Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular Activities

Sr. No. Academic Year Date  Events Name
1 2023-24 26/01/2024 Republic Day
2 21/06/2023 Internatinaol Yoga Day
3 15/08/2023 Independence Day
4 25/08/2023 Formation of ICON Core Committee & other committees
5 29/08/2023 Worlds Sport Day
6 15/09/2023 Engineers Day
7 30/09/2023 Youth Festival
1 2022-23 21-06-2022 Internatinaol Yoga Day
2 15-08-2022 Independence Day
3 22-08-2022 Formation of ICON Core Committee & other committees
4 29-08-2022 Worlds Sport Day
5 05-09-2022 Teachers Day 
6 15-09-2022 Engineers Day
7 29-09-2022 Youth Festival
8 10-12-2022 Welcome Function
9 01-10-2022 Mood Indigo
10 19-03-2023 Shivjayanti
11 24-02-2023 Anubhuti
12 10/3/2023 & 11/3/2023 Dr.Vishwanath Karandak (MIT)
13 2021-22 21-06-2021 Internatinal Yoga Day
14 15-08-2021 Independence Day
15 12-08-2021 Formation of ICON Core Committee & other committees
16 12-03-2022 Firodiya Krandak
17 19-02-2022 Shivjayanti
18 19-03-2022 Anubhuti
19   Farewell Function
20 2020-2021 21-06-2020 Internatinaol Yoga Day
21 15-08-2020 Independence Day
22 05-09-2020 Teachers Day 
23 2019-2020 21-06-2019 Internatinaol Yoga Day
24 17-09-2019 Engineers Day
25 15-08-2019 Independence Day
26 08-12-2002 Formation of ICON Core Committee & other committees
27 29-08-2019 Worlds Sport Day
28 09-05-2019 Teachers Day 
29 21-09-2019 WelCome Function
30 26-09-2019 Dajikaka Gadgil Karandak
31 15-10-2019 Youth Festival
32 15-01-2020 Maharashtra Times Carnival
33 02-02-2020 Firodiya Krandak
34 2018-2019 21-06-2018 Internatinaol Yoga Day
35 15-08-2018 Independence Day
36 01-08-2018 Formation of ICON Core Committee & other committees
37 29-08-2018 Worlds Sport Day
38 05-09-2018 Teachers Day 
39 16-09-2018 WelCome Function
40 15-09-2018 Engineers Day
41 14-01-2018 Anubhuti
42 30-04-2019 Farewell Function
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