Sr.No.Date of signingMOU signed with industry/Organization Purpose of MOU
1 04-04-2024 M/s Rushabh Surendra Karnavat 1. Internship, 2. Consultancy, 3. Research collaboration
2 22-06-2024 Jagadguru Developers Internship, Placement,Industry Visit.
3 19-03-2024 Strong Tech Engineering Services and Research India Ltd. Workshop, Webinar, Guest lecture, Internship, Industrial Visit, Industrial Training
4 26-07-2023 Infinity Graphics Technology Pvt. Ltd Industry Visits,Project Sponsorship , Internship ,Placement .
5 03-02-2022 Sneh Precast Industry Training , Projects , Internship ,Placement . Site Visits etc
6 21-09-2021 ASK ENGINEERS, PUNE Industry Training , Projects , Internship ,Placement .Site Visits
7 30-09-2021 Xtreme Engg. Equipment Pvt. Ltd. Industrial Training, Placement, Internship
8 30-09-2021 SCON READY MIX PLANT   Industrial Visit , In-Plant Training , Mini Projects , Internship ,  Establishing Advanced Labs
9 21-04-2021 Appwars Technologies Conducting /organizing Guest Lecture/Workshop/Industry visit/Internship
10 01-04-2021 Aditya Birla Conducting /organizing Guest Lecture/Workshop/Industry visit/Internship
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