PO, PSO & CO's

PO, PSO & CO's

Program Outcomes:

  • PO 1: Apply mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the conceptualization of engineering models.
  • PO 2: Identify, formulate, research literature and solve complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics and engineering sciences.
  • PO 3: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  • PO 5: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  • PO 6: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  • PO 7: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • PO 8: Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering practice
  • PO 9: Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • PO 10: Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  • PO 11: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations.
  • PO 12: Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning.

  Program Specific Outcomes:

  • PSO-1:Students will be able to apply the knowledge of Mechanical Design, Thermal and Manufacturing Processes to meet the needs of Industry
  • PSO-2: Students will be able to implement aids of CAD/CAM/CAE and programming tools for the interdisciplinary industry needs.

 Course Outcomes (COs): 

Second Year Engineering  SEM I
Course code and name :-212041  Solid Mechanics 
202041.1 DEFINE various types of stresses and strain developed on determinate and indeterminate members
202041.2 DRAW Shear force and bending moment diagram for various types of transverse loading and support.
202041.3 COMPUTE the slope & deflection, bending stresses and shear stresses on a beam.
202041.4 CALCULATE torsional shear stress in shaft and buckling on the column
202041.5 The concept of principal stresses and theories of failure to determine stresses on a 2-D element.
202041.6 UTILIZE the concepts of SFD & BMD, torsion and principal stresses to solve combined loading application based problems.
Course code and Name :-202042   Solid Modeling and Drafting
202042.1 UNDERSTAND basic concepts of CAD system, need and scope in Product Lifecycle Management 
202042.2 UTILIZE knowledge of curves and surfacing features and methods to create complex solid geometry 
202042.3 CONSTRUCT solid models, and assemblies using various modeling techniques & PERFORM mass property analysis, including creating and using a coordinate system 
202042.4 APPLY geometric transformations to simple 2D geometries 
202042.5 USE CAD model data for various CAD based engineering applications viz. production drawings, 3D printing, FEA, CFD, MBD, CAE, CAM, etc.
202042.6 USE PMI & MBD approach for communication 
Course code   and Name  :-202043  Engineering Thermodynamics
202043.1 DESCRIBE the basics of thermodynamics with heat and work interactions
202043.2 APPLY laws of thermodynamics to steady flow and non-flow processes
202043.3 APPLY entropy,available and non available energy for an Open and Closed System
202043.4 DETERMINE the properties of steam and their effect on performance of vapour power cycle
202043.5 ANALYSE the fuel combustion process and products of combustion
202043.6 SELECT various instrumentation s required for safe and efficient operation of steam generator
Course code and Name :-202044   Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
202044.1 EXPLAIN the effect of crystal structures and lattice parameters on material properties
202044.2 DETERMINE the crystal structures and imperfections in crystals with mechanical behavior of materials
202044.3 DETERMINE mechanical properties using destructive and non-destructive testing of materials
202044.4 DESCRIBE the system phase parameters, variables, component, grains, grain boundary, and degree of freedom.
202044.5 EXPLAIN the effect of alloying element & heat treatment on properties of ferrous & nonferrous alloy
202044.6 IMPLEMENT the knowledge of various materials to select appropriate materials for applications
Course code and Name :-203156 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
203156.1 APPLY programming concepts to UNDERSTAND role of Microprocessor and Microcontroller in embedded systems
203156.2 DEVELOP interfacing of different types of sensors and other hardware devices with Atmega328 based Arduino Board
203156.3 UNDERSTAND the operation of DC motor, its speed control methods and braking
203156.4 DISTINGUISH between types of three phase induction motor and its characteristic features
203156.5 EXPLAIN about emerging technology of Electric Vehicle (EV) and its modular subsystems
203156.6 CHOOSE energy storage devices and electrical drives for EVs
Course code and Name :-202045 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Lab
202045.1 SELECT appropriate dimensioning practices for drawings and understand IS and ASME standards
202045.2 APPLY geometric and dimensional tolerance, surface finish symbols in drawing
202045.3 READ & ANALYSE simple industrial drawings
202045.4 EVALUATE dimensional tolerance based on type of fit
202045.5 UNDERSTAND the principles of DFM
Second Year Engineering  SEM II
Course code and Name :- 207002 Engineering Mathematics - III
207002.1 SOLVE higher order linear differential equation and its application to model and analyze mass spring systeam.
207002.2 APPLY integral transform techniques such as Laplace transform and Fourier Transform to solve differential equations involved in vibration theory ,heat transfer and related mechanical engineering application .
207002.3 APPLY statistical method like correlation,regression in analysing and interpreting expermental data applicable to reliability engineering and probability theory in testing and quality control .
207002.4 APPLY interpreting expermental data applicable to reliability engineering and probability theory in testing and quality control .
207002.5 PERFORM vector differentiation & integresion ,analyze vector field and APPLY to fluid flow problem.
207002.6 SOLVE Partial differential equation such as wave equations ,one and two dimensional heat flow equations.
Course code and Name :- 202047 Kinematics of Machinery
202047.1 IDENTIFY mechanisms in real life applications
202047.2 APPLY kinematic analysis to simple mechanisms using Analytical Methods
202047.3 ANALYZE velocity and acceleration in mechanisms by graphical method
202047.4 SYNTHESIZE a four bar mechanism with analytical and graphical methods
202047.5 APPLY fundamentals of gear theory as a prerequisite for gear design
202047.6 CONSTRUCT cam profile for given follower motion
Course code and Name :-202048 Applied Thermodynamics
202048.1 DETERMINE COP of refrigeration system and ANALYZE psychrometric processes
202048.2 DISCUSS basics of engine terminology,air standard, fuel air and actual cycles
202048.3 IDENTIFY factors affecting the combustion performance of SI and CI engines
202048.4 DETERMINE performance parameters of IC Engines and emission control
202048.5 EXPLAIN working of various IC Engine systems and use of alternative fuels
202048.6 CALCULATE performance of single and multistage reciprocating compressors and DISCUSS rotary positive displacement compressors
Course code and Name :- 202049 Fluid Mechanics
202049.1 DETERMINE properties of fluid
202049.2 APPLY the laws of fluid statics and buoyancy
202049.3 IDENTIFY types of fluid flow and terms associated in fluid kinematics
202049.4 APPLY principles of fluid dynamics to laminar flow
202049.5 ESTIMATE friction and minor losses in internal flows and DETERMINE boundary layer Formation over an external surface
202049.6 CONSTRUCT mathematical correlation considering dimensionless parameters, also PREDICT the performance of prototype using model laws
Course code and Name :-202050 Manufacturing Processes
202050.1 SELECTappropriatemoulding, coremaking and meltingpractice andestimate pouringtime, solidificationrate and DESIGNriser size andlocation for sandcasting process
202050.2 UNDERSTANDmechanism ofmetal formingtechniques andCALCULATE loadrequired for flatrolling
202050.3 DEMONSTRATEpress workingoperations andAPPLY the basicprinciples toDESIGN dies andtools for formingand shearingoperations
202050.4 CLASSIFY andEXPLAIN differentwelding processesand EVALUATEweldingcharacteristics
202050.5 DIFFERENTIATEthermoplastics andthermosetting andEXPLAIN polymerprocessingtechniques
202050.6 UNDERSTAND the principle ofmanufacturing offibre-reinforcecomposites andmetal matrixcomposites
Course code and Name :-202051 Machine Shop
202051.1 PERFORM welding using TIG/ MIG/ Resistance/Gas welding technique
202051.2 PERFORM cylindrical/surface grinding operation and CALCULATE its machining time
202051.3 DETERMINE number of indexing movements required and acquire skills to PRODUCE a spur gear on a horizontal milling machine
202051.4 PREPARE industry visit report
202051.5 UNDERSTAND procedure of plastic processing
202051.6 MAKE Fibre-reinforced Composites by hand lay-up process or spray lay-up techniques
Course code    and Name  :  -202052 Project Based Learning - II
202052.1 IDENTIFY the real-world problem (possibly of interdisciplinary nature) through a rigorous literature survey and formulate / set relevant aims and objectives.
202052.2 ANALYZE the results and arrive at valid conclusions.
202052.3 PROPOSE a suitable solution based on the fundamentals of mechanical engineering by possibly integration of previously acquired knowledge.
202052.4 CONTRIBUTE to society through proposed solutions by strictly following professional ethics and safety measures.
202052.5 USE of technology in proposed work and demonstrate learning in oral and written form.
202052.6 DEVELOP ability to work as an individual and as a team member.

Third Year Engineering  SEM I
Course code and name :-302041 Numerical & Statistical Methods
302041.1 SOLVE system of equations using direct and iterative numerical methods by using accuracy and no. of iteration criteria (PI 2.2.3)
302041.2 Apply the numerical techniques for finding solutions of differential equations (PI 2.2.3)
302041.3 Demonstrate the application of numerical methods for finding the solutions of inegrations (PI 2.2.3)
302041.4 Determine the correct curve fitting equation by using least square regression for given condition (PI 2.2.4)
302041.5 APPLY statistical and quantitative data analysis Techniques for finidng correlations among two variables. (2.4.4)
302041.6 Use the probability theory and linear algebra for given conditons (2.4.1)
Course code and Name :-302042 Heat & Mass Transfer
302042.1 ANALYZE & APPLY the modes of heat transfer equations for one dimensional thermal system.
302042.2 DESIGN a thermal system considering fins, thermal insulation and & Transient heat conduction
302042.3 EVALUATE the heat transfer rate in natural and forced convection & validate with experimentationresults.
302042.4 INTERPRET heat transfer by radiation between objects with simple geometries, for black and greysurfaces
302042.5 ANALYZE the rate of mass transfer
302042.6 DESIGN & ANALYSIS of heat transfer equipments and investigation of its performance
Course code   and Name  :-302043 Design of Machine Elements
302043.1 DESIGN AND ANALYZE the cotter and knuckle Joints, levers and components subjected to eccentric loading.
302043.2 DESIGN shafts, keys and couplings under static loading conditions.
302043.3 ANALYZE different stresses in power screws and APPLY those in the procedure to design screw jack.
302043.4 EVALUATE dimensions of machine components under fluctuating loads.
302043.5 EVALUATE & INTERPRET the stress developed on the different type of welded and threaded joints.
302043.6 APPLY the design and development procedure for different types of springs.
Course code and Name :-302044 Mechatronics
302044.1 DEFINE key elements of mechatronics, principle of sensor and its characteristics.
302044.2 UTILIZE concept of signal processing and MAKE use of interfacing systems such as ADC, DAC, Digital I/O.
302044.3 DETERMINE the transfer function by using block diagram reduction technique.
302044.4 EVALUATE Poles and Zero, frequency domain parameter for mathematical modeling for mechanical system.
302044.5 APPLY the concept of different controller modes to an industrial application.
302044.6 DEVELOP the ladder programming for industrial application.
Course code and Name :-Elective I- 302045-A :  Advanced Forming & Joining Processes
302045A.1 ANALYSE the effect of friction in metal forming deep drawing and IDENTIFICATION of surface defects and their remedies in deep drawing operations
302045A.2 ASSESS the parameters for special forming operation and SELECT appropriate special forming operation for particular applications
302045A.3 ANALYSE the effect of HAZ on microstructure and mechanical properties of materials
302045A.4 CLASSIFY various solid state welding process and SELECT suitable welding processes for particular applications
302045A.5 CLASSIFY various advanced welding process and SELECT suitable welding processes  for particular applications.
302045A.6 INTERPRET the principles of sustainable manufacturing and its role in manufacturing industry.
Course code and Name :- Elective I- 302045-B : Machining Science & Technology
302045B.1 DEFINE metal cutting principles and mechanics of metal cutting and tool life. 
302045B.2 DESCRIBE features of gear and thread manufacturing processes.
302045B.3 SELECT appropriate grinding wheel and demonstrate the various surface finishing processes.
302045B.4 SELECT appropriate jigs/fixtures and to draw the process plan for a given component.
302045B.5 SELECT and EVALUATE various parameters of process planning.
302045B.6 GENERATE CNC program for Turning / Milling processes and generate tool path using CAM software.  
Course code and Name :-302046: Digital Manufacturing Laboratory
302046.1 DEVELOP a component using conventional machines, CNC machines and Additive Manufacturing Techniques.
302046.2 ANALYZE cutting tool parameters for machining given job.
302046.3 DEMONSTRATE simulation of manufacturing process using Digital Manufacturing Tools.
302046.4 SELECT and DESIGN jigs and Fixtures for a given component.
302046.5 DEMONESTRATE different parameters for CNC retrofitting and reconditioning.
Course code: and Name  -302047 Skill Development
310247.1 APPLY& DEMONSTRATE procedure of assembly & disassembly of various machines.
310247.2 DESIGN & DEVELOP a working/model of machine parts or any new product.
310247.3 EVALUATE fault with diagnosis on the machines, machine tools and home appliances.
310247.4 IDENTIFY & DEMONSTRATE the various activities performed in an industry such as maintenance, design of components, material selection.
Third  Year Engineering  SEM II
Course code and Name :-302049 Artificial Intelligence &Machine Learning
302049.1 DEMONSTRATE fundamentals of artificial intelligence and machine learning
302049.2 APPLY feature extraction and selection techniques
302049.3 APPLY machine learning algorithms for classification and regression problems
302049.4 DEVISE AND DEVELOP a machine learning model using various steps
302049.5 EXPLAIN concepts of reinforced and deep learning
302049.6 SIMULATE machine learning model in mechanical engineering problems
Course code and Name :-302050 Computer Aided Engineering
302050.1 DEFINE the use of CAE tools and DESCRIBE the significance of shape functions in finite element formulations
302050.2 APPLY the various meshing techniques for better evaluation of approximate results.
302050.3 APPLY material properties and boundary condition to SOLVE 1-D and 2-D element stiffness matrices to obtain nodal or elemental solution.
302050.4 ANALYZE and APPLY various numerical methods for different types of analysis
302050.5 EVALUATE and SOLVE non-linear and dynamic analysis problems by analyzing the results obtained from analytical and computational method.
302050.6 GENERATE the results in the form of contour plot by the USE of CAE tools.
Course code and Name :-302051 Design of Transmission Systems
302051.1 APPLY the principle of Spur & Helical gear design for industrial application and PREPARE a manufacturing drawing with the concepts of GD&T.
302051.2 EXPLAIN and DESIGN Bevel & Worm gear considering design parameters as per design standards.
302051.3 SELECT&DESIGN Rolling and Sliding Contact Bearings from manufacturer's catalogue for a typical application considering suitable design parameters.
302051.4 DEFINE and DESIGN various types of Clutches, Brakes, used in automobile.
302051.5 APPLY various concept to DESIGN Machine Tool Gear box, for different applications
302051.6 ELABORATE various modes of operation, degree of hybridization and allied terms associated with hybrid electric vehicles.
Course code and Name :-Elective II 302052 Composite Materials 
302052A.1   DEFINE & COMPARE composites with traditional materials
302052A.2 IDENTIFY & ESTIMATE different parameters of the Polymer Matrix Composite
302052A.3 CATEGORISE and APPLY Metal Matrix Process from possessions landscape
302052A.4 DETERMINE volume/weight fraction and strength of Composites
302052A.5 SELECT appropriate testing and inspection method for composite materials
302052A.6 SELECT composites materials for various application
Course code and Name :-302052-B: Surface Engineering
302052B.1 DEFINE the basic’s principle & mechanism of surface degradation.
302052B.2 ANALYSE & SELECT correct corrosion prevention techniques for a different service condition.
302052B.3 DEMONSTRATE the role of surface engineering of materials to modify/improve the surface properties.
302052B.4 SELECT the suitable surface heat treatments to improve the surface properties.
302052B.5 APPLY the surface modification technique to modify surface properties.
302052B.6 ANALYSE & EVALUTE various surface coating defects using various testing/characterization method.
Course code and Name :-302053 Measurement Laboratory
302053.1 EVALUATE causes of errors in Vernier calipers, micrometers by performing experiments in standard metrological conditions, noting deviations at actual and by plotting cause and
effect diagram, to reduce uncertainty in measurement.
302053.2 ANALYZE strain measurement parameters by taking modulus of elasticity in consideration to acknowledge its usage in failure detection and force variations.
302053.3 EXAMINE surface Textures, surface finish using equipment’s like Talysurf and analyze surface finish requirements of metrological equipment’s like gauges, jaws of vernier
calipers, micrometers, magnifying glasses of height gauge and more, to optimize surface finish accuracy requirements and cost of measurement.
302053.4 MEASURE the dimensional accuracy using Comparator and limit gauges and appraise their usage in actual measurement or comparison with standards set to reduce measurement
lead time.
302053.5 PERFORM Testing of Flow rate, speed and temperature measurements and their effect on performance in machines and mechanisms like hydraulic or pneumatic trainers, lathe
machine etc. to increase repeatability and reproducibility.
302053.6 COMPILE the information of opportunities of entrepreneurships/business in various sectors of metrology like calibrations, testing, coordinate and laser metrology etc in an
industry visit report.
Course code    and Name  :  -302054  Fluid Power & Control Laboratory
302054.1 DESCRIBE working principle of components used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
302054.2 EXPLAIN applications of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
302054.3 SELECT an appropriate component required for hydraulic and pneumatic systems using manufactures’ catalogues
302054.4 ANALYSE various hydraulic and pneumatic systems for industrial/mobile applications
302054.5 DESIGN a hydraulic and pneumatic system for the industrial applications
302054.6 DEMONESTRATE various IoT, PLC based controlling system using hydraulics and pneumatics
Course code and Name  :- 302055 Internship/Mini project
302055.1 EXPLAIN plan and execute a Mini Project with team
302055.2 IMPLEMENT hardware/software/analytical/numerical techniques, etc.
302055.3 DEVELOP a technical report based on the Mini project
302055.4 DELIVER technical seminar based on the Mini Project work carried out

Final Year Engineering  SEM I
Course code and name :-402041 Heating Ventilation Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 
402041.1 ANALYSE different air-craft refrigeration systems and EXPLAIN the properties, applications and environmental issues of different refrigerants.
402041.2 ANALYSE multi pressure refrigeration system used for refrigeration applications.
402041.3 DISCUSS types of compressors, condensers, evaporators and expansion valves along with regulatory and safety controls and DESCRIBES Transcritical and ejector refrigeration
402041.4 ESTIMATE cooling load for air conditioning systems used with concern of design conditions and indoor quality of air.
402041.5 DESIGN air distribution system along with consideration of ventilation and infiltration.
402041.6 EXPLAIN the working of types of desiccants, evaporative, thermal storage, radiant cooling, clean room and heat pump systems.
Course code and Name :-402042 Dynamics of Machinery
402042.1 APPLY balancing technique for static and dynamic balancing of multi cylinder inline and radial engines
402042.2 ANALYZE the gyroscopic couple or effect for stabilization of Ship, Airplane and Four wheeler vehicles
402042.3 ESTIMATE natural frequency for single DOF un-damped & damped free vibratory systems
402042.4 DETERMINE response to forced vibrations due to harmonic excitation, base excitation and excitation due to unbalance forces
402042.5 ESTIMATE natural frequencies, mode shapes for 2 DOF un-damped free longitudinal and torsional vibratory systems
402042.6 DESCRIBE noise and vibration measuring instruments for industrial / real life applications along with suitable method for noise and vibration control
Course code   and Name  :-402043 Turbomachinery
402043.1 APPLY impulse moment principle on flat, inclined and curved surfaces and DETERMINE performance characteristics of hydraulic turbines.
402043.2 DETERMINE performance parameters of impulse and reaction steam turbine, DESCRIBE Function of nozzles, governing mechanism & losses.
402043.3 DETERMINE performance parameters of single & multistage centrifugal pumps, EXPLAIN cavitation and selection.
402043.4 EXPLAIN performance parameters of centrifugal compressor, DESCRIBE theoretical aspects of axial compressor.
Course code and Name :- Elective III 402044( D): Industrial Engineering
402044.D.1 Evaluate the productivity and implement various productivity improvement techniques
402044.D.2 Apply work study techniques and understands its importance for better productivity.
402044.D.3 Demonstrate the ability to select plant location, appropriate layout and material handling equipment
402044.D.4 Use of Production planning and control tools for effective planning, scheduling and managing the shop floor control
402044.D.5 Plan inventory requirements and exercise effective control on manufacturing requirements
402044.D.6 Apply Ergonomics and legislations for human comfort at work place and understands the role of value engineering in improving productivity.
Course code and Name :- 402046 Data Analytics Laboratory
402046.1 UNDERSTAND the basics of data analytics using concepts of statistics and probability.
402046.2 APPLY various inferential statistical analysis techniques to describe data sets and withdraw useful conclusions from acquired data set.
402046.3 EXPLORE the data analytics techniques using various tools
402046.4 APPLY data science concept and methods to solve problems in real world context
402046.5 SELECT advanced techniques to conduct thorough and insightful analysis and interpret the results
Course code and Name :-402047 Project Stage I
402047.1 Implement systems approach
402047.2 To conceptualize a novel idea / technique into a product
402047.3 To think in terms of a multi-disciplinary environment
402047.4 To take on the challenges of teamwork, and document all aspects of design work
402047.5 To understand the management techniques of implementing a project
Final  Year Engineering  SEM II
Course code and Name :-402048 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
402048.1 EXPLAIN CIM and factory automation
402048.2 UNDERSTAND the integration of hardware and software elements for CIM
402048.3 APPLY CNC program for appropriate manufacturing techniques
402048.4 ANALYZE processes planning, quality and MRP integrated with computers
402048.5 INTERPRET flexible, cellular manufacturing and group technology
402048.6 ANALYZE the effect of IOT, Industry-4.0 and cloud base manufacturing.
Course code and Name :-402049 Energy Engineering
402049.1 EXPLAIN the power generation scenario, the layout components of thermal power plant and ANALYZE the improved Rankine cycle.
402049.2 ANALYZE the performance of steam condensers, cooling tower system; RECOGNIZE an environmental impact of energy systems and methods to control the same.
402049.3 EXPLAIN the layout, component details of diesel engine plant, hydel and nuclear energy systems.
402049.4 ANALYZE gas and improved power cycles.
402049.5 EXPLAIN the fundamentals of renewable energy systems.
402049.6 EXPLAIN basic principles of energy management, storage and economics of power generation.
Course code and Name :-Elective V 402050 B-Energy Audit and Management
402050B.1 EXPLAIN the energy need and role of energy management
402050B.2 CARRY OUT an energy audit of the Institute/Industry/Organization
402050B.3 ASSESS the ENCON opportunities using energy economics
402050B.4 ANALYSE the energy conservation performance of Thermal Utilities
402050B.5 ANALYSE the energy conservation performance of Electrical Utilities
402050B.6 EXPLAIN the energy performance improvement by Cogeneration and WHR method
Course code and Name :-Elective VI 402051 (D) - Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behavior
402051D.1 DEMONSTRATEfundamentalknowledge about needand scope of industrial- organizationalpsychology andbehavior
402051D.2 ANALYZE the jobrequirement, haveunderstanding offatigue, boredom andimprove the jobsatisfaction
402051D.3 UNDERSTAND theapproaches toenhance theperformance
402051D.4 KNOWLEDGE oftheories oforganizationalbehavior, learning andsocial-system
402051D.5 UNDERSTAND themechanism of groupbehavior, variousaspects of team,leadership and conflictmanagement
402051D.6 EVALUATE theorganizational culture,manage the changeand understandsorganizationaldevelopmentapproaches
Course code and Name :-402051(E) - Electrical and Hybrid Vehicle
402051E.1 UNDERSTAND the basics related to e-vehicle
402051E.2 CLASSIFY the different hybrid vehicles
402051E.3 IDENTIFY and EVALUATE the Prime Movers, Energy Storage and Controllers
402051E.4 DISCOVER and CATAGORIZE the Electric Vehicle Configuration with respect to Propulsion, Power distribution and Drive-Train Topologies
402051E.5 DEVELOP body frame with appropriate suspension system and TESTING of for e-Vehicles
402051E.6 CLASSIFY and EVALUATE Battery Charging techniques and management
Course code and Name :-402052 Mechanical Systems Analysis Laboratory
402052.1 DEVELOP an understanding of the Systems Engineering Process and the range of factors that influence the product need, problem-specific information collection, Problem Definition, Task Specification, Solution Concept inception, Concept Development, System’s Mathematical Modelling, Synthesis, Analysis, final solution Selection, Simulation, Detailed Design, Construction, Prototyping, Testing, fault-finding, Diagnosis, Performance Analysis, and Evaluation, Maintenance, Modification, Validation, Planning, Production, Evaluation and use of a system using manual calculation, computational tools
402052.2 ILLUSTRATE the concepts and USE the developed skill-set of use of computational tools (FEA, CFD, MBD, FSI, CAE) to automate the complete product development
402052.3 EVALUATE the knowledge of new developments and innovations in technological systems to carry forward to next stage of employment after passing your Undergraduate
Degree Examination.
402052.4 APPRAISE how technologies have transformed people’s lives and can be used to SOLVE challenges associated with climate change, efficient energy use, security, health,
education and transport, which will be coming your ways in the coming future.
402052.5 PRIORITIZE the concept of quality and standards, including systems reliability, safety and fitness for the intended purpose.
402052.6 INVENT yourself to face the challenges of future technologies and their associated Problems.
Course code    and Name  :  -402053 Project (Stage - II)
402053.1 Implement systems approach
402053.2 To conceptualize a novel idea / technique into a product
402053.3 To think in terms of a multi-disciplinary environment
402053.4 To take on the challenges of teamwork, and document all aspects of design work
402053.5 To understand the management techniques of implementing a project
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