Dr. Sonali S. Patil
Assistant Professor, HOD
Mechatronics Engg
Email id
Cell No
Extension No
B.E.(Mechanical); M.E.(Mech.-Design), PhD (Pursuing)
Academic Experience : 07
Industrial Experience : 00
Research Experience : 00
Research Areas
Project: “Deep learning based framework for health monitoring
of tipped milling tool considering vibration dataset ”
Total No. of International Journal :07
Total No. of International Conference:0
Learning & Life Long Self
Solving , Innovation and
Meaningful R &
based education : A step towards
virtual kits – An initiative for
innovative teaching Learning
Awards & Recognitions
Industry Connect
Funded Projects
Professional Affiliations
Responsibilities @MMIT
Dr. Mukesh G. Ghogare
Associate Professor
Mechatronics Engineering
B. E Instrumentation, M. E. Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Ph. D Instrumentation and Control Engineering
22 Years
Control Systems, Signal and Image Processing
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil and C. Y. Patil, “Experimental validation of optimized fast terminal sliding mode control for level system”, Vol. 126, Pages 486-497, Elsevier ISA Transactions. DOI: E-SCI- Q1
ü S. V. Malge, M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, A. S. Deshpande and S. K. Pandey, "Chatter-free Non-Singular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Interleaved Boost Converter," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TCSII.2022.3201959. SCI- Q1
ü M. G. Ghogare, A. R. Laware, S. L. Patil and C. Y. Patil, "Design and Analysis of Decentralized Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller for TITO Process", International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 277-296, Apr. 2022. Scopus
ü R. A. Deshpande, M. G. Ghogare and A. R. Laware, “Design of PID Controller for Nonlinear Process”, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Vol XIV, pp. 1-6, June 2020. UGC care list Journal
ü A. R. Laware, V. S. Bandal, M. G. Ghogare, and D. B. Talange, “Design of LMI-based finite-time sliding mode controller: The convex optimization problem”, Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 11, Issue 5, May/2020 ISSN NO:0377-9254. UGC care list Journal.
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil and L. R. Chaudhari, “Experimental application of global fast terminal sliding mode controller to TITO system”, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications, Vol.21, No.2, June 2023. DOI: 10.37936/ecti-eec.2023212.249727. Scopus- Q4
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Fingerprint Verification Using Wavelet Transform with Edge Detection and Radon Transform”, International Journal of advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences (IJAMTES) (ISSN: 2249- 7455), Volume 1, Issue 6 (VIII) March 2012, pp: 144- 149. UGC care list Journal
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Fingerprint Verification Using Different Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer Science Information and Engineering Technologies (IJCSIET) (ISSN: 2277- 4408), Issue 3, Volume 1, Series 4, April 2013, DOI: 01042013- 008.
ü M. G. Ghogare, B. B. Musmade, C. Y. Patil and B. M. Patre, “Robust control design using sliding mode observer for uncertain systems”, IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON- 2016), pp. 1-5. DOI: 10.1109/INDICON.2016.7839088
ü M. G. Ghogare, B. B. Musmade, S. L. Patil and B. M. Patre, “Robust regulation of time-delay processes using sliding mode control”, SICE International Symposium on Control Systems (SICE ISCS- 2020), pp. 55-60. DOI: 10.23919/SICEISCS48470.2020.9083490
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil, A. R. Laware and L. R. Chaudhari, "Design and experimental validation of non-singular terminal sliding mode control for level control system", IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON- 2021), IIT, Guwahati, Assam, Dec- 19-21, 2021, DOI: 10.1109/INDICON52576.2021.9691606.
ü S. C. Rajgade, P. D. Shendge and M. G. Ghogare, "Robust Controller Design Based on Equivalent Input Disturbance for Magnetic Levitation System," 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT54291.2022.9825029.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Fingerprint Verification Using Wavelet Transform with Edge Detection and Radon Transform”, International conference on Current Trends and Challenges in Management, Engineering, computer Application and Technology, (ICCTCMECAT- 2012), held at Deogiri college, Aurangabad, during 23rd, 24th and 25th March 2012.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Bio- metrics: Fingerprint Verification”, International Conference on Science, engineering and Spirituality (ICSES’ 10), held at SES, College of Engineering, Navalnagar during April- 1st 7 2nd, 2010.
C. Book Chapter:
ü M. G. Ghogare, S. L. Patil, C. Y. Patil and B. B. Musmade, “Sliding mode control design for higher order uncertain system”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 700. Springer, pp. 505-520, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-8221-9-45
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, Seema Jadhav and V. S. Rane, “Fingerprint Identification using Radon Transform”, National conference on VLSI and Signal Processing: NCVSP- 11, held at G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Wagholi, Pune during 30th June and 1st July 2011, pp- 36.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and Seema Jadhav, “Biometrics: Fingerprint Identification”, National Conference on Advances in Engineering and Management: AEM: 2011, held at Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune, During 13th to 15th January, 2011, ISBN No: 978-81-920427-0-1, pp- 12
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, R. S. Vhatkar, S. D. Chavan and S. R. Jog, “A Search for Crash Site, Sunken Ship, or survivors at Sea by Wireless Technique”, National Conference on Wireless Technologies, NCWT- 2008, held at Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Engineering and Technology, Pimpri, Pune- 15 during 29th and 31st December 2008, pp- 19.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare and N. S. Nehe, “Dynamic Time Wrapping Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification”, National conference on Architectring Future IT Systems, NCAFIS- 08, held at Devi Ahilya University, School of Computer Science and Information Technology, Indore, MP, during 17th and 18th October 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Wavelet Based Fingerprint Verification”, National conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management- ETEM- 08, Held at Rajashri Shahu College of Engineering, Pune, during 3rd and 4th March 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Wavelet Based fingerprint Verification”, National Conference on Emerging Technologies- NCET- 08, held at Integral University, Lucknow, U. P during 29th and 30th March, 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Discrete Wavelet Based Fingerprint Verification”, National Conference on Advance Communication, NCAC- 2008, Held at Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad, Gujarat, during 29th and 30th March 2008.
ü Mukesh G. Ghogare, “Minutia based Person Identification using Fingerprints”, National conference on Computing, Communication and Electronics- NCCCE- 08, held at College of Engineering and Information Technology, Jalgaon during 8th and 9th February 2008.
Best Wipro Mission10xian Award
Emerson Export Systems, V- Ramp Automation, Instron Technologies Pvt Ltd.
1. Project Coordinator
2. Internship Coordinator
3. Lab development committee member
Dr. Gargi S. Yadav
Assistant Professor
PhD (Applied Mechanics) IIT Delhi
Teaching experience-
Assistant Professor-1.2 yrs.
Teaching Assistant (IITD)- 4 yrs.
SRF (CSIR-IITD)- 2 yrs.
Research experience- 7 years
Mechanical characterization of Textile Fabrics and Composites, FEM
1. Tensile behavior of hybrid nonwovens prepared from homogeneous and layer wise blending of Kevlar and polypropylene fibers.
Gargi Jaiswal, Dipayan Das and Maloy K. Singha
The Journal of the Textile Institute 110(10), 1424-1432.
2. Mechanical behavior of aramid-polypropylene fiberweb composites.
Gargi Jaiswal, Maloy K. Singha and Dipayan Das
Composite Structures 268 (2021): 113938.
3. Optimization of the Lifting Height Causing Musculoskeletal
Disorders Using Soft Computing Techniques.
Gargi Jaiswal, Ashish Kumar, and Haresh Kumar.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET) 4.2 (2013): 248-258.
· Attended GIAN course held in IIT Delhi.
· Attended Grammarly and Wiley workshops on research writing.
· National level workshop on Implementation of National Education Policy-2020 held at GHRCEM Pune.
· FDP on theme Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerances held at JSPM BSITR Pune.
· Gold medalist in MTech
· Merit certificate in BTech
Active member of ISAM
Research Coordinator, Department Notice and other files, Dept. library, NAAC Dept. Coordinator
+91 8308801860
Ph.D.(EEE),M.Tech (ELDT), BE (Instrumentation)
Teaching – 6.5 year
Industry – 1 Year
Image processing, Deep Learning, AI/ML
1. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala & Bakalial, Bikramaditya. (2023). Automated Freshwater Fish Species Classification using Deep CNN. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B. 104. 10.1007/s40031-023-00883-2.
2. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala & Bakalial, Bikramaditya. (2022). FRESHWATER FISH SPECIES CLASSIFICATION USING DEEP CNN FEATURES. ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing. 12. 2721-2729. 10.21917/ijivp.2022.0386.
3. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala. (2020). Performance Comparison of FOD based Edge Detector and Traditional Edge Detectors on Fish Image Edge Detection. 485-490. 10.1109/ComPE49325.2020.9200022.
4. Deka, Jayashree & Laskar, Shakuntala. (2020). Comparative Analysis of FOD based Prewitt, Sobel & Laplacian Operators for Edge Detection on Freshwater Fish images. 65-70. 10.1109/ESCI48226.2020.9167538.
5. Mahadik, Chetan & Mahindrakar, Sumit & Deka, Jayashree. (2014). An Improved and Efficient Power Bicycle system with the Power of Real time Information Sharing.,MJET
6. Deka, Jayashree & Madhukar, Taur & Arun, Tarate. (2014). Speed control of DC motor using PIC 16F877A microcontroller. 1. 223-234..MJET
· Successfully Completed OpenCV Bootcamp from OpenCV University with 85% in 2 nd April 2024.
· Completed a certification course on Python for Machine Learnings from Great Learnings in March 2024.
· Online Workshop on Python Programming with Engineering Applications at Assam Don Bosco University,7-12th Aug’23
· Successfully completed a three-day in-house training in “Data Analytics, Machine Learning & Visualization on GPU” at Maritime Research Centre, Pune, in June 2018.
· Attended two days international workshop on “Information and Communication
· Technology” at KJ College of Engineering, Pune on 11 th – 12 th March ’13.
· a seminar on “Instrumentation, Operation, and Control of Power System” at GIMT, Guwahati, held on 28 th and 29 th April ’11.
· Attended one-week STP on “Optimization Techniques” at NITTTR, Chandigarh held in May ’11.
· Successfully completed a two-week workshop on” Basic Electronics” conducted by IIT Bombay from 28 th June ’11 to 8 th July ’11.
· Attended a one-week STP on “Control System and MATLAB Simulation” at NITTTR, Kolkata extension center held on 5 th September ’11.
Scientific Reports (Springer Nature), IET Image Processing,Journals of Institution of Engineers: Series B(Springer Nature),Indian Journal of Geo-marine Sciences, ADBU Journal of Technology
Gold Medalist in M.Tech,GATE’07 qualified
h-index (Scopus)
RG Score (Research Gate)
-University Syllabus,MOM,MOOC,Awards/Recognition received by Faculty, Awards/Recognition received by students,publications by department faculty,patents,publications by students
Dr.Yogita Subhash Pimpale
2 Days
Biomedical signal processing [ Electronics and Communication]
1. Shirsath, S. M., Popalghat, S. R., Tarate, S. D., & Pimpale, Y. S. (2016). Embedded wireless light intensity control using DTMF. International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, 4(5), 57-59.
2. Pimpale, Y., & Parvat, B. J. Design of Sliding Mode Control for Nonlinear Uncertain System.
3. Pimpale, Y., Gupta, S., & Kanday, R. (2022, February). Comparative Analysis of Active Filters for Processing of ECG Signal According to AHA Recommendation. In 2022 IEEE Delhi Section Conference (DELCON) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
4. Pimpale, Y., Kanday, R., & Gupta, S. (2021, December). Analysis of Parity- Based Search Algorithms for Execution of Target Node in Relation to Automation Applications. In 2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems (ICEPES) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
5. Pimpale, Y. Gupta, S. (2021). A review on ECG signal processing in relation to Ecosystem. Proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Sustainable Energy &Technology (ICFSE, 2021), 19-20 September, 2021
6. Yogita Pimpale and Sachin Gupta, “A cohort data-based perspective on ecological aspects predicaments in human health,” Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, Vol.29, No.1, Pp. 144-156, Nov. 2022. (SCI)
7. Pimpale Y., Gupta S., Rana P., and Kumar V., “Recent advances in ecological aspect for prediction model based on ECG beat classification using neural network,” Global NEST Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, Pp. 629-637, Oct 2022. (SCIE)
8. Y Pimpale, S Gupta, and R Kanday, “Cause Effect Analysis of Ecological Pollutants on Internal Physique of Human Subjects Using Radial Recurrent Neural Network Approach,” 4th International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (ICICS-2022), 2327 (2022) 012066,.doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2327/1/012066
1. Paper presented in International Conference on Futuristic Sustainable Energy & Technology 2021.
2. Paper presented in IEEE Delhi Section International Conference (DELCON) 2022.
3. Paper presented in 2nd IEEE international conference.2021
4. Paper presented in International conference on Materials for Emerging Technologies .2021.
5. Paper presented in International conference on recent advances in applied sciences. 2022.
6. Paper presented in 4th International Conference on Intelligent Circuits and Systems (ICICS) 2022.
1. Attended five days workshops on PLC, SCADA, and DCS in college of engineering and research, loni.
2. Attended Workshop on artificial intelligence in action, in lovely professional university, Punjab
3. Workshop on Biosensors for monitoring pollutants in lovely professional university, Punjab.
+91 9689925823
PhD. (Electronics), M.E (VLSI) ,B.E (E&TC)
Teaching – 21 years
Industry – 0
IoT, Robotics, Signal Processing, Digital Twin, Embedded System
International Journal research papers: 40
Indian Govt Patent Granted:12, Published:13
Book Publication: 8
Book Chapter:7
International: 13, National:2
Attended FDP/STTP/Workshop:22
• Reviewer for Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
· Reviewer of Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal
· Reviewer for International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation
· Editorial board member of International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks.
1. Life Member of The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) LM55179
2. Life Member of Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication (IETE) F-502147
1. Recognition as a Ph.D. Research Guide (Ref. No: BOD/Sci. & Tech./97/137 Savitribai Phule Pune University)
2. Session Chair for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing & Informatics on 5th to 7th March 2024
3. Session chair for the 4th International conference on computer vision and Robotics CVR 2024,25th -26th May 2024
4. Received Best Teacher Award, From Savitribai Phule Pune University ,2023
5. Received “Young Scientist Award" 2021(VD Good Technology, Coimbatore)
6. Received “Young Achiever Award” 2020 by Institute of Scholars.
7. Certificate of Appreciation by Tex as Instruments, DST, A ICTE and IIM - Bangalore are honored as member of the prestigious ” Confederation of Elite Academicians of IIC DC” for Best Mentor and outstanding contributions and stellar commitment to inspiring engineering students to innovate and create ground breaking solutions (October 2019).
8. Texas Instruments presented memento in appreciation for fostering an ecosystem bridging Government industry and Academia
9. Best Paper award Yogini D Borole, Dr. C. G. Dethe “Mixed Radix CORDIC FFT algorithm for OFDM WPAN applications” International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication & Robotics Engineering (ICEECR-2018) at Singapore
10. Received BCUD Pune Research Grant (2013-2015) of 1, 70,000/- for Design and VLS I implementation of Modified radix 2^5 FFT processor for WPAN application.
11. Certification of 6 out of 8 modules in NITTT, an initiative by AICTE, has been achieved.
1. Copper Cloud Pvt Ltd
2. Vivova Ventures LLP
3. ApTron Tech Pvt Ltd
1. BCUD Research Grant, SPPU Pune University, Design & VLSI implementation of modified radix 2^5 FFT processor for WPAN application” Feb 2016(Amount: 1,70,000/-)
2. Smart assembly table typically refers to a technologically enhanced worktable or workstation designed to streamline and improve the assembly process, at Esbee Electrotech LLP
E-yantra Coordinator
Ms. Apurva Rajiv Ulhe
B.E (Electrical ) M.E(Power electronics and Drives)
Academic Experience : 03
Power electronics
Total No. of International Journal : 02
Total No. of International Conference:00
Registered for 5-day FDP-SI UHV Online - “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)”
Online mode(Zoom) from 2021-11-08 to 2021-11-12.
Mr. Nilesh Chandrakant Dhobale
+91 9673035530
B.E(Mechanical Engg.), MTech (Mechatronics Engg.), PhD Pursuing (Mechatronics Engg.)
Teaching – 4.5 Year
Industry – 00 Year
Mechatronics, Robotics, Condition monitoring using Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Automation & Control systems
1. NC Dhobale,SS Mulik, R Jegdeeshwaran,Supervision of miiling tool inserts using conventional and artificial intelligence approach- A Review,Journal of sound and Vibration,vol 55(2),2021.
2. NC Dhobale,SS Mulik ,SPDeshmukh,Naïve Bayes and Bayes net classifier for fault diagnosis of end milling tool using wavelet analysis – A Comparative study,Journal of Vibration engineering and technologies,vol10,2022
3. Sharad Mulik, Nilesh Dhobale,Kanchan Pujari,Kailash Karande, An Artificial intelligence based approach for Biomedical Application, CRC Press Taylor and Francis, Book Chapter 2022.
4. Nilesh Dhobale, Sharad Mulik,Suhas Deshmukh, Kaustubh Ganer Condition monitoring of multipoint end mill tool using statistical features and J48 algorithm, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021
5. Chandan M N, Sharad Mulik, Nilesh Dhobale,Fault diagnosis of drilling tool using vibration signals and Lazy learning classifier, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
6. Milind Rohokale,Sharad Mulik,Nilesh Dhobale, Condition Monitoring of Broaching tool Using K -Star Algorithm, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
7. Dhananjay Kankal,RL Edlabadkar,Nilesh Dhobale, Wave Energy Convertor Technology: A Review, Journal of Maharaja Sayajirao university of baroda,2021.
8. Nilesh C Dhobale, Krishagana S Chauhan, Tejas S Gaikwad, Health monitoring of VMC machine tool using Arduino UNO (vibration measurement) and machine learning algorithms AI, Journal of Emerging technologies and innovative research,2023.
9. Nilesh C Dhobale, Krishagana S Chauhan, Tejas S Gaikwad, Health monitoring of vmc machine tool using arduino uno and machine learning algorithms, International Journal of creative research thought,2023.
1. PatangeA.D, R.Jegdeeshwaran, NC Dhobale, Milling cutter condition monitoring using machine learning approach, International conference of mechanical power Transmission,IIT Madras,2020.
2. NC Dhobale, SS Mulik, R. Jegdeeshwaran, Kaustubh Ganer, Multipoint milling tool supervision using artificial neural network approach,materials today procedings,vol 45 part 2,2021
1. One week faculty development program on ‘Use of AI in Mechanical Engineering’ at RMD Sinhgad School of Engg Warje Pune,2021
2. One week faculty development program on ‘Multidisciplinary faculty development program, at ISBM College of Engg. Pune,13-19 Dec 2023.
3. Faculty development program on ‘Machine Learning’ at DYP Akurdi Pune 2023.
Lifetime member of IAENG
1. Elite grade on NPTEL course on ‘Introduction to Machine Learning’ by IIT Madras
2. Keynote speaker on Research: Design, IPR& Publication
IIC Convenor, ERP Coordinator, Member R&D
+91 8149137535
M.E. (Design), BE (Mechanical)
Teaching – 10 years
1. Experimental Investigation and Analyze the Effect of Varying L/D
on Thermal Performance of Vortex Tube, International Journal of
Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering Volume 10 Issue 6 ISSN 2349-2163 June 2023
2. Design and manufacturing of a handy press for bush fitting using
double acting hydraulic cylinder, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 3 Issue 2 ISSN 2395-0072 Feb 2016
3. Various approaches to eliminate MIG welding and defects occurring in DT Cap fitting in a three-wheeler shock absorber, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 3 Issue 2 ISSN 2395-0072 Feb 2016
4. Detection of crack location and depth in a cantilever beam by vibration measurement and its comparative validation in ANN and GA, International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology volume 4
issue 10 ISSN 2321-7308 Oct 2015
1. Staff coordinator for two-day National level conference on Implementation of NEP 2020 organized by DPCOE sponsored by SPPU Pune on 10th & 11th February 2023
1. Attended 6 days FDP on Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerances organized by BSIOTR Pune from 17th April to 22nd April 2023
2. Attended Online course on SAR Data processing & its application with special Emphasis on RISAT-1A/EOS-4 by IIRS, Dehradun from 10th April to 14th April 2023
3. Attended 5 days FDP on Computer-aided engineering analysis using ANSYS organized by VIIT Pune from 17th July to 21st July 2023
4. Attended one-week National level FDP on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS) organized by DPCOE in association with AICTE & Brainovision Solutions Pvt Ltd from 21st to 25th August 2023
1.Lifetime Member of ISTE Staff Chapter (LM 106360)
2. Member of International Association of Engineers
3.Member of All India Council for Technical Skill development.
Certification of 5 out of 8 modules in NITTT, an initiative by AICTE, has been achieved.
Result Analysis Coordinator, Website Coordinator
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