PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes
PSO-1: Inculcate professional skills: Ability to adapt a multi-disciplinary approach to develop solutions for industrial and societal related problems.
PSO-2: Cultivate employability and entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and inculcation of continuous learning towards professional career.
Course Outcomes
Second Year Engineering SEM I | |
Course code and Name: 217541- Engineering Material | |
CO 1 | Understand crystal structures and deformation of materials |
CO 2 | Determine mechanical properties of materials using destructive and non-destructive meeting |
CO 3 | Understand and draw phase and iron-carbide diagram |
CO 4 | Describe different heat treatment processes. |
CO 5 | Understand different types of ferrous materials |
CO 6 | Understand different types of non-ferrous materials |
Course code and Name: 217542- Heat and Mass Transfer | |
CO 1 | Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of thermodynamics |
CO 2 | Analyze performance of Boilers and steam turbine. |
CO 3 | Analyze the various power cycles |
CO 4 | Identify & explain the three modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection and radiation). |
CO 5 | Interpret heat transfer by convection and radiation between simple geometry for black and graysurface |
CO 6 | Design and analyze different heat exchangers |
Course code and Name: 217542- Heat and Mass Transfer (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Determination of thermal characteristics for different system |
CO 2 | Survey of temperature sensors used in various thermal systems. |
CO 3 | Perform Thermodynamic Analysis of any System / Model by using any Computer Software. |
Course code and Name: 217543- Digital Electronics | |
CO 1 | Simplify Boolean Expressions using K Map. |
CO 2 | Design and implement combinational circuits. |
CO 3 | Design and implement sequential circuits. |
CO 4 | Develop simple real-world application using ASM and PLD. |
CO 5 | Choose appropriate logic families IC packages as per the given design specifications. |
CO 6 | Explain organization and architecture of computer system |
Course code and Name: 217543- Digital Electronics (Practical) | |
CO 1 | To develop the Fundamental Digital Circuit Design Skills |
CO 2 | To design the Proficiency in Flip-Flop and Counter Design |
CO 3 | To understand Advanced Sequential Logic and Shift Register Understanding |
Course code and Name: 217544- Analysis of Mechanical Structure | |
CO 1 | DEFINE various types of stresses and strain developed on determinate and indeterminate members. |
CO 2 | DRAW Shear force and bending moment diagram for various types of transverse loading and support. |
CO 3 | COMPUTE the slope & deflection, bending stresses and shear stresses on a beam. |
CO 4 | CALCULATE torsional shear stress in shaft and buckling on the column. |
CO 5 | APPLY the concept of principal stresses and theories of failure to determine stresses on a 2- D element. |
CO 6 | UTILIZE the concepts of SFD & BMD, torsion and principal stresses to solve combined loading application based problems. |
Course code and Name: 217544- Analysis of Mechanical Structure (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Calculate tensile strength for a circular bar of ductile material through Tension Test. |
CO 2 | Calculate shear strength of a ductlie material workpiece on UTM. |
CO 3 | Verify Torsion formula for circular bar by Torsion Test. |
Course code and Name: 217545- Modelling of Mechatronics System (Lab) | |
CO 1 | Visualize and prepare detail drawing of a given object. |
CO 2 | Draw details and assembly of mechatronics systems. |
CO 3 | Read and interpret a given machine drawing. |
CO 4 | Create 2-D and 3-D models using any standard CAD software with manufacturing considerations. |
Course code and Name: 217546- Object Oriented Programming Lab | |
CO 1 | Analyse the strengths of object oriented programming |
CO 2 | Design and apply OOP principles for effective programming |
CO 3 | Develop the application using object oriented programming language(C++) |
CO 4 | Apply object-oriented concepts for advanced programming |
Course code and Name: 202046 - Audit Course - III | |
CO 1 | DIFFERENTIATE Good and bad habits |
CO 2 | DEVELOP Communication skill |
CO 3 | EMPLOY technology in communication through E-mail, mobile |
Second Year Engineering SEM II | |
Course code and Name: 217547- Kinematics of Machinery | |
CO 1 | Apply kinematic analysis to Simple Mechanisms. |
CO 2 | Analyse Velocity and Acceleration Mechanisms by vector method. |
CO 3 | Analyse velocity and acceleration mechanisms by graphical method. |
CO 4 | Synthesize the four bar/ slider crank mechanisms with analytical and graphical methods using Inversion and Relative Pole Methods. |
CO 5 | Apply fundamentals of gear theory as a prerequisite for gear design |
CO 6 | Construct cam profile for the motion of follower as UV, SHM, UARM |
Course code and Name: 217547- Kinematics of Machinery (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Use experimental methods in kinematic analysis |
CO 2 | Analyze the velocity and acceleration in mechanisms using graphical approach |
CO 3 | Apply softwares in analysis of mechanis |
CO 4 | Use virtual lab in study of mechanisms |
CO 5 | Do Forward and Inverse Kinematics of 2 DOF Manipulators |
Course code and Name: 217548:- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery | |
CO 1 | Understand the physical properties and characteristic of fluids |
CO 2 | Explain the Kinematics and dynamics of fluid |
CO 3 | Apply the principles of fluid mechanics to incompressible fluid flow |
CO 4 | Apply dimensional analysis for different models. |
CO 5 | Understand the basic concepts of hydraulic turbine |
CO 6 | Understand the basic concepts of hydraullic pump |
Course code and Name: 217548:- Fluid Mechanics and Machinery (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Demonstrate an ability to perform and evaluate the properties of fluid for real life problems |
CO 2 | Demonstrate an ability to perform calibration of given instrument required for solving real life problems |
Course code and Name: 217549:- Electrical Machines and drive | |
CO 1 | Understand basic theory of DC Motors |
CO 2 | Explain the concept of three 3-phase induction motors |
CO 3 | Describe the working of Synchronous Motor |
CO 4 | Understand the basics of electrical drive and drive dynamics |
CO 5 | Evaluate the steady state behaviour of DC Motors |
CO 6 | Understand the basic concept of DC Drives |
Course code and Name: 217549:- Electrical Machines and drive (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Evaluate the steady state behavior and basic operating characteristics of D.C Machine |
CO 2 | Evaluate the steady state behavior and basic operating characteristics of THREE PHASE INDUCTION Machine |
CO 3 | Understand the basics of electric drives and fundamentals of drive dynamics |
CO4 | Analyze DC drive, Induction and Synchronous DC Motors Drives. |
CO5 | Analyze DC drive, Induction and AC Synchronous Motors Drives. |
CO6 | Analyze DC drive, Induction and Synchronous Motors Drives. |
Course code and Name: 217550:- Sensor and Actator | |
CO 1 | Understand the basic characteristics of sensors and concept of signal conditioning |
CO 2 | Describe the various displacement sensors |
CO 3 | Illustrate the various pressure, flow and temparature sensors |
CO 4 | Explain the different electrical acuation system |
CO 5 | Implement pneumatic and hydraulic actuation system |
CO 6 | Select the actuators based on different parameters. |
Course code and Name: 217550:- Sensor and Actator (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Understand the different measurement techniques |
CO 2 | Apply the different sensors for different parameter measurment |
CO 3 | Explain the different actuation systems. |
Course code and Name: 217551:- Aplication of Integrated Circuits | |
CO 1 | Understand Fundamentals of Op-amp |
CO 2 | Design Linear Application of OpAMP. |
CO 3 | Apply OP-amp for NON- linear application |
CO 4 | Demonstrate various Data Converter |
CO 5 | Illustrate the special purpose Integrated Circuits. |
CO 6 | Describe various voltage regulating circuits |
Course code and Name: 217551:- Aplication of Integrated Circuits (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Development of OP-AMP Circuit to Measure Performance Characteristics |
CO 2 | Demonstrate the Use of OP-AMP as (1) Summing Amplifier (2) Subtractor (3) Zero Crossing Detector and (4) Voltage Comparator |
CO 3 | Design and Obtain Frequency Response of Second Order of Active Filter |
Course code and Name: 217552:- Project Based Learning - II | |
CO 1 | To emphasize project based learning activities that are long-term, interdisciplinary and studentcentric |
CO 2 | To inculcate independent and group learning by solving real world problems with the help of available resources. |
CO 3 | To be able to develop applications based on the fundamentals of mechanical engineering by possibly applying previously acquired knowledge. |
CO 4 | To get practical experience in all steps in the life cycle of the development of mechanical systems: specification, design, implementation, and testing. |
CO 5 | To be able to select and utilize appropriate concepts of mechanical engineering to design and analyze selected mechanical system. |
Third Year Engineering SEM I | |
Course code and Name: 317541- Machine Design | |
CO 1 | Design and analyze the cotter and knuckle Joints, levers and components subjected to eccentric loading. |
CO 2 | Design shafts, keys and couplings under static loading conditions. |
CO 3 | Analyze different stresses in power screws and apply its knowledge to design screw jack. |
CO 4 | Evaluate dimensions of machine components under fluctuate loading conditions. |
CO 5 | Understand different welded and threaded joints structure and apply its knowledge to analyze its strength. |
CO 6 | Apply the design and development procedure for different types of springs. |
Course code and Name: 317541- Machine Design(Practical) | |
CO 1 | Design and analyze the cotter and knuckle Joints, levers and components subjected to eccentric loading. |
CO 2 | Design shafts, keys and couplings under static loading conditions. |
CO 3 | Analyze different stresses in power screws and apply its knowledge to design screw jack. |
Course code and Name: 317542- Manufacturing Processes | |
CO 1 | SELECT appropriate moulding, core making and melting practice and estimate pouring time,solidification rate and DESIGN riser size and location for sand casting process |
CO 2 | UNDERSTAND mechanism of metal forming techniques and CALCULATE load requiredfor flat rolling |
CO 3 | DEMONSTRATE press working operations and APPLY the basic principles to DESIGN diesand tools for forming and shearing operations |
CO 4 | CLASSIFY and EXPLAIN different welding processes and EVALUATE weldingcharacteristics |
CO 5 | DIFFERENTIATE thermoplastics and thermosetting and EXPLAIN polymer processingtechniques |
CO 6 | UNDERSTAND processing ,assembling and packing of Electronics Circuits |
Course code and Name: 317542- Manufacturing Process(Practical) | |
CO 1 | Study various manufacturing processes, including sand casting, permanent mold casting, metal forming etc. |
CO 2 | Demonstrate on indexing mechanisms, surface grinding operations, measuring surface roughness |
CO 3 | Practical demonstrate on welding machines, surface/cylindrical grinding, milling machines, |
Course code and Name: 317543- Control System | |
CO 1 | Determine and use models of physical systems in forms suitable for use in the analysis and design of control systems. |
CO 2 | Determine and use models of physical systems in forms suitable for use in the analysis and design of control systems. |
CO 3 | Understand concepts and principles in quantum mechanics. Relate them to some applications. |
CO 4 | Perform frequency domain analysis of control systems required for stability analysis. |
CO 5 | Apply root-locus, Frequency Plots technique to analyze control systems. |
CO 6 | Express and solve system equations in state variable form.. |
Course code and Name: 317543- Control Systems (Practical) | |
CO 1 | TO UNDERSTAND experiment on components of control system |
CO 2 | TO UNDERSTAND Transient response of 1st order & 2nd order system |
CO 3 | TO ANALYZE Frequency response of 1st order & 2nd order system |
CO 4 | TO CLASSIFY Steady state error analysis of different types of systems |
CO 5 | Simulation of Time response analysis |
Course code and Name: 317544- Digital Signal Processing | |
CO 1 | Understand the fundamentals of signals and systems |
CO 2 | Apply the concept of Z- transform for solving the difference equation |
CO 3 | Apply the Discrete Fourier Transform for signals |
CO 4 | Understnad the concept of Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform |
CO 5 | Design of IIR filter for given specifications. |
CO 6 | Design of FIR filters for given specifications and expalin the applications of DSP |
Course code and Name: 317544- Digital Signal Processing (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Evaluate and analyze the time domain characteristics of Discrete-Time Systems |
CO 2 | Evaluate and analyze the frequency domain characteristics of Discrete-Time Systems |
CO 3 | Design and implement different frequency selective filters. |
Course code and Name: 317545- Microcontrollers | |
CO 1 | Describe the architecture and features of various types of the microcontroller. |
CO 2 | Illustrate addressing modes and execute programs in assembly language for the microcontroller. |
CO 3 | Write programs in C language for microcontroller 8051. |
CO 4 | Elaborate interrupt structure of 8051 and program to handle interrupt and ADC809 |
CO 5 | Define the protocol for serial communication and understand the microcontroller development systems. |
CO 6 | Interface input-output devices and measure electrical parameters with 8051 in real time. |
Course code and Name: 317545- Microcontrollers (Lab) | |
CO 1 | To develop Microcontroller Fundamentals |
CO 2 | To analyze Assembly Language Programming Proficiency |
CO 3 | To study Practical Applications in Microcontroller Interfacing |
Course code and Name: 317546- Metrology Laboratory Lab | |
CO 1 | Evaluate causes of errors in vernier calipers, micrometers by performing experiments in standard metrological conditions, noting deviations at actual and by plotting cause and effect diagram, to reduce uncertainty in measurement. |
CO 2 | Analyze strain measurement parameters by taking modulus of elasticity in consideration to acknowledge its usage in failure detection and force variations. |
CO 3 | Examine surface Textures, surface finish using equipment’s like Talysurf and analyze surface finish requirements of metrological equipment’s like gauges, jaws of vernier calipers, micrometers, magnifying glasses of height gauge and more, to optimize surface finish accuracy requirements and cost of measurement |
CO 4 | Weigh dimensional accuracy using Comparator and limit gauges and appraise their usage in actual measurement or comparison with standards set to reduce measurement lead time |
CO 5 | Test Flow rate, speed and temperature measurements and their effect on performance in machines and mechanisms like hydraulic or pneumatic trainers, lathe machine etc to increase repeatability and reproducibility |
Third Year Engineering SEM II | |
Course code and Name: 317547- Industrial Automation | |
CO 1 | Understand the fundamentals of Industrial Automation, PLC |
CO 2 | Understand the basic PLC programming |
CO 3 | Develop ladder diagram using advanced PLC programming |
CO 4 | Compare various analog PLCs |
CO 5 | Interface various devices with PLC |
CO 6 | Develop SCADA system for given application. |
Course code and Name: 317547- Industrial Automation (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Develop and simulate ladder programs for various industrial control applications, |
CO 2 | Interface PLC to various circuits |
CO 3 | Design and Develop SCADA System for application |
Course code and Name: 317548:- Electro-Mechanical System | |
CO 1 | Understand fundamentals of fluid power and its components. |
CO 2 | Describe hydraulic system with its Actuating Mechanisms |
CO 3 | Design hydraulic and electro-hydraulic circuits. |
CO 4 | Describe pneumatic system with its actuating mechanisms. |
CO 5 | Design pneumatic and electro pneumatic system circuits. |
CO 6 | Select PLC circuits for Industrial automation. |
Course code and Name: 317548:- Electro-Mechanical System (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Understand the basic hydraulic system and its components. |
CO 2 | Classify the Hydraulic Pumps |
CO 3 | Understand the Performance characteristics of Gear Pump |
CO 4 | Classify the Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders |
CO 5 | Classify Hydraulic and Pneumatic Valves |
CO 6 | Design and implement the hydraulics and electro-hydraulics circuits using hardware and software |
CO 7 | Design and implement the pneumatics and electro-pneumatic circuits using hardware and software |
CO 8 | Understand the role of PLC in Automation and Process Control |
Course code and Name: 317549:- Finite Element Analysis | |
CO 1 | Understand the different FEA techniques to solve engineering problems. |
CO 2 | Develop 1D element stiffness matrix and load vectors for various methods |
CO 3 | Develop 2D element stiffness matrix and load vectors for various methods. |
CO 4 | Understand the isoparametric elements and numerical integration |
CO 5 | Apply FEA techniques for heat transfer problems. |
CO 6 | Implement FEA techniques for dynamics analysis problem. |
Course code and Name: 317549:- Finite Element Analysis (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Understand the different techniques used to solve mechanical engineering problems. |
CO 2 | Derive and use 1-D element stiffness matrices and load vectors from various methods to solve for displacements and stresses. |
CO 3 | ANALYZE and APPLY various numerical methods for different types of analysis |
CO4 | Explain the inner workings of a finite element code for linear stress, displacement, temperature and modal analysis. |
CO5 | EVALUATE non-linear and dynamic analysis problems non-linear and dynamic analysis by analytical methods |
Course code and Name: 317550:- Embedded System Design | |
CO 1 | Explain architecture of PIC 18F458 microcontroller, its instructions and the addressing modes. |
CO 2 | Use Ports and timers for peripheral interfacing and delay generation. |
CO 3 | Interface special and generate events using CCP module. |
CO 4 | Effectively use interrupt structure in internal and External interrupt mode. |
CO 5 | Effectively use ADC for parameter measurement and also understand LCD interfacing. |
CO 6 | Use Serial Communication and various serial communication protocols. |
Course code and Name: 317550:- Embedded System Design (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Understanding of Embedded Systems Programming |
CO 2 | Hands-on Hardware Interfacing Skills |
CO 3 | Applied Problem-Solving Abilities |
Course code and Name: 317551:- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning | |
CO 1 | Understand Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. |
CO 2 | Explain Feature Extraction and Selection Algorithm. |
CO 3 | Apply machine Learning Algorithms for Classification & Regression. |
CO 4 | Develop Machine Learning Model using various steps. |
CO 5 | Explain concept of Reinforced & Deep Learning. |
CO 6 | Discuss the various application areas of Artifical Intelligence & Machine Learning. |
Course code and Name: 317551:- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Practical) | |
CO 1 | Develop a program acquire, visualize and analyze the data set |
CO 2 | Develop a program to aquire and select data set & establish training data |
CO 3 | Demostrate use of supervised learning algorithm |
Course code and Name: 317552:- Mini- Project | |
CO 1 | EXPLAIN plan and execute a Mini Project with team. |
CO 2 | IMPLEMENT hardware/software/analytical/numerical techniques, etc. |
CO 3 | DEVELOP a technical report based on the Mini project |
CO 4 | DELIVER technical seminar based on the Mini Project work carried out |
Fourth Year Engineering SEM I | ||
Course code and Name: 417541- Robot Operating System (Theory) | ||
CO 1 | Understand the fundamentals of Robot operating system | |
CO 2 | Explain different modes of robot programming and its applications | |
CO 3 | Apply VAL program for robotic applications. | |
CO 4 | Apply RAPID language program for robotic applications. | |
CO 5 | Understand the basic concepts of virtual robot systems | |
CO 6 | Simulate different robot model | |
Course code and Name: 417541- Robot Operating System (Practical) | ||
CO 1 | Select Use of any robotic simulation software to model the different types of robots and calculate work volume for different robots | |
CO 2 | Read and Analyze variety of industrial robots | |
CO 3 | Apply Concept of Robot design and program for different field applications. | |
CO 4 | Evaluate the significance of industrial robot | |
Course code and Name: 417542- Data Communication | ||
CO 1 | Compare and contrast the significance and limitations of analog and digital communication systems. | |
CO 2 | Demonstrate the knowledge of antennas in communication systems | |
CO 3 | Demonstrate a clear understanding of fundamentals of wireless and mobile communication systems | |
Course code and Name: 417542- Data Communication (Practical) | ||
CO 1 | Compare and contrast the significance and limitations of analog and digital communication systems. | |
CO 2 | Demonstrate the knowledge of antennas in communication systems | |
CO 3 | Demonstrate a clear understanding of fundamentals of wireless and mobile communication systems and standards. | |
Course code and Name: 417543- Micro Electro Mechanical System | ||
CO 1 | 417543.1 | Understand fabrication process of MEMS. |
CO 2 | 417543.2 | Discuss various sensors and actuators in MEMS |
CO 3 | 417543.3 | Understand fabrication methods used in MEMS |
CO 4 | 417543.4 | Explain the scaling laws ad materials used in MEMS |
CO 5 | 417543.5 | Apply characterization techniques in MEMS |
CO 6 | 417543.6 | Understand the fundamentals of nano-technology |
Course code and Name: 417544- Image Processing & Computer Vision | ||
CO 1 | 417544.1 | Apply relevant mathematics required for digital image processing |
CO 2 | 417544.2 | Apply method for image enhancement andalgorithmic approches for image segmentation |
CO 3 | 417544.3 | Understand image descriptors and features for computer vision |
CO 4 | 417544.4 | Discuss machine learning techniques for computer vision |
CO 5 | 417544.5 | Demostrate computer vision using opencv and python |
CO 6 | 417544.6 | Discuss the application areas of image processing and computer vision. |
Course code and Name: 417544- Image Processing & Computer Vision (Practical) | ||
CO 1 | 417544.1 | To Apply Relevant Mathematics Required for Digital Image Processing |
CO 2 | 417544.2 | To apply machine learning for computer vision |
CO 3 | 417544.3 | To Understand Open CV for Computer Vision Using Python |
Course code and Name: 417544 B- Medical Mechatronics | ||
CO 1 | 417544 B.1 | Select proper electrodes and electrolyte for different measurement of parameters. |
CO 2 | 417544 B.2 | Explain the principle and working of any biomedical equipment. |
CO 3 | 417545 B.1 | Identify different types of biomedical unit for measurement and analysis techniques. |
CO 4 | 417545 B.2 | Design suitable orthotic and prosthetic devices and applications |
CO 5 | 417546 B.1 | Explain the working of different imaging techniques in Biomedical Engineering |
CO 6 | 417546 B.2 | Demonstrate the significance of safety, telemetry and hospital information system in biomedical Instrumentation |
Course code and Name: 417545- Medical Mechatronics (Lab) | ||
CO 1 | 417545.1 | Understand the working principle of biomedical equipments |
CO 2 | 417545.2 | Understand the measurement techniques in medical electronics |
CO 3 | 417545.3 | Understand the working of different imaging techniques |
Course code and Name: 417545- Product Design & Development | ||
CO 1 | 417545.1 | UNDERSTAND Product design and Product development processes |
CO 2 | 417545.2 | UNDERSTAND Processes, tools and techniques for Market Survey & Product Specification Finalization |
CO 3 | 417545.3 | UNDERSTAND Processes, tools and techniques for Concept Inception, Verification and selection |
CO 4 | 417545.4 | UNDERSTAND Processes, tools and techniques for Concept Exploration & Development |
CO 5 | 417545.5 | UNDERSTAND Processes, tools and techniques for Design Verification and Validation |
CO 6 | 417545.6 | UNDERSTAND Processes, tools and techniques for Robust Design and Development |
Course code and Name: 417545- Industry 4.0 | ||
CO 1 | Understand the basic concepts of Industry 4.0 and the other related fields. | |
CO 2 | Understand cyber physical system and the emerging applications. | |
CO 3 | Discuss the differnt energy storage systems | |
CO 4 | Describe Smart grid System | |
CO 5 | Discuss various smart application in industry 4.0 | |
CO 6 | Understand the fundamental od industrial internet of things | |
Course code and Name: 417546- Project Stage- I | ||
CO 1 | IMPLEMENT systems approach. | |
CO 2 | CONCEPTUALIZE a novel idea / technique into a product. | |
CO 3 | THINK in terms of a multi-disciplinary environment | |
CO 4 | TAKE ON the challenges of teamwork, and DOCUMENT all aspects of design work. | |
CO 5 | UNDERSTAND the management techniques of implementing a project. | |
CO 6 | DEMONSTRATE the final product for Functionality, Designability, and Manufacturability. | |
Fourth Year Engineering SEM II | ||
Course code and Name: 417548- Internet of Things | ||
CO 1 | Understand building blocks of IOT | |
CO 2 | Compare the connectivity technologies and protocols in IOT | |
CO 3 | Illustrate various IOT platforms for application development | |
CO 4 | Discuss various Resource management in IOT | |
CO 5 | Discuss Security Issues in IOT | |
CO 6 | Understand the Architechtural Approach for IOT applications | |
Course code and Name: 417548- Internet of Things (Practical) | ||
CO 1 | Demonstrate interfacing of digital & analog sensors | |
CO 2 | Implement PWM technique for LED brightness control | |
CO 3 | Demostrate Data transfer from one development board to other using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth | |
CO 4 | Demostrate connection of development board to internet either with Wi-Fi or GSM | |
Course code and Name: 417549:- Vibration Analysis & Control | ||
CO 1 | APPLY balancing technique for static and dynamic balancing of multi cylinder inline and radial engines | |
CO 2 | ANALYZE the gyroscopic couple or effect for stabilization of Ship, Airplane and Four wheeler vehicles | |
CO 3 | ESTIMATE natural frequency for single DOF un-damped & damped free vibratory systems | |
CO 4 | DETERMINE response to forced vibrations due to harmonic excitation, base excitation and excitation due to unbalance forces | |
CO 5 | ESTIMATE natural frequencies, mode shapes for 2 DOF undamped free longitudinal and torsional vibratory systems. | |
CO 6 | DESCRIBE noise and vibration measuring instruments for industrial / real life applications along with suitable method for noise and vibration control. | |
Course code and Name: 417549:- Vibration Analysis & Control (Practical) | ||
CO 1 | Demonstrate vibration characteristics, dynamic behaviour and condition mnoitoring of mechanical systems | |
CO 2 | Verify experimentally dymanic vibration absorber | |
CO 3 | Investigate experimentally tthe effect of active gyroscopic couple | |
Course code and Name: 417550-A:- App Development | ||
CO 1 | Understand basic android development and environment | |
CO 2 | Understand basic software tools and android development tools | |
CO 3 | Develop a program with android UI representations. | |
CO 4 | Develop a program with connectivity and SQLite Database | |
CO 5 | Describe security in Application Deployment | |
CO 6 | Understand basics of web development and application | |
Course code and Name: 417550-C:- Advanced Control Systems | ||
CO 1 | Compute pulse transfer and time response of digital control systems. | |
CO 2 | Realize pulse transfer function and investigate stability of digital control systems using pole locations, Jury stability test, bilinear transformation and Routh stability test. | |
CO 3 | Compute state model from pulse transfer function, pulse transfer function from state model and state transition matrix of digital control systems. | |
CO 4 | Investigate state controllability, state observability and design state regulator, full order state observer and optimal state regulator for digital control systems | |
CO 5 | Investigate stability of continuous and discrete time LTI systems represented in state space using Lyapunov method. | |
CO 6 | Analyze non-linear systems using describing function and phase plane method. | |
Course code and Name: 417551-B:- Human Machine Interface | ||
CO 1 | Design innovative and user-friendly interfaces for industrial application. | |
CO 2 | Criticize existing interface designs, and improve them. | |
CO 3 | Design application for social and technical task with safety concern | |
Course code and Name: 417551-C:- Electric Vehicles | ||
CO 1 | UNDERSTAND the basics related to e-vehicle | |
CO 2 | CLASSIFY the different hybrid vehicles | |
CO 3 | IDENTIFY and EVALUATE the Prime Movers, Energy Storage and Controllers | |
CO 4 | DISCOVER and CATAGORIZE the Electric Vehicle Configuration with respect to Propulsion, Power distribution and Drive-Train Topologies | |
CO 5 | DEVELOP body frame with appropriate suspension system and TESTING of for eVehicles | |
CO 6 | CLASSIFY and EVALUATE Battery Charging techniques and management | |
Course code and Name: 417552:- Project Stage- II | ||
CO 1 | IMPLEMENT systems approach. | |
CO 2 | CONCEPTUALIZE a novel idea / technique into a product. | |
CO 3 | THINK in terms of a multi-disciplinary environment | |
CO 4 | TAKE ON the challenges of teamwork, and DOCUMENT all aspects of design work. | |
CO 5 | UNDERSTAND the management techniques of implementing a project. | |
CO 6 | DEMONSTRATE the final product for Functionality, Designability, and Manufacturability. |
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