Journalist’s Challenge 2025
The first event organized under MMIT IEEE Student Branch was “The Future Journalist Challenge 2025”- A National Level News Reporting Competition. This innovative event was sponsored by IEEE Pune Section. The idea was to capture a news on any topic and present it as News Journalist. The competition received a phenomenal response from students across the country and a fantastic series of creative and informative news videos were submitted.
The final round of this competition was held on the Inaugural Event of MMIT IEEE Student Branch where the Top-5 News Videos were presented to the Juries for evaluation along with the MMIT IEEE SB Ambassador News Video created by Branch Chair.
Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/T7zJG4NwNsY
The Winners were felicitated by Certificates and Prizes were announced as follows:
The entire news reporting activity was directed by Branch Counsellor Dr Monika Dangore and the complete news series was brilliantly compiled by Branch Chair Mr Sankalp Indish.
This innovative activity received a huge appreciation in the entire IEEE Pune Section Community.
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